Chapter 120 Quiet

Konoha under the darkness of night, the flames of war are intensifying.

Shisui ran towards the Hokage Building.

In order to save Chakra, he did not intervene in any battles along the way. After passing through almost the entire Konoha, he finally saw from a distance——

Third generations of Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen and Akasara Scorpion are fighting fiercely above the Hokage Rock, using gorgeous ninjutsu to bombard each other.

He accelerated and rushed over.

The magnetic escape of the puppets of the three generations of Fengyingmen can manipulate sand and iron to change into various shapes, which can be thin needles like a rainstorm, or condensed into various huge cones, spheres, and columns, which can strike and attack the enemy. Repression.

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