And so it was that the good news was shared by BSTV at the lunch hour. 

"We would like to send our heartfelt congratulations to Dorian and Mega Su upon the birth of their ninth child."

It was not everyday that one saw such news anywhere in the empire. It was not unusual for one man to have nine children, what was unusual was for one woman to give birth to nine children, all naturally at that. The citizens of the blue star had yet something else to gossip about, especially the women.

"Have you heard the news?" one woman that was in the corn fields asked her neighbor. 

"What news?" the other asked. 

"The governor's mother has given birth to her ninth child." 

"Eh," another woman joined in, "I have never in my life heard about a woman giving birth to nine children." This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

"Her husband must be proactive when it comes to their sex life." someone said and they laughed. 

"In my opinion he should reduce that proactiveness, do you know the burden of a natural pregnancy on a woman's body?" 

"We have med beds, what burden is there? Besides, she chose to have a natural birth like they used to do in uncivilized days, why should he take the blame for it?"

One young woman was holding a remote in her hands and using it to control a machine hand harvester which was picking corn and dumping it into a container. She looked at the older women and said, "Have you all seen how good looking Lord Dorian Su is? If I were her, I would be pregnant all the time too." 

The older women laughed, one of them that was sixty three years old looked at the young woman and she said, "These young ones are into looks more than anything, girl I advise you to find a hardworking man. My husband is on the heavy side but he bought us a four bedroom apartment with a lake view. He works hard in the car making factory, lately he has been taking on night shifts too. We are planning to have our first child next year. I may not be able to brag about his looks but I can brag about his capability." 

"Can we drink milk from every animal in that case?" Elroy was curious. 

"No," Scarlet a bit loudly, "God no!!, do not attempt to milk the pigs in search for milk please. The animals my teacher mentioned were cows, goats, water buffaloes, sheep and camels. I have never seen some of those animals with my own eyes before you ask Elroy." Technically it was not a lie because she had never seen any water buffaloes or camels with her naked eyes. 

"So that's what these cans are for?" Cecily shook her head in wonder. "We have passed by them many times in the supermarkets but no one knows what they are so they don't purchase them. Is the powdered milk for only infants?" 

"The one in the blue and white can is for adults, I actually prefer powdered milk to liquid milk. I simply put it in a glass, add some sugar and lick it slowly. Now that we have corn, I have asked for some to be set aside for the production of cereals. That's when you will enjoy milk more." Her eyes were closed and she was thinking about cereal and milk, coincidentally her stomach grumbled, reminding her that she had not yet had breakfast. 

"Have you eaten anything since morning?" Esong asked her. 

"I will eat later, but why are all of you here when my mother is breastfeeding?" she looked at her husband and the seventh prince. 

"Don't worry I covered up the upper part of my body." her mother explained. "All they can hear is the suckling noises of your sister. One of the pigs gave birth and I went by when the three piglets were suckling, they sounded like this." 

"Mmm, mother, before I forget I went to the temple and got my baby sister a blessed pendant. It's a prosperity pendant, I want to put it around her neck." 

"Is it like the one around your neck?" her mother looked at her neck and pointed. 

Scarlet nodded, "Mine is for peace, they have others for strength, love, health. If any of you is interested go and get one, someday they will be very popular and not easy to get a hold of."

"Sister I want." Halley said in her voice. 

"Right." Scarlet said in a childish voice, "I will buy one for you." 

"Governor," the doctor in the room said, "I was wondering...." While he was talking Tion came in and whispered something to Scarlet. 

Her eyes widened and she rushed to leave without saying a word, Tion followed after her. It looked like something urgent and terrible had just occurred. 

"What happened?" Adler asked anyone that could hear him. 

"Something about a fire." Esong said and he rushed out. 

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