Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 399: Next Generation Weapons Part I

Chapter 399: Next Generation Weapons Part I

While plans were underway to form a special task force to liberate the captured field agent from the hands of the Golden Horde. As well as the ongoing efforts of the Austrian intervention in Granada. Berengar had decided to design two new weapons that would eventually replace the needle rifle and the 1422 Service Revolver in a few years.

However, more importantly, these weapons would become the standard issue to his Jagdkommandos in the upcoming months. The reason Berengar had no intents to mass-produce these weapons, for the time being, is because they relied on smokeless powder, and he currently had a limited production capability of such a valuable resource.

It was only after his chemical factories expanded that he would be capable of mass-producing the substance and with it the munitions required for these weapons to function. With this in mind, the first firearm he intended to create was a multi-shot bolt action rifle.

This bolt action rifle was primarily based upon the Kar98k, the standard-issue infantry rifle of the Wehrmacht during the Second World War of Berengar's previous life. However, a few alterations were made to the overall design. The first change to the weapon was that the bolt handle was straight rather than curved.

This alteration was due to the inclusion of a dustcover based upon the system used by the Arisaka Type 99 Rifle issued to the Imperial Japanese Army during his past life. This dustcover was a piece of stamped steel attached to the bolt and moved alongside it; it was designed to cover the action and prevent dirt, dust, and grime from entering. In the case of trench warfare or jungle environments, this was a huge bonus.

The Mauser 98 action was arguably the best action of any service bolt action rifle; it was robust, reliable, and durable. Unlike other designs, it utilized three locking lugs to keep the bolt intact. Aside from the battle-proven functionality of the weapon, it also included an internal five-round box magazine.

Other minor alterations Berengar made to the rifle were an insert in the stock and butt-plate designed to store the cleaning kit much like on an AKM, and a magazine breakdown button contained within the trigger guard much like was seen on the Arisaka Type 99.

To put it simply, taking apart the magazine on the traditional German Mausers was more complicated than it needed to be. While one would rarely take apart the internal magazine, sometimes it was necessary, such as in maintenance, and anything easier for the grunts in the field was a plus in Berengar's book.

Other alterations to the overall design were purely cosmetic; for example, Berengar designed the stock to be based upon the predecessor of the kar98k, which was the Mauser Model of 1933, also known as the Mauser Standardmodell, or the Mauser Banner Rifle. The primary difference between the weapons stocks was a lack of indent for a curved bolt handle and the inclusion of a small rectangular cut on the handguard beneath the rear sight.

In other words, this bolt action rifle was a mixture of three excellent rifles from his past life. The Mauser Kar98k, the Mauser Standardmodell, and the Arisaka type 99 which was loosely based upon the Mauser 98. Berengarwas creating what he thought was the perfect military bolt action rifle.

Berengar decided to label the rifle as the Gewehr Model of 1425, or the g25 for short. This was because Berengar intended for it to begin mass production and standard issue to his soldiers three years from now. In the meantime, it would be a weapon utilized by his covert operators and thus not officially adopted by his armed forces.

To Berengar, there was no more excellent full-sized rifle caliber than the 7.92x57mm Mauser, also known as the 8mm Mauser. It was a powerful cartridge that was in use by the German Army from the days of the Boxer Rebellion to even after WWII, during the early years of the Cold War from Berengar's past life.

The 8mm Mauser was a rimless, bottleneck-style cartridge. This meant that the rim around the primer was not substantial in size and that the cartridge tapered towards the bullet. The projectile itself was a spitzer-shaped bullet that used a copper jacket with a mild steel core. It also utilized a double-based smokeless powder which meant there was a mixture of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin.

This cartridge had a muzzle velocity of 790 m/s or 2,592 ft/s and an effective range of 550 yards when shot out of a g25 rifle. In reality when equipped with a telescopic optic or when in the hands of a talented marksman the rifle could achieve hits out to 1,090 yards.

After designing the rifle, Berengar moved on to the next critical piece of equipment he would be issuing to his Jagdkommandos, and that was a new sidearm. While the 1422 Service Revolver was practical among rear echelon troops, officers, and cavalry. Berengar felt that something far superior was needed as a sidearm for his Special Forces.

With this in mind, he quickly got down to drafting the blueprints for a legendary pistol that was issued to German troops of both world wars from Berengar's past life. However, it would forever remain in infamy as the favored sidearm of the Waffen-SS, the elite shock troops of the Nazi party, and the personal Army of the Fuhrer.

The Mauser c96 that Berengar designed was chambered in 9x19mm Luger, more commonly referred to in the modern era as 9x19mm parabellum, which had become one of, if not the most widely adopted military and police cartridges in the world by the time of Julian's death.

The Mauser c96 was among the first commercially and militarily successful semi-automatic pistols and was commonly referred to as the broom handle by American shooting enthusiasts. However, due to this fact, it had some quirks that were later redesigned in later models. For example, Berengar fully intended to replace the internal, stripper clip-fed 10 round magazine with detachable 10 or 20 round magazines, as was seen on many of the variants that had made their way to China in his past life.

Though there were better semi-automatic pistols Berengar could adopt, there was a particular reason that he chose this weapon for use in his special forces. When the Germans adopted this pistol, they generally issued it with a wooden holster that could also act as a stock, turning the gun into a semi-automatic pistol caliber carbine.

This would be essential for dangerous operations, where his Jagdkommandos would need access to relatively rapid-firing weapons. As such, it made the perfect sidearm for his most elite forces. Also, from a purely aesthetic perspective, it was a uniquely German handgun, which Berengar greatly appreciated.

Another minor alteration to this weapon was the use of improved iron sights, which led to the shooter acquiring their target faster than on the original model. Was this essential to the function of the weapon? No, after all, the Mauser C96 from his previous life had an exceptional combat record. Still, it did not hurt to make such a minor improvement.

Having designed the weapons that would soon be issued to his Jagdkommandos and later become standard to his conventional Army, Berengar laid back and relaxed in his office chair. He had done more than enough work for that day; with this in mind, he broke out the old skull chalice and poured himself some fortified wine.

As he drank from his chalice, he saw a particular sight enter his room. Honoria was dressed in a silk dress of the current fashion within Austria that was dyed purple, much like her hair. She had a sultry smile on her face as she approached her husband. Though Berenar did not know immediately what she had in mind, he could take a guess.

As she reached her husband's seat, she quickly hopped in his lap, nearly knocking the chair over as she did so. If not for Berengar's foresight and fast reflexes, the couple would have indeed smashed into the ground. However, after stabilizing himself, Berengar immediately asked his third wife why she was bugging him.

"So... I assume you have something to tell me?

Honoria quickly nodded her head, however in the very next moment, she kissed her husband; after they had separated, she began licking his neck, which Berengar found strange. After a while, he flicked her on the nose and asked her the question on his mind.

"What are you doing?"

Honoria's playfully prodded his chest with her dainty finger as she whispered in her husband's ear.

"Marking my territory, you reek of Linde's perfume!"

Berengar chuckled when he heard this before getting down to business.

"We can play later; tell me, what is so important that you have interrupted my progress?"

Honoria began to pout as she heard this before sighing. After she did so, she expressed the thoughts that troubled her mind.

"My crew wants to participate in the war against the Catholic Iberian Kingdoms, but I'm pregnant and can't enter the battlefield. So... I wanted to know what you thought about allowing Melissa to take over for the time being?"

Berengar thought about this for a few minutes before he broke into laughter; Honoria did not know how to react to this action and became slightly offended as she protested his attitude.

"What's so funny?"

Berengar calmed down after hearing this before responding to the princess's question.

"They're your crew, do what you want with them. You don't need to ask for my permission on how to run your business..."

Upon hearing this, a broad smile appeared on Honoria's pretty face as she kissed Berengar on the cheek. After doing so, she hopped off his lap and ran towards the exit leaving behind a single phrase.

"Thanks, daddy!"

After saying that, she disappeared from Berengar's sight, where he quickly downed the remaining contents of his fortified wine. After doing so, a single thought escaped from his lips.

"Looks like I'm going to need to break out the whiskey."

Having said this, Berengar spent the remainder of the evening drinking liquor by his lonesome.


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