It was just two days after the mecha warriors arrived when the first drops of fluffy white snow fell, and as beautiful as they were, they brought that dreadful chilling bite and nightmare with them. The streets of the blue city were emptied, all the civilians had locked themselves inside their houses. They would come out if the mecha warriors communicated with the governor and she would reassure the rest of them that it was safe to move.

This did not mean it would be safe, it simply meant that they could move cautiously and when they heard sirens and saw alerts on their bracelet terminals, they would find the nearest shelters if they were outside and hide.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

Scarlet was not among those who were locked indoors, she was outside, patrolling the streets with the mecha warriors who were very obviously uncomfortable with her presence. Their lead captain Vangar also disapproved of Tion and her other body guards being present. They were ex mecha warriors, they were now considered civilians. All civilians should be indoors.

"You should be heading back inside." Vangar told her.

"Not yet." Scarlet kept her eyes on the boarder which mutated beasts could not penetrate unless they superior powers or happened to be extremely powerful.

"Why do you insist on being outside?" Vangar asked her.

"Because, I want to see what the enemy looks like. Hiding and fearing the unknown has never kept anyone safe. Besides, I have more knowledge on these beasts that you do, that's why I have this drone camera with me. I must capture the images of as many beasts as possible, share them with Esong and he can add them to the archives, library or wherever they store such information."

Something touched the shields and the mecha warriors were alerted.

"The snow has only been falling for a few days and already the beasts arrive." Vangar commented. "All warriors, be alert, we have unwanted visitors in section twenty one." She heard a clear voice coming from his terminal.

"Which one is section twenty one?" she asked him.

"All the sections are available on the map of your blue star; it's rare for the mutated beasts to lurk around unoccupied areas. They attack where humans live so section twenty one," he pointed to a section of the now empty old city which had no living residents except for them currently. Since the shields were translucent, they could see the outside very clearly and a couple of green long beaked birds were attempting to penetrate through the shield with their beaks.

Something else touched the barrier and again, the alarms went off on the terminals of the mecha warriors.

"All warriors be alert, something has made it through section thirteen."

Tion and the personal guards surrounded Scarlet, drawing their weapons immediately. The mecha warriors with her, did the same.

"It's fast and heading to section twenty one."

"Coming your way Captain." She heard someone say.

A very loud alarm went off; everyone could see it on their terminals and their television screens that something had made it inside the shield already. Everyone around Scarlet tensed up and those whose mechas were not active activated them.

Scarlet used her grim reaper vision to track whatever it was down, and in slow motion, she saw a furry white creature with pink eyes running toward them with the speed of wind.

Mecha warriors in their oversized suits were shooting at it from the sky and others were running after it on the ground. "Where is it?" she heard someone shout.

It was white like the snow, Scarlet thought it was obvious why they were having a difficult time finding it, but she was different, she could see it clearly. The beast was a actually stupid because if it burrowed itself in the snow and lurked around, it might have the chance to do more damage_, but no, she stopped her thoughts when she realized it was too big to burrow or hide.

"A furry snow white ape," Scarlet said loudly, "Aim for the eyes." She had this bow and arrow which Maddox crafted and she took it from her storage bracelet. Today was the day it would be making its entrance to the world.

"Get the governor out of here." Vangar yelled.

"It's too late." Tion shouted back.

There was a lot of misguided shooting going around as if no one had heard Scarlet yell aim for the eyes.

"Nobody move, I got this!!" Scarlet shouted.

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