Severus directly blinked, sending them both to the underworld and on their arrival, the hell hound proceeded to prance around, even trotting like a horse as he appeared to be extremely panicked.

"Stop that." She told him, it was distracting her.

In a very high pitched undignified tone, Severus answered, "He saw us, he called your name, you saw that, right? This is not good, humans should not be able to see us."

"He did not see us." She replied calmly.

Severus turned his red eyes on Scarlet who was the picture of perfect peace and tranquility, completely unbothered and currently munching on a hell fruit.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

"Stop eating that foul thing and concentrate." He yelled.

"Buddy, unless Esong's nose has eyes then he did not see us. I am little freaked out as well but all he did was sniff the air and call my name." She smelled her armpits and wrists, "Maybe he is too familiar with the smell of my perfume."

"Humans should not be able to smell us either." He added, "Not in our other forms anyway." Severus added. "Maybe he is not human after all, the old deity could have been right."

"You realize that we have just rescued him from being preyed on by a soul eater. If the man was not human he would not be in the condition we found him in. Now, stop panicking, think rationally and let's go get some money." The money were energy crystals, and Severus hated it when she called them that.

The hound, still looking troubled, did not budge, mumbling something about needing to speak to Lythia.

"Oh look, your mother is here." Scarlet said and suddenly Severus jumped up high in the air as if he was being assaulted by a group of red ants, blinked and vanished. He did not even check first to ascertain if her words were true.

As soon as they left, all was restored as it was before, it was brighter again and the screeching was gone. Her soul binding rope was in her hands and there was an additional round grey bead which she was certain had not been there before.

'My money.' She thought.

"Register the rest of your souls." A soul registrar said to her.

Not particularly contented because she had received no explanation, Scarlet held the registrar's arm tightly. "Wait a minute, what just happened? I delivered a level seven rare type of soul eater why was it taken from me without payment?"

"The bead is your payment, rare soul eaters, especially the nasty ones are not dealt with by our department." He replied, shrugged his arm away and then gave her a scowl. "Others are waiting."

Because she did not want to drag the line and delay other soul deliveries she did what was necessary and then started walking off in the direction of Lythia's palace.

"Oh, look at that, she is running off to mummy to report." A voice directly coming from behind her mocked.

Scarlet wanted to ignore it, but her feet moved faster than her mind, prompting her to turn around and face the mockery coming from whoever it was. It was not a reaper she had met before but judging from his uniform and the red of his scythe, it was a warrior reaper. He was standing with a female reaper, probably his companion judging from the similar looking rings on their fingers. The male reaper would have had captivating looks were it not for his overly sharp nose which made him look a long beaked bird. His companion was simply fine, and quiet, she also looked very uncomfortable with the situation.

"Walk away." She told him. She was not one of those reapers who sought out confrontation but it always seemed to find her when she was minding her business. But she was no coward and if the fight came to her, she would face it head on.

"Why should I?" He replied, "You must be cheating, the hound caught that soul eater, right? Why do you get to reap the benefits? How is this fair to the rest of us?"

Scarlet folded her arms across her chest and smiled provocatively before saying, "Then, maybe you should get your own hound, there are many of them in the underworld. You warrior reapers have more access to them since you hunt the most dangerous soul eaters after all. Go on, if you think having a hell hound is cheap and simple, try it." Severus had the appetite of one hundred adult men, he criticized her all the time, was always away running his own errands, loved spending her energy crystals and he made demands of her all the time. Their partnership was not perfect, he was not a docile soul pet like the others. In other reaper and soul pet relationships, the reaper was in charge and the pet often listened to their instructions but in hers, there was an imbalance in the power. One she was actually grateful for because Severus had taught her a lot but they butted heads more often as well.

"Don't speak nonsense, you are a weak level three reaper that caught a level seven soul collector, how ridiculous." He looked at her with heavy deep seated contempt.

She was so puzzled and she tsked, and asked, "Why are you so angry about me capturing a soul eater from my world? All of us are assigned to different worlds, you have yours and I have mine. If I had come to your world and captured a soul eater then you would have the right to do this but I did not. I will not bother to defend myself to you, it's not worth it."

She knew now what Hawk had said was right, jealousy and competition among a small percentage of competing grim reapers existed. It was not all peace and love in the underworld, this reaper was probably not the only one who felt sour about her partnership with Severus because of the advantages it brought her. The question was, should she care about how they felt?

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