[Lucy's POV: ]

I fought Cathy and Nes one by one, and the two fo them lost pretty miserably since neither of them had practically any experance with physical fights. 

They were still good through, they gave me a good enough fight and instead of using my Aura, this time, I just used the Mana and imitated the properties of my Aura with it.

Certainly not something simple, but the two of them did not notice it.

We fought, and I succeeded in what I wanted to do pretty easily. 

'Making butterflies out of the Mana and making them fly away wasn't that difficult after learning Vision magic from El and master it to a certai digree.'

It was pretty doable, and the fight was fun. 

And since I didn't practically hurt either of them, that damn girl had no reason to kill me or anything.

I knew what I was doing. She didn't have to give me death threats like that.

'She was just overreacting that time. And if anything, the one that should be punished would be her.'

My fight with Cathy and lily ended and then it was Leon's turn who was going to fight against Lux, a long range dealer, a sniper simple saying and a powerful one.

'Both of their fighting styles were different and they chose the simple spar format as well so it was pretty short.'

Leon lost. Of course, it was an obvious outcome since Lux alredy had a good experance fighting the close range dealers like swordsmen like Leon.

He stood no chance against her if she was being serious and using proper big guns in the fights and she was serious.

Especially since she had the chance to spar with me for the first time today.

'She was excited to have a go against me. But things did not go as she wanted.'

I suggested a normal battle, however, before that, I put a condition that we would only use long-range non-physical attacks, which meant Leon couldn't directly use his Aura sword and would have to use his Aura in a different way, in a way the advanced swordsman usually use.

'He was an intermediate swordsman on the verge of breaking through to the advanced level and thanks to my help this time, he progressed a level further and was now almost about on the verge of breaking through to the next level.'

But he still lost.

And Lux did as well. 

The funny thing is, Lux fell before Leon since she was overestimating my abilities and was being too cautious about everything.

'A sniper has no need to hasitate when they have to take a shot at their locked targets.'

They just have to pull triggers, and if they don't, it would be their heads flying in the air.

'She realised it after I defeated her thoroughly and accidentaly broke down one of her cherished snipers.'

She was almost on the verge of crying, sadly, so El had to give her a better one that she had made a while back and, well, receiving something from El that she enchanted herself, something that she had purchased from Raz and something made by masters of distant Worldlines, would make anyone present here smile like a flower.

It was a good present and, thanks too that, that spar section ended in a positive way.

'Then, Oak and I fight and I taught her how to use her Witchcraft better during our spar where I actually used my Aura and showed her how [Life] was an inseparable part of [Energy].'

Her special Witch powers were related to life and reality, and they were pretty special.

The three boys Ras, Rex, and Leon were kind of excited as they fantasised the cool things they were going to do now, and the ladies around them, Leon's Lily, Princess Cathy, and Oak who was not related to any of the three were glaring at them as if they were some kind of dumb baboons.

'Right in front of us, there was a freaking storm that was a mortal threat to all ourt lives.'

A tornado that started from the base of the water below us and as it grew larger, greater, and deadlier as it came upwards, a scene born from fiction was recreated right before our eyes.

'The water tornado was strong, like so strong that no life would be able maintain their physical forms once they come in its range.'

They would be obliterated from this very fabric of reality. 

It was that dangerous.

And it was so freaking large it pierced the dark, thunderous clouds right above us.

The size of this disaster of nature, the power it was showing, as well as the fact that there was no life form present as far as eyes could see justified the title given to this Forbidden zone: The [Eye of nothingness].

'It looked like an actual dark eye from the above as well so perhaps it might also be because of that but, well, this place was crazy.'

And we certainly should not have been here when we said we were going to a fun, warm 'sunny' island.

"Kekeke, isn't that fun everyone~?"

El said that. Not me.

I still don't like how sinister this place looks.



"More fun than what I had been expecting, truthfully."

"Go die you bastards."

I did not agree with what she said, the three other boys did. And the other ladies beside me cursed at all three of them simultaneously.

"But, really… where is the island? Don't tell me we will have to go near that thing."

Nes could tell that place was dangerous since it was sending shivers down her spine. Or maybe it was because of the ~<EX> rank 'creature' that was the cause of this storm that she could have felt thanks to her affinity with Space element, she knew that place was dangerous.

"We have to go near that place, Nessy. But don't worry. I assure you it will be more fun than anything. 

You won't even have a scratch on your body as long as you follow as I say when jumping off-"


Lux cursed out loud enough for the gods in the heavens to have heard her scream.

"We are jumping off?! Like, off this fucking ship?!"

Then she shouted again but perhaps the gods had gone deaf like us after that first ear piercing scream so there was no response.

From any of us, actually. Not just gods.

Even El ignored her and looked forward to the tornado, the storm, the dark sea below us, and the destination we were going to stop the ship at with a smile on her face.


I pity Lux. I do. 

But she hasn't seen even the tip of the craziness this sister of mine was capable of.

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