Uchiha's God of Muscle

Chapter 217: fellow vagabonds

Chapter 217 The same as the wandering people

after one day.


On the sea, dozens of figures stepped on the water and headed straight for the seaside town at an extremely fast speed.

Impressively, it is the Yunyin group headed by the Fourth Raikage.


Far away, Raikage could see the ninja coalition camp on the shore, which no longer existed at this moment, leaving only a piece of charred ruins.

Seeing this scene, his heart suddenly sank.

The thing I was most worried about still happened.

Don't think about it.

It must be the Uchiha clan who attacked the base camp of the coalition forces.

Except for Uchiha, no one else has the guts or the strength.

After landing.

Yun Yinzhong quickly walked through the messy ruins, and soon found several survivors of the coalition forces. Those people were basically injured, and all of them had expressions of lingering fear.

"What's going on?"

Fourth Raikage grabbed a person and asked with an angry face.

"Master Lei, Raikage..." The other party was trembling, and tremblingly told what happened the night before.

Sure enough, Uchiha did it.

"The army of 3,000 people was defeated by the Uchiha clan just like this?" Fourth Raikage frowned and asked in disbelief.

From that person, he learned even more shocking information.

Although there are only about a hundred ninjas in the Uchiha clan, all of them have mastered the wooden ninjutsu of the first Hokage by some means.

Sharingan plus Mu Dun, Uchiha's combat power soared, everyone can be one against ten.

The most terrifying thing is that there are four Susanoos on the battlefield, that is, four pairs of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

In addition, there is a wooden statue not inferior to Susano, and the three-tailed Isofu and six-tailed rhinoceros controlled by the Uchiha clan.

Not right.

Now we have to count Erwei Youlu.

Because, Yun Yin's Jinzhu Riki was also defeated by the Uchiha clan and controlled by Sharingan, and became a puppet.

Hear here.


Yun Yin and the others gasped.

"Yukito was captured by Uchiha, but we didn't expect us to follow in Kirigakure's footsteps."

Xi's complexion was serious.

"Honestly speaking, fortunately we came back late and didn't catch up. With just a few dozen of us, we may not necessarily be the opponents of the Uchiha clan..."

Darui put away his usual lazy look, and said in a deep voice, with cold sweat streaming down his face.

In our own team, only Raikage-sama and Kirabi-sama have Kage-level strength. If we bump into the Uchiha clan, the chances of winning are probably...

not very big.

Thinking of this, everyone in Yunyin, including the Fourth Raikage, felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

Fourth Raikage calmed down and asked again:

"After Uchiha attacked this camp, where did he go?"

The man quickly shook his head and said, "I don't know! But it seems that they didn't return to the sea, but entered the mainland, heading towards the Ninja World."

Hearing the news, Lei Ying was shocked.

The next target of the Uchiha clan is Konoha Village, or somewhere else?

He regrets it now.

I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have agreed to Danzo at the beginning, and I shouldn't have participated in the war to wipe out Uchiha.

Yun Yin could have stayed out of the matter, but now it was good, and he brought Erwei Jinchuriki into it.

The scariest thing is.

The counterattack of the Uchiha clan seems to have just begun.

The vast virgin forest stretches as far as the eye can see.

Whoosh whoosh.

Hundreds of ninjas wearing high-necked blue robes and fully armed were marching in the forest. Even though the entire team was advancing at full speed, they still maintained a fairly stable formation.

It can be seen at a glance that this is a well-disciplined and powerful ninja force.

It is the Uchiha family.

"Master Patriarch."

Tie Huo came back from exploring the road and reported to Fuyue, "Fifty kilometers to the west is the original border of the country of Sichuan."

The Kingdom of Sichuan was originally a small country sandwiched between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire. It has long served as a buffer zone between the two great powers.

Nowadays, even the Kingdom of Fire has been annexed by the Kingdom of Wind, so there is no need for the Kingdom of Rivers to exist, and it is taken for granted by the Kingdom of Wind.

Fuyue heard the words, and analyzed in a deep voice:

"In this case, according to our current speed, we will be able to reach Hidden Sand Village in about two days."

That's right.

Uchiha's first goal of "changing homes" was not Konoha, but Sand Hidden Village.

After all, Konoha has long existed in name only, but it is just a colony of several ninja villages.

Even if Uchiha destroys Konoha, the major ninja villages will not care, let alone lose anything.

on the contrary.

They are eager to see the scene of Uchiha attacking Konoha. It is best to win both sides in the fight, so that Uchiha and Konoha both disappear from the ninja world and become history completely.

In that way, the major ninja villages can sit back and relax.


To fight Uchiha's enemies and make them feel pain, the best way is to destroy their hometown.

Compared to Yan Yin and Yun Yin, Sand Yin is the closest, and the strength is also the weakest of the several ninja villages, so it can be said to be the most suitable target.


"A battle broke out not far ahead. If we don't take a detour, we may be exposed."

Tiehuo reported one more thing.


Fuyue frowned, thought for a while, and then ordered: "Go and see."


The Uchiha clan approached the battlefield silently, and heard the sound of fighting weapons, the explosion of detonating symbols, and the hasty cry of killing in the woods.

Very intense.

Fuyue took a glance, and with his sinister vision and rich experience, he roughly distinguished the identities of the two warring parties.

One of them is a caravan with a huge number of people.

This caravan is more like a big family. Apart from the young and strong members, there are also many old people, women and children. It can be said that they are family members.

The mounts of the caravan are not horses, but a cumbersome armored rhinoceros, and pink flamingos as tall as a person. In addition to carrying goods and people, they are also aggressive and can protect the caravan's personnel and property.

at this time.

The old, young, women and children in the caravan were all tightly huddled together, surrounded by rhino and flamingo mounts for protection.

And the men are fighting with a group of murderous bandit organizations.

"I can't bear it."

Fu Yue recognized the identities of those robbers.

I can't bear it, in fact, they are escaped ninjas from various countries, using ninjutsu to burn, kill and loot everywhere.

When they attacked villages or caravans, they would not only rob all property, but also leave no one alive. They were a group of vicious people.

The caravan in front of them is obviously not an unbearable opponent. Under the opponent's attack, people keep falling down.

Corpses are strewn all over the field, and blood flows like rivers.

Seeing this scene, both Kakashi and Tianzang felt a heavy heart.

Since the collapse of the Daming Mansion, the fall of Konoha, and the partition of the Land of Fire, the people of this country have been living in dire straits.

Ordinary people are not only oppressed by major powers, but also face increasingly rampant bandit organizations like Intolerable.

For the hundreds of millions of people in the Land of Fire, this is an unprecedented catastrophe.


With the last of the caravan guards down, the brief battle came to an end.

Next, enjoy killing and looting.

All the unbearable faces showed cruel smiles.

at this time.

"Who? Come out!"

Unbearable to the leader, the man code-named "Sura" suddenly turned his head and shouted into the depths of the woods.

Under his surprised eyes, Fu Yue and others came out of the woods, all of them expressionless, looking even more ruthless than robbers.

Seeing that this group of people were fully armed and seemed not to be trifled with, Shura's expression changed.

Immediately, his eyes widened, and he said sharply again:

"No matter who you are, I advise you to stay out of your own business, lest you risk your own life."

Following Shura's ruthless words, the crowd couldn't bear to take up their weapons, stared at Fu Yue and the others with malicious intentions, and sneered.

As long as the leader gives an order, they will pounce on each other like a pack of wolves and kill each other completely.

Facing Shura's warning, Fu Yue shook his head, feeling sorry for the other party's ignorance.

"Resolve the battle as quickly as possible. Remember, don't let an enemy go, so as not to reveal your whereabouts."

he said coldly.


All the Uchihas agreed in unison, and immediately, pairs of scarlet Sharingans opened one after another.

"Those eyes are..."

Shura was startled, and then his whole body went limp, and he stepped back three steps in succession, a gust of cold air shot straight from the soles of his feet to the Tianling Gai.

is the Uchiha family.


The crowd couldn't bear it, and before they could react, the Uchihas had already rushed to them, and they shot mercilessly.

A mere group of rebels who have been reduced to robbers, how could they be Uchiha's opponents.

It doesn't take a moment.

Just now, he was so arrogant that he couldn't bear it, but amidst the screams, he was killed by the Uchiha clan with a knife.


Sura managed to fight a **** path, and fled in a hurry, with only fear remaining on his face.

However, is it okay to go?


Several wooden vines flew from behind, entangled Shura tightly, unable to move.

Just when he was struggling desperately.


Accompanied by the chirping sound of a thousand birds and the dazzling lightning, Kakashi arrived in an instant, and a stroke of Raikiri pierced Shura's heart.

"Scumbag like you, you'd better go to **** and repent."

Kakashi said coldly, and withdrew his hand, Shura's eyes suddenly lost their spirit, and he fell limply to the ground.

So far, the battle is over.

The whole process took less than five minutes.


Everyone in the caravan not far away was stunned.

They came back to their senses, looked at the Uchiha people in fear, and whispered anxiously.

Although they were rescued, everyone in the caravan was not sure whether they went from **** to heaven, or to another hell.

after all.

The ninjas in blue robes and scarlet eyes seemed to be more ruthless than the unbearable just now.

At this time.

An old man hurried out of the caravan, boldly came to Fuyue, bowed to the latter, and said in a slightly trembling voice:

"My lord, thank you for saving the caravan, the gratitude of this old man is beyond words..."


After the old man finished speaking, he secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, nervously waiting for Fu Yue's response.

"You're welcome."

Fuyue said lightly, and took a step forward, lifting the old man's shoulder with his hand, signaling to the latter that he no longer needs to bow.

His action reassured the old man.

Next, the old man reported his family name.

His name is He Yan, he is short in stature, and has a prominent red nose, which looks a bit funny.

But as the saying goes, people should not be judged by their appearance.

The real identity of this old man is the leader of this caravan. He has been in the ninja world for many years and has accumulated rich experience and life experience. He is a bold, careful and wise man.

According to He Yan, their caravan is a big family, without their own homeland, they travel between various countries to do business all year round, and live a life of no fixed residence.

Therefore, there is a nickname - "The Wandering People".

He Yan and the others set off from the Land of Wind this time to do business in Muye Village. They didn't expect to be targeted and robbed halfway.

Fortunately, the heavenly generals saved the fate of the caravan.

"Wandering people, I have heard your rumors. But, do you know who we are?"

Fu Yue stared at He Yan, a pair of kaleidoscope sharing sharing eyes exuded a deep light, breathtaking.

He Yan couldn't help but change his face, and nodded quickly:

"My lord, I know. Don't worry, I won't say anything."

The voice just fell.


With a shrill cry, a brown ferret suddenly ran out of He Yan's clothes.

Its limbs are covered with black fur, and its eyes are agile. It seems to be a rare breed among ferrets.

As soon as he landed, the little guy let go of his feet and rushed forward.

Probably suffocated.

"Nilugu, come back quickly!"

He Yan turned pale with shock, calling out the name of the ferret, looking very flustered.


Izumi Uchiha shot quickly, grabbed the ferret that ran past her, hugged her in his arms, touched it, and said with a smile:

"What a cute little guy."

Afterwards, she stepped forward and handed Nilugu back to He Yan.

"Thank you, little girl, thank you."

He Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and kept saying thank you.

"Grandpa, is it your pet? The name Nilugu is really special."

Quan asked curiously.


He Yan heard this, stroked his beard, and said with a smile, "It is not an ordinary ferret, but a royal pet of the ancient empire, and its life span is much longer than mine."

Speaking of this, he seemed to realize that he had missed something, and quickly shut his mouth.

Fortunately, Fu Yue and others did not notice.

"time to go."

Fuyue gave an order to everyone in Uchiha.

Rescuing the caravan was just a casual act, and with Uchiha's arrogant character, he would not even think about asking for anything in return from the other party.


Watched by everyone in the caravan, the Uchiha clan set off again, and soon disappeared into the vast forest.

"Grandpa, who are they?"

A child tugged on La Heyan's sleeve and asked curiously.

"They, like us, are also wandering people in this ninja world."

He Yan murmured.

He knows about the Uchiha clan.

The Uchiha clan is one of the founders of Konoha Village, but now, they are not only driven out of Konoha, but also encircled and suppressed by the whole ninja world.

Had to wander around in the ninja world, desperately fleeing.

The situation faced by this family is much worse than that of the caravan of He Yan and others.

Looking at it like this, is the Uchiha family planning to flee to the Land of Wind, into the depths of the deserted desert, so as to avoid the encirclement and suppression of the major ninja villages?

Wish them luck.

He Yan sighed, praying silently for the benefactor Uchiha clan in his heart.

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