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Chapter 661

"...You're not part of the Nukijo gang, are you?"

"No, we're not."

Yuder's terse response caused Elpkins' eyes to tremble mercilessly. Instead of offering a lengthy explanation, Yuder decided to succinctly reveal their purpose and identity.

"We are from the Cavalry, here to destroy this place. How many like you are trapped here?"

Although Yuder asked, he didn't really expect immediate cooperation. Saving someone and being suspicious are two different things. Elpkins was known for his roughness, ferocity, and deep-seated skepticism, so he wasn't likely to easily believe Yuder's words.

However, Yuder's assumption was unusually incorrect this time.

Upon hearing Yuder's answer, tears suddenly streamed down Elpkins' eyes.



Elpkins, sniffling like a deer, spoke up.

"It can't be... The Cavalry? Are you really here to save us?"

'...Really? He believes us this easily?'

Is this really Elpkins? While Yuder hesitated, Kishiar stepped in with a gentle demeanor to respond.

"Yes. If you can't believe us, would you like to see a token of the Cavalry?"

"No, no. I believe you. I've heard that the Cavalry came to Charloin. Those guys I fought with... they might be dead by now..."

Elpkins' voice wavered before he broke into tears again.

"Sob... sob... Wail."

His crying was like that of a lost child who had finally found his parents, a mix of sorrow and joy.

Yuder, after a brief exchange with the tearful Elpkins, who was eagerly sharing information about the fighting arena and himself, realized something.

The rough, skeptical Elpkins he remembered was not here.

Present was a naive person, having awakened only a few months ago and still not fully accustomed to his own form.

"I was, you know... a woodcutter. Then one day, I accidentally slipped and almost fell off a cliff, and that's how I awakened... Sob... Sniff. But because I look like this, people are scared and avoid me..."

Knowing about the existence of the Cavalry, he had planned to head to a big city to find a way to join them, thinking that a place where only Awakeners gathered might offer some solution for someone like him.

However, upon reaching Charloin, Elpkins was swindled by a con artist he met at an inn, losing all his belongings, and eventually ended up in this fighting arena.

"I don't remember how long I've been here. You can't see the sun rise or set here... But it feels like a long time."

According to Elpkins, since his arrival, he had fought a total of ten times, and spent more time bound here, lying down in pain. He only met other Awakeners in the waiting room right before or after a fight, but that was enough to exchange some words.

"A person who died here before me said there are about 40 rooms here. He was from another country to the west and had been brought here without knowing what it was... He said he would definitely escape alive. Not that it was of any use."


"When I first came here, there were more people who had been deceived and brought here. But lately, there are more first-time participants temporarily brought in from the outside than those trapped here. One of them told me it was because of the Cavalry's recruitment... I think that person died that day. Never saw them again..."

Elpkins exerted himself to recall every detail he had seen and heard, down to the most trivial aspects. The fact that he sincerely believed in those who had saved him was evidence enough of his efforts.

Among the information he provided, some were already speculated by Yuder and Kishiar based on what they had observed and heard from the outside. However, there were many aspects only someone who had been here for a long time would know, like the detailed structure of the fighting arena and information about the other Awakeners who had passed through it.

After listening to all he had to say, Yuder succinctly summarized the information.

"So, to summarize, the first underground level is a regular fighting arena. The second is for Awakeners and special guests. And from the third level downwards, that's where they imprison the Awakeners."


"The difference between the Awakeners who are locked up and the Awakeners who are not is those who came in unawares and survived the first fight like you, or those who were kidnapped from the outside from the start."

"That's right."

Originally, Yuder and Kishiar too would have been dragged here and imprisoned after surviving their first fight.

'If they hadn't realized we were Awakeners with second genders.'

During a meal, after blatantly inquiring and learning about their second gender status, Nukijo looked at them as if they were golden nuggets, with a sly grin that made his satisfaction and intentions all too clear.

From his previous life, Yuder had heard that the fighting arenas often organized fights specifically targeting Awakeners with second genders. The organizers packaged and sold the concept of second gender beings, something beyond the imagination of non-Awakeners, in a highly intriguing and almost salacious manner.

It was also here that the absurd misinformation that the strong scent the Omega Awakeners emit during their heat period supposedly enhances vitality and sexual arousal, originated and spread widely.

'In a way, this place is where the nightmare of Omega Awakeners began.'

If Yuder and Kishiar had not come here today, it would only be a matter of time before some unfortunate Awakeners with second genders were captured and became the start of that horrific 'new business.'

Even while suffering in this place, Elpkins had diligently observed and remembered everything about it. This was not only because he had better observational skills than he appeared to have, but also because he still had enough humanity in him not to give up hope of escape.

'It's fortunate. If we had arrived any later, when his humanity had been completely eroded... we wouldn't be seeing him as he is now.'

"Everything I know about this place is just this much. Will this be of any help?"

"Yes, it might be of great help. But let me ask you one more thing."

"Oh, yes. Ask away. I'll tell you anything I know..."

"Do you know why the powers don't work here? It seems like it's because of someone's ability among those who are imprisoned. Do you know anything about that?"


Elpkins exclaimed loudly upon hearing this. He reflexively startled at the sound of his own voice, then lowered his voice and continued.

"The Nukijo gang just said that powers can't be used here. I thought it was because of some magic installed in this place, but if it's due to someone's ability... I haven't seen it myself, but there's something I suspect."

"What is it?"

"Every time the Nukijo gang brought me back here after a fight, they always had a conversation in front of a certain room. 'That person’s not dead yet, right? It'll be difficult to manage the others here if that person dies. If that person doesn't eat, tear open that person’s throat and force-feed it...' Something like that."


Yuder's eyes narrowed.

'It's highly likely that an Awakener with the power of suppression is imprisoned in that room.'

"Do you remember where that room is?"

"My mind was always foggy when I was brought back here, and I could barely see ahead... But I do remember the location of that room. It was the first one I passed every time I descended from the stairs to the second underground floor."

That meant it was centrally located on the third underground level.

'Suppression or nullification abilities are often exerted on a targeted basis, but if it's placed in the center, it might be someone with a range-type ability similar to Nahan. It's not incredibly wide, but to continuously exert such power day and night without dying... that's impressive.'

Yuder hadn't heard of such an ability user when he first started dealing with the illegal gambling arenas in the southern regions in his previous life.

'He must have died around that time.'

The Nukijo gang, who had created such a place using an Awakener with the power of suppression, would have gained more money and power by then, devising new ways to more effectively oppress the fighters.

'By that time... everything was a mess, devoid of any real sense of oppression.'

It was a past that would not recur now. Yuder exhaled briefly, erasing the memories of the past, and gazed at the chains still binding Elpkins.

A range-type ability could be broken by exerting a greater power from within. Yuder was confident that his power was sufficient to break them.

However, doing so might shock the unknown ability owner, who could be in any condition now, potentially endangering their life.

"These chains, I can't undo them right now, but after tomorrow, you won't have to wear them again. Just bear with it a little longer."

"I, I'm fine. Since coming here, I've never felt in less pain... I can wait as long as needed. If you need my help, just let me know."

Elpkins answered with eyes brimming with sincerity. His face, once filled with discontent, now seemed unfamiliar yet more pleasant, akin to a large dog wagging its tail.

Yuder nodded slowly.

"Alright. Then, I would like you to lend a bit of your strength to our plan tomorrow... Can you do that? You might be the only one who can."

Elpkins' eyes widened as he answered with a smile.


"Good. After we succeed and escape from here, if you're interested, come to the Cavalry. We're currently recruiting."

Kishiar had painstakingly healed him. Letting him stray off the path again wasn't an option. It seemed like a good idea to properly nurture and develop his abilities right from the start.

Upon hearing Yuder's offer, Elpkins inhaled sharply, as if he had never imagined such a possibility, but he didn't refuse.

After conveying to Elpkins what he hoped he would do the next day, Yuder, supporting Kishiar, leaped up and flew back to the ceiling.

"Are you alright?"

Yuder asked cautiously, and the man, whose pallor had yet to return to normal, nodded with a smile.

"I'm fine. More so, thinking that your recent demeanor is closer to that of Commander Yudrain is truly fascinating."

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"Do you know how it feels to play a game that's already messed up? ...Anyway, the next round will come, so this time, I'm just going to play it recklessly."

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