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After one hour of running, thirty five minutes of meditating under the rising sun and one bath, Scarlet felt as fresh as a daisy and she was ready to conquer the day. There was much to do because they were expecting new immigrants, this would bring more life to the small population of the blue star. So many things had been delivered in advance ahead of their arrival, like the transformable tents which provided shelter in the wild. Esong had acquired thousands of them at a discount from the mecha warriors sales department because they were mostly used by soldiers and mecha warriors. Those who did not want to sleep in tents would live and sleep in their mechas until the houses were ready for moving in.

She had also been contacted by a company that wanted to sign her as an official live broadcaster for their network and in one or two hours they would be arriving. The fact that she had only been contacted by only one company puzzled her because she was awesome at it and she had been expecting them to come knocking by the dozen but it seemed as if her content was either not attractive to them or they didn't think she would accomplish much with it. Perhaps they considered it to be a fad that would soon pass.

As she walked through the house with materials of silk and cotton she contemplated upon many things.

"You have one new message." Her bracelet alerted her. This was a newer bracelet that Esong had formatted and tossed her way before they went in different directions.This one came with a virtual assistant, hologram projections and an AI that could speak to her through a very small wire device of sorts attached to her ear. The RGB officers that came to pick up the maids had such small devices connected to their ears but she had not known what they were.

"Read it." She said.

"Greetings Scarlet this is Cecily Wu, Esong's grandmother. I am contacting you because I have some things I need to discuss with you, please don't be scared off for I come in good faith.I hope to hear from you soon"

"Text over."

Esong's grandmother wanted to talk! What was it about? She looked for memories of the woman in her mind and she remembered the stern looking but kind elder who even though she disapproved of Scarlet had dotted on Justin and would say word or two to her about how to raise a child. She had not been so terrible to her and communicating with her could be good for Justin.

"What about you little sister, what is good for you?" He asked with a frown. He noticed that she did not mention herself but rather her son. Would she allow herself to be unhappy for the rest of her life for his sake? If she wanted a divorce like she said once before he would support her.

"I am a mother Beord." She said with a sigh. "When you have a child you stop thinking about yourself and you think about your child. I need to undo all the four years worth of emotional damage that I inflicted on him. I need him and his father to be on good terms which means I have to be on good terms with Esong too. I can't divorce him and unless I plan to murder him I am stuck with him forever. I am doing my best with what fate has handed to me." She smiled and looked up at him. "What about you second brother is there anyone special in your life?"

"Hmph." He said and grunted. "Women fear me because of my size, I say 'hi' and they go running as if I am about to pounce on them."

"That's because they are the wrong women. What would you do with a cowardly woman anyway? You need someone with a character like our mother's." She told him. "You need a tamer of giants. I am sure she is coming, destiny will send her your way."

"You really believe in this fate and destiny thing." He said softly but highly disapproving and extremely doubtful.

"Hey, I do not force anyone to belive what I believe, faith cannot be forced. Just like the temples I want built I will not force anyone to go and worship or make some desperate prayer before any deity. My faith is my own and yours is your own. We have free will after all."

"If any reporter contacts you and asks for a quote that is exactly what you should say." He told her.

"Noted." She replied. He used to work in communications so he knew about these things better than she did. "This is it." She pointed at the very large tent where a shoddy wooden poster labeled clothes manufacturing department had been set up. "Today its a steel tent but someday it will be large beautiful buildings." She had a vision and one day that vision will come pass.

"I believe you." He told her. "I was a small worker drone in a communications department of a company and today I am the Head of communications for an entire planet, dreams come true." He said and laughed. She realised that he actually had a dimple in his right side cheek that made him look extremely adorable. Women should not be running from him, they should be running to him.

She laughed along with him and then bumped her arm against his large frame. "I will see you later brother."

"I am waiting for oat porridge sister, hurry up."

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