Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 291: Brothers confront each other

Chapter 291 Confrontation between Brothers

 The first semi-final ended dramatically.

 In the end, Gaara's identity was exposed and sealed by Uchiha Itachi, and Deidara was also seriously injured. Even if he was awarded the victory, this guy would not be able to participate in the finals.

 In fact, Konoha did not hold Deidara accountable, which was considered to be an open policy.

  After all, in the previous battle, Deidara sacrificed C3 No. 18, and kept shouting about destroying Konoha. Compared with Gaara, this behavior is an iron-clad terrorist.

 Therefore, no one from Iwagakure, including Onoki, raised any objections to Deidara's withdrawal from the finals.


The champion of this Chunin Exam will be born between Marisa and Hidan.

 In the stands.

In addition to Tsunade, there were many viewers who had bet on Deidara or Gaara like her, and they wailed, feeling sorry that their money was in vain.

 But more spectators still sat back on their chairs, waiting expectantly for the next semi-final... Oh no, it should be said to be the start of the final.

 In the venue.

 Since the arena has been damaged beyond recognition, it will take some time to rebuild.

At the same time, a dozen ANBU elites were dispatched to build a stronger barrier around the ring to ensure that the subsequent battle would not spread to the stands and injure innocent spectators.

 “Sasuke, are you okay?”

Ino, Sakura and others all rushed to Sasuke's side at this time, rushing to express their concern for him.

 “It’s so annoying.”

Sasuke was in a bad mood and didn't bother to pay attention to them. With the support of his mother Mikoto, he walked step by step outside the venue.

 When the mother and son passed under the stands, there were a lot of whispers in the auditorium overhead.

"After a long time of work, the so-called number one genius in Konoha turned out to be just a showman. Did you see how Sasuke behaved just now? He was humiliated by Gaara and Deidara in turn, and he had no power to fight back. That's all. I’m embarrassed to be the referee.”

“The idol ninja is like this. He appears on TV shows every day and is hyped up. But in the end, this Sasuke is only better than others with his reincarnation skills.”

“Fortunately, Lord Uchiha Itachi took action in time and wiped his younger brother’s butt. Now, compared to his brother, Sasuke is simply far behind, and even more incomparable to Lord Sixth Hokage.”


 The comments were like sharp thorns stabbing into Sasuke's heart.


His frequent appearances on TV programs have made him an idol ninja by Konoha TV. While gaining huge popularity, he has also been questioned by some.

Now, the voice of doubt has increased tenfold or even a hundredfold, turning into a tsunami that is enough to drown Sasuke's poor self-esteem.

This idol ninja quickly encountered backlash from public opinion. Except for his fans, in the eyes of others, Sasuke no longer had any aura.

Hearing these harsh comments, Sasuke stopped and clenched his fists.

 “Sasuke, what’s wrong with you?”

Mikoto noticed her son's strangeness, and then comforted her in a soft voice, "Don't care about other people's opinions. The audience is just following others' opinions and doesn't understand you at all. In my heart, you will always be the best..."

 “Stop lying to me!”

Sasuke suddenly roared and interrupted his mother, then stared at Mikoto with stern eyes and asked, "Do you believe these beautiful words you said? Then let me ask you, since I am the best in your heart, what about Itachi? , who is better, him or me?"

Facing her son’s scolding, Mikoto was stunned for a moment, then shook her head helplessly:

 "Sasuke, you can't compare like this..."


Sasuke sneered and interrupted Mikoto again, "Stop coaxing me with such clumsy lies. I'm not a three-year-old child. Put away your hypocritical face, mother."


Under her son's sharp gaze, Mikoto covered her chest and took a few steps back, her face turning pale.

Even though she knew that these words were spoken out of anger by her son, she still felt a sense of sadness and bitterness in her heart.


Itachi flashed his body, stretched out his hand to support his shaky mother, then frowned and said to Sasuke in a deep voice:

 “Sasuke, what are you doing? Apologize to your mother quickly!”

 Growing up, no matter how naughty Sasuke was, Itachi was rarely naughty to his younger brother.

 But this time, Sasuke went too far, to the point where even Itachi couldn't stand it.

"Itachi, forget it, Sasuke didn't mean it." Mikoto said softly, still talking to her younger son.

  Itachi sighed, his tone reproaching himself:

"Mother, we have given Sasuke too much pampering. Especially my elder brother, who failed to fulfill his responsibilities as an elder brother and give his younger brother the correct guidance. Instead, he repeatedly indulged and spoiled him, which led to his change. It became what it is now.”

 “Have you said enough?”

Sasuke interrupted again and looked at Itachi coldly.

Hearing this, Itachi's expression became more severe, and he immediately reprimanded his younger brother:

 "Sasuke, you actually..."

Itachi, who had always been indifferent to emotions and anger, couldn't help but show a look of surprise at this time, because he never expected that Sasuke would open his eyes in this situation.

 “It’s these eyes that I finally got.”

Sasuke looked at Itachi calmly and said calmly, "Brother, from now on, you can no longer look down on me like you did before, because I also have the same power as you. No, my Mangekyō Sharingan Eyes are stronger than yours!"

 Obviously, he has regained his confidence and feels he can do it again.

Before he finished speaking, Sasuke's eyes flickered, and substantial purple chakra suddenly surged out of his body, and soon a huge skeletal shadow formed outside his body.

 “It’s amazing how you can use Susanoo as soon as you open your eyes.”

Itachi murmured, feeling the fighting spirit from his younger brother, and then he frowned, and orange-red chakra surged out of his body.

 A more lifelike Susanoo appeared in the stadium.

 What's going on?

 The spectators in the stands were in commotion again.

“If I read it correctly, it was Uchiha Sasuke who awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan? It is said that it is the strongest power of the Uchiha clan, and only a very small number of strong men in the clan can possess that pair of eyes.”

“I didn’t expect to see the scene where brothers turned against each other. Itachi and Sasuke are about to fight?”

  Itachi VS Sasuke.

This showdown between the Uchiha brothers is much more exciting than the Chunin Exam.

 The two of them were about to fight.

 “Stop it all!”

With a shout coming from the sidelines, a tall and burly figure rushed into the court like a tiger out of its cage and appeared between Itachi and Sasuke.

  is their cousin Marissa.

"Cousin Itachi, cousin Sasuke, I say this is enough for you two. Next is my competition, are you going to steal my limelight?"

Marissa glanced at Itachi and Sasuke one after another, crossed her arms, and complained with dissatisfaction.

 With this step she gave me.

Itachi's eyes flashed, and he took the lead in canceling Susanoo, and sighed again: "Let's go home first."

When Sasuke saw this, he snorted coldly and withdrew his chakra.

 At this time.

The father of the two brothers, Uchiha Fugaku, who had been watching from the sidelines, also flashed and entered the scene with a frown.

“Don’t you think it’s embarrassing to have so many people watching? Fortunately, Marissa stopped you in time, otherwise my face, and even the face of my family, would have been lost to you.”

Fugaku was not polite and scolded his two sons severely, and then ordered in a tone that could not be disobeyed, "Follow me."

 After saying that, he looked up at the highest stand, nodded to Duan, and then strode out of the field.

  "Marissa, work hard in the competition, I believe you can win the championship."

 When Itachi passed by Marissa, he patted his cousin on the shoulder and encouraged her.

 “Of course.” Marissa grinned, confident.

 Subsequently, the Fugaku family of four walked out of the stadium under the watch of the entire audience.


 The audience who came back to their senses expressed regret that they could not watch a good show.


Sasuke's opening of eyes just now caused his wind review, which was about to collapse, to ride on a roller coaster and flip again.

 Ningji looked melancholy.

Although the audience who didn't know the truth were laughing at Sasuke, as Sasuke's opponent for many years, he was the one who knew the guy's strength best.

He was originally separated by Sasuke, but now that the opponent has awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan, how will he catch up in the future?

 Relying on your own white eyes?

 Neji was confused.

 In the highest stands, the big shots were also surprised by Sasuke's transformation.

“He is indeed the number one genius in Konoha. He can actually awaken the Mangekyo in such a way. It’s really incomprehensible.”

Ohnoki murmured, looking confused.

As far as he knew, Uchiha's kaleidoscope can only open its eyes when the person it cherishes is lost and is stimulated by strong emotions.

 Sasuke's situation is obviously unreasonable.

If anyone can explain what happened to Sasuke, I'm afraid it's only that man.

Thinking of this, Onoki looked at Uchiha Dan and found a meaningful smile on the latter's face.

"It seems that Sasuke is in a hurry. No, it should be said that Indra is in a hurry."

 Humbling to himself.

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