Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 296: Expose the evil

Chapter 296: Exposing the Black Jue


 A meteorite rain fell from the sky, covering the entire Konoha.

If the meteorite with a diameter of two kilometers were allowed to fall directly to the ground, the shock wave generated would instantly destroy the city of Konoha.

  In comparison, breaking the meteorite into countless pieces seems to be a better solution.

 But it’s not much better.

 “Watch your head, meteorites are falling!”

 “Hurry and hide under the building, don’t stay in an open area!”


 For a time, the Konoha Village was in chaos, with all kinds of exclamations and screams happening one after another.

 Boom, boom, boom!

Meteorites rained down, smashing through the roofs and windows of buildings, knocking down big trees and telephone poles on the streets, and killing and injuring many villagers on the spot.

 In less than ten seconds, Konoha was riddled with holes and turned into a hornet's nest.


 In the village, several tall Susanoos stood up from the ground. It was Uchiha's powerful Mangekyo who took action, using Susanoo's power to protect the villagers.

The ANBU led by Kakashi and the police department led by Hinata Hizashi also shuttled through the meteorite rain, risking their lives to save people.

The four shadows of the ninja world, as well as the past Hokages of Konoha, all used their own methods to save many villagers.

 “Eula Euler Euler!”

The tall platinum star appeared in front of Marissa, shattering the meteorites falling from the sky one by one. It was like a solid wall, protecting Marissa's mother and brother behind her.

Tsunade raised her head and glanced at Zang in the air, and couldn't help but cursed angrily:

“That hateful bastard, he clearly had a better way to prevent this disaster, but he chose the worst way.”

 “Maybe he has his own reasons...”

 Sami subconsciously defended her man.

never mind.

Tsunade didn't care about the accusations at this time. She looked away and said to Samyi: "Follow me. Let's take you, mother and son, to the shelter first, and then we'll see if it's safe."

This meteorite rain will undoubtedly cause an unimaginable number of injured and dead people to appear in Konoha.

Once the mother and son Samui are settled, Tsunade, Konoha's medical minister, and her group of medical ninjas will probably be busy.

 “Things look good.”

In the air, Duan looked down at Konoha and muttered to himself.

 It is definitely possible to completely eliminate or transfer the meteorites so that none of the Konoha villagers die, or even everyone is unscathed.

 It’s just that even he has to pay a relatively high price for this.

Absolutely unacceptable.

 He is not a person like Namikaze Minato, who would sacrifice his life without hesitation in order to save the village.

 Characteristics such as nobility and selfless dedication have never been associated with death.

 He came up with what he thought was the best solution without hurting himself.

 At least the village was saved, right?

 The more important reason for retaining his strength is that he has a tough battle to fight next.

That battle is the most critical.

Think of this.

Zanji Eye looked into the distance, and the Rinnegan's sight was projected on a hillside a few kilometers away outside Konoha Village.

 The next second.


The broken figure disappeared from the place instantly.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

 “It’s interesting to actually blow up the Tianzhu Zhenxing with one punch.”

Madara watched the meteorite in the distance disintegrate in the sky and turned into countless fragments falling towards Konoha. For the first time, a surprised expression appeared on his originally cold face.

"As expected of... Uchiha Dan."

 Kisame on the side swallowed his saliva and remembered the desperate and suffocating pressure when he faced Dan directly.


Hei Jue sighed secretly.

It would be great if Jian could be used by it. That man's body was simply the best living sacrifice, and it would definitely provide sufficient nutrients for the mother to achieve a perfect resurrection.

Just when the three people had different expressions, an extremely dangerous aura suddenly came.


Sue appeared out of thin air on top of the hillside. He looked at the three people on the ground, his eyes fell on Madara, and then he said:

"it is as expected."

The only one who can summon the Sky-shattering Star is Madara Uchiha.

 “He, he’s coming!”

The moment Kisame saw Suan, all the hairs on his body stood up. He subconsciously retreated and hid in the woods.

Hei Jue was also frightened. Without saying a word, he sank into the earth and disappeared without a trace.

in a blink.

 Fortunately, Madara seemed unmoved and didn't seem to believe it.

"Again, where's the evidence? I'm about to lose my patience." He said coldly, ready to end this boring conversation at any time and then speak with his fists.

He didn’t explain anything, and ignored Madara’s doubts. He just continued to talk on his own:

“Speaking of Infinite Tsukuyomi, the second thing is about the stone tablet at Nanga Shrine.

 Indeed, most of the things on the stone tablet are true, including the method of opening the Samsara Eye. Both you and I have verified this.

 Except for...the last part about the Moon Eye Project, they were deliberately added after being tampered with by Black Zetsu, just to let you see it and fall into its trap. "

“What are you talking about? That is a stone tablet left by the Immortal of Six Paths. Only the power of the Samsara Eye can decipher it. How could I have the ability to tamper with it!”

Hei Jue interrupted Duan's words, defended himself in a deep voice, and denied Duan's "slander".

 At this time.

 Kisame walked out of the woods at some point and stopped hiding.

 The reason why he worked hard for Obito or Black Zetsu was because, as a ninja, he was tired of this false world and was attracted by the infinite Tsukuyomi world described by the two men.

 That is a new world without war, where everyone’s dreams come true, and full of peace and beauty.

 It is also the spiritual pillar that Kisame strives for.

 So he is very concerned about the truth of this matter. If...all this is false, then everything he has done so far will be meaningless.

 “I’ve had enough of these boring lies.”

Madara shook his head, still not convinced. As he raised his hands to form seals, huge chakra surged out of his body.

 He is about to take action.

Jue Jue, however, remained unhurried and pointed at Hei Jue with a finger:

 “Finally, the true identity of this guy.”

Hearing these words, Madara paused the movement of forming seals.

Upon seeing this, Black Jue became anxious and quickly said to Madara:

“Lord Madara, I am the embodiment of your will, you know this very well.

This Uchiha Dan mixed lies with some true information just to make you doubt me, so as to achieve his purpose of sowing discord.

 Don’t fall for the trap! "

 What Hei Zetsu never expected was that Madara didn't say a word and just stared at Zetsu with stern eyes.

It seems.

 His curiosity was still piqued.

Suan no longer wanted to talk about it. He also stared at Madara and told the last and most important piece of information:

"Black Zetsu is indeed the embodiment of someone's will, but that person is not you, but the previous Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki and the mother of the Six Paths Sage - Kaguya Otsutsuki, known as the ancestor of chakra."

As soon as this statement came out.


Hei Jue was shocked and took a few steps back again. No matter how hard it tried to hide the horror in its heart, it could not hide it.

  After all, even the underwear was broken and exposed.

I haven’t finished talking yet.

“Back then, Six Paths Immortal and his younger brother joined forces to defeat their mother.

 The two used the Earth Blast Star to create the moon, seal her body, and split her chakra into nine, turning her into nine tailed beasts.

Black Zetsu is a consciousness separated from the body of Kaguya Otsutsuki. It has been lurking in the ninja world for more than a thousand years in order to select suitable sacrifices, trick the opponent into becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, and then attack at the critical moment to use the sacrifices. Product resurrects its mother.

 Uchiha Madara, you who have the Rinnegan Eye are the living sacrifice chosen by Black Zetsu. "

In front of Hei Jue's face, Duan told the whole story of Hei Jue's plot, without omitting anything.

 Otsutsuki Kaguya, Ten-Tails, Black Zetsu.

These keywords exploded in Madara's mind like thunder, constantly impacting his soul.

 “You said I was...a sacrifice?”

He spoke slowly, his eyes filled with astonishing murderous intent, and then glanced at Hei Jue beside him, as if asking him—

 Is everything Duan said true?


Hei Jue's heart sank to the bottom, and he realized that the situation was over.

 It also knew that no matter what it said, Ban would never believe it, because the seeds of doubt had been sown in his heart.

Madara will use all means to get the truth from it, and Hei Jue may not be able to bear those means.


 Damn Uchiha Dan, ruined its good deeds.

 What frightened Hei Jue the most was—how on earth did Hei Jue know these things?

 It originally thought that it was the biggest mastermind in the ninja world and had deceived everyone, but now it discovered that its true identity had been seen through by Uchiha Suan.

 “I’m asking you, answer me, right now!”

Seeing that Hei Jue said nothing, Madara suddenly raised his eyes and shouted sharply.


Hei Jue smiled, not hiding his sarcasm and contempt for Madara.

At this point, there is no need for it to continue acting.

 Don’t pretend.

 (End of this chapter)

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