[Lucy's POV: ]

Nes, Cathy, Rex, Ras, Leon, Lily, Lux, Oak, El, and me, we were ten people standing in this garden area, with trees that could only survive in the hot weather of various summers. 

Everyone was wearing comfortable clothing, including the two of us. And, they looked quite different from how they usually do in their school clothing that, most of the time, displayed their background and traditional appearance.Please visit https://novel-next.com website to read fastest update

However, all of them were wearing some comfortable clothing that they would wear in their personal space since we told them to do so, and, they were carrying bags, or artifacts full of things they would require for a week-long camping trip on some 'island' like area.

'We assured them it was a safe place, however, just looking at their expression right now is enough to know they had already started doubting us.'

But then again, this situation would certainly be absurd from any normal perspective.

"Are they… wyverns? Really…?"

"Damn… what is that thing? And why is it here anyway?"


"Don't tell me… are we supposed to go to the place Miss Auriel mentioned… in this?"

"This is absurd! Why is there a Wyvern airship of Adventuerer's association here?! This doesn't make any sense!"

"Oh, it will make sense to you soon enough sweety. How about we get onboard first though?"

There was a giant airship right above our heads that was guided by not only a very powerful magically enhanced engine but also not one or two but three lower-ranking Wyvern, creatures of <A> rank that are rare to even see in this continent.

And El was telling them this was our ride to the place that we were going to right now.

Which sane person in their right mind would believe this absurdity?

"Ohhhhh! El?! We are going in this thing~? Are we going to fly~?!"

Welp, aside from this clueless Nes of ours, who was going to believe the fact that there was a skyship that was being led by three Wyverns flying right above our heads?

Lux certainly wasn't going to.

"Oh wait… now that I look at it, isn't this the Airship that belongs to the branch manager of the Empire's capital's association?

"Ohhh! Oak knows her stuff! As expected of the one from the house of some of the greatest adventurers to exist!"

Even Oak couldn't believe it even after seeing this thing with her own eyes and knowing full well what this was and who this belonged to. 

It was especially because she knew that she couldn't believe it.

'This was one of the few things Swordmaster Kevin Nectron, the branch manager of the capital's association cherished dearly.'

However, even the people here wouldn't understand how he was able to let go of a beloved item of his own in exchange for us clearing the dimensional dungeon that had been an eyesore for the empire and the association, as well as a threat to the entire world.

He simply gave it to us when we cleared the dungeon, and though this was our first time using this amazing thing in this life, we knew more about it than the original possessor of the airship itself thanks to our previous experience with it.

It was an amazing airship, and though not the best one present in this one yet, it had the potential to become better than anything else under the private attention of my bitch, as well as my cute little Anna.


"How are we supposed to get on this airship though?"

"How else?"

"Hehe, hold my hand tightly Nessy~!"

"What?! Noooo!"




"See~? It wasn't that difficult~."

El jumped with Nes, or it was easier to say she dragged Nes with her. And, in the end, the Nes that was used to flying on top of beings much more powerful and amazing than these Wyverns, couldn't hold her footing on the wooden floor and fell down.


Leon asked Lily for her hand. And she accepted after a moment of hesitation.


Leon was a gentleman through and through so even though a passing wind almost blew the little Lily away, he caught her gently, and using his Aura to cover his body, he was able to land like a feather along with his little one.


Then Cathy and the rest of them also jumped down on the deck of the airship without much difficulty. 

It wasn't that difficult of a task for them to jump off a moving platform onto another flat surface. They were trained individuals who knew how to handle their bodies and the magical forces of this world.

They also had good enough skills to do this simple thing so, well, going into details was unnecessary for this thing.

So, anyway…

"Welcome, Master Lucifer, Lady Auriel. We have been waiting for you."

An old butler exclusive to this airship and one of the close companions of the branch manager, along with the entire crew exclusive to this airship, they were all standing before us to greet us for the first time.

"Hello, Davein and the rest. I have heard a lot about you all from Kevin so do well this time as well. And there is no need to do the introductions.

Please show my friends around until I go have a chat with Teeya."

"As you wish, Lady Auriel."

They all started moving after bowing down to us, and though El was overwhelmed for a moment, seeing so many people had already become a regular thing to her now.

"We will be back in a bit, everyone~. Have fun with them until then~."

None of the people here knew where exactly were we going for this trip of ours. 

All they knew was that the destination was an island somewhere that was supposed to be something special and that they would have unexpected opportunities over there. 

Not even the staff knew where they would be going so aside from us, everyone else was clueless.

'The captain of this airship who was still in her cabin would be the first one to know the coordinates of the destination, however, I know for a fact that she will faint after hearing where we wanted to go.'

So, it will take a little while in the captain's cabin.

Until we were done with that, the others could look around this grand airship that could usually hold thousands of people, was used in large-scale wars, and was attached to creatures that were special despite their ranks.

'This place was fun, and the people were pretty nice as well.'

There were many chambers for various things so entertainment was guaranteed, and there were sparring arenas strong enough to handle the force of our skills, so, we could have fun during that time as well.

'And considering we are going to cross this continent and go to almost the northern pole of the planet, this is going to be a long journey.'

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