After playing in the snow, she randomly decided to make pizzas, this was something that even she herself found to be ridiculous, the simplest food to eat, so delicious even if left overnight and she forgot all about it!!

So, she turned the music high up and got to work in the kitchen with the assistance of two of her maids. Once again, the maids wondered why no single screen was turned on on the castle tonight. In fact, Tion seemed to have gone out of his way tonight to switch off all the televisions.

Something was wrong lately with their lady, they knew, the aura of the governor was off. 

"Mummy," Justin's voice came from the living room. He was obediently sitting in a chair and Cecily was feeding him warm chocolate milk with a spoon as if he was still a little baby. Here, within castle walls Justin ate up this baby treatment with happiness.

"Yes baby." She answered.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

"Can I watch television?" He asked politely.

Her Justin was a polite baby, always considerate, sweet and kind. If anyone asked her about him, Scarlet always said that she won the most wonderful baby in the baby pool. She had met some children here that had unsuitable attitudes like Justin's friend little Bubu. His mother spoiled him rotten, giving him all he demanded like a little king and never chastising him. Once, in the library when the boy failed to get a Jack and the beanstalk story book because it was out of stock, he flung himself on to the ground and threw a big tantrum, then he screamed as if he was a pig being slaughtered by a local village butcher. On top of that, he pointed to another child, a little girl and said commandingly, "give me hers." For a minute there, watching the boy from a distance, it almost looked to Scarlet as if Bubu's mother was considering snatching the book from the girl and giving it to his friend. The boy was also becoming chubbier by the day from being over fed and Scarlet could see that soon, he would be overweight for his age. She was not one to tell another woman how to raise her child but somebody really needed to have a serious conversation with the woman. She did not want this kind of child around her son, call it snobbish or selfish or perhaps over reaction but Justin needed good friends to stay a good boy.

"Sure baby." She replied after taking two deep breaths.

Right on cue, Esong's face appeared first with a reporter from BSTV talking about the heroic rescue of the general of a ship from another empire, one unrelated to them called Xeno. Where they came from, there was no such thing as mutated beasts which is probably why they came to the Sun star at such a terrible time. The ship sent out a distress signal and Esong and his men went outside of the shield, confronting many mutated beasts directly before rescuing the occupants of the ship. The rescue mission was not without casualties but so far, none had been reported dead because of the apparent healing gifts of one of the ships occupants.

lightsnοvεl The maids were surprised, Scarlet's hands remained in the empty space where the flour had previously been and Tion carried Justin, giving him to another guard with instructions to send him to his other grandmother. It was possible that a fight would break out between the women, the air was tense and volatile at the moment.

After dusting the flour off her face, "Ha-ha," Lora laughed with a sneer, "Her highness can call someone a bitch!, huh." She gasped and looked at Cecily with eyes that obviously mocked her.

"We have been so nice to you." Cecily yelled and she threw a knife from the kitchen counter at Lora, but this time, Lora was ready for it, turning it around and adding a bottle of olive oil to the mixture, sending them Cecily's way.

A few more kitchen items and ingredients were sent hurling back and forth while the maids who had no mental strength lowered their bodies to avoid being injured.

Scarlet stayed where she was and watched them destroy many of her harmless ingredients that were the true innocent casualties of this kitchen war. If these two wanted to fight, why not take it outside.

A splat of hot Chilli sauce landed in Cecily's eyes and she shrieked 'my eyes', with rage, she run toward Lora who was laughing with milk dripping from her head so unbothered.

Cecily had a red energy stone sword in one hand and a knuckle blade in the other.

Lora too armed herself, with an energy gun no less.

"Sword versus gun bitch." She told Cecily, confrontational with that same sneer on her face.

" That's it!!" Cecily replied and she run toward Lora.

"Tion!!" Scarlet raised her voice.

"Got it." He said. From behind, he tackled Lora and carried her out of the kitchen.

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