The general rituals were over, speeches were also given and the burial ceremony ended. The people could now go and celebrate the lives of their dead. As protocol would have it, Scarlet should have been the first to evacuate but she remained behind and listened to the chanting of monks. What she was unsure of was how or who taught them the Gregorian chant. The temple reminded her of a monastery as they chanted, an old ancient monastery which felt spiritual and clean from the moment one stepped inside. She closed her eyes and listened with a small smile on her face, all this chanting was really good for her soul cultivation. The energy in the temple was greater than usual, and she absorbed as much as she could.

To outsiders it looked like she was in a deep state of meditation, sitting with her legs crossed like that and unmoving for close to two hours.

When she opened her eyes, it was with joy and expectation that she would soon break through to the final level of the third stage of soul cultivation.

lightsΝοvel She was the only one left in temple, with the exception pf the monks. Everyone else seemed to have left for the individual celebrations in their homes.

Scarlet got an incense stick which she lit, thanked the old deity and Lythia for their participation in the ceremony and then she made a generous donation to the temple.

"So you know how to be grateful." The old deity's voice returned to her mind as if it never left.

"I felt your presence when they burned the bodies, that gentle wind when the bells were ringing as well, I know Lythia's touch when I feel it." She replied.

When she got no response, she walked outside and located her bodyguards who were standing right outside the large doors leading into the temple.

"Let's go." She touched Tion's shoulder and said.

They surrounded her and escorted her to the car which set off for the headquarters of BSTV.

Mr. Rodney was waiting for her over there with a very serious glare in his eyes and a scowl on his face.

'He is pissed.' She thought. But who wouldn't be passed off if a chief guest for a program was late.

"Sorry." She looked as genuinely apologetic as she could be.

"You wanted a water background, take a look at what we designed." One of the station's sound and visual engineers in the room showed her what kind of scenarios would be shown as she sung.

"Are you ready?" Mr. Rodney asked her.

"Mm." She nodded.

"If I die young, bury me...." Scarlet started singing. Her voice needed no prep and if it needed fine tuning the sound engineers were available to do that. They had the song, lyrics, composition and everything already.

In the capital, Esong was walking through the streets with Dez and a humanoid robot butler, from shop to shop, he was moving around and shopping. It was obvious that he was preparing for his return home. Usually, people would approach him and ask to take pictures, shake his hands or ask him to sign something but not today. It was common knowledge that after winter, for at least a month, general Esong hated being approached by strangers and being congratulated. Men had died, to him, there was nothing to smile about it. Others had been injured permanently, maimed or scarred so what was there to celebrate?

He was inside of a shop that sold flying devices when he saw his wife's face on television. She was wearing a white dress and sitting in a dingy floating vessel with colorful flowers in every side. The floating vessel was on a vast water body, with nothing else in sight.

"Turn that up." He told the owner.

For the entirety of the song, his eyes did not once move away from the screen. He watched her sing a sad song about dying young and he frowned as he thought about all of his men that had died young.

He did not even realize that he was touching the blessed pendant around his neck as he watched her sing and thought to himself that those men did not deserve to die, they should have lived full lives. How long would they keep burying their own? When would it end?

When the song ended, he realized that his assistant was crying, loudly in the open.

"What is wrong with you?"

Dez wiped his eyes, and he said, "It's so sad general, the song is so sad."

Esong sighed and he looked at owner of the shop, "Give me the latest flying toys for children under six, and a couple of open C grade ships that run on nuclear energy. I also need wing attachments for armor and I want to see your latest catalogue."

While he made his order, Dez resumed his crying.

Esong ignored his crying assistant because mecha warriors did not weep on this day, they could but it had to be done in private. Instead, out in public, they put on brave faces and celebrated those who had died. They toasted to their achievements, recounted stories about their greatness and ensured that their selfless sacrifices would never be forgotten.

All day on television, radios and any other media that is what would be shown or shared the most. But for now, songs and performances to send off the dead were being shown on every channel and Scarlet had started singing a new song.

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