Chapter 300 Genocide

 In the castle of the Otsutsuki clan.

  Just when these guys were plotting to destroy the old ninja world full of sin and filth on the earth, they were dreaming of building a new world.


A violent vibration suddenly came from a distance, and soon the floor tiles in the hall were cracked, the chandeliers were shaking, and the paint on the walls was peeling off in pieces.

“What’s going on? Is it an earthquake?”

 A group of Otsutsuki tribesmen exclaimed, becoming unsteady and swaying around, causing chaos in the hall.

 It’s a moment of turmoil.

 “Patriarch and elders, something serious is going to happen!”

A tribesman rushed into the temple in a panic, pointed at the door with a horrified look, and said tremblingly, "Outside, outside..."

Perhaps due to extreme fright, this person was almost stunned and could not finish his sentence for a long time.

 “What’s going on outside?”

The clan leader glanced at him, pushed the clan members away impatiently, and strode out of the main hall.


As soon as he arrived outside, his eyes widened and a look of horror appeared on his face.


I saw an orange fox as big as a mountain, flying from mid-air in the distance, falling straight to the ground, and then shaking the mountain with a roar.

  It hit the castle of the Otsutsuki clan heavily.


The barrier outside the castle only lasted for less than a second before it was broken by Nine Tails.

Its body, which was more than 100 meters long, hit the castle hard, causing a large area to collapse immediately, accompanied by the wails and screams of the Otsutsuki tribesmen, and dust rising into the sky.

"What is this?!"

 The patriarch came back to his senses, glared at Kyuubi and shouted.

"Look at its eyes, it seems to be...the Samsara Eye!" An elderly elder pointed at Kyuubi's purple eyes with a cane and said tremblingly.

Although Toneri couldn't see it, relying on his strong perception ability, the appearance of the Nine-Tails quickly took shape in his mind.

His expression changed, and he quickly reminded the clan leader and other clan members:

"Be careful, this guy is the Kyuubi, Uzumaki Naruto from the Akatsuki organization is here!"

Uzumaki Naruto?

Hearing this familiar name, everyone was horrified. They were discussing this guy just now, but in the blink of an eye he was on the moon!

 “Enemy attack! Prepare to fight!”

The clan leader roared, and immediately led a group of clan members to use the methods of the Otsutsuki clan to subdue the nine-tails falling from the sky in front of them.

However, before they could take action.


Another Susanoo with tattered armor fell awkwardly from mid-air and hit the other side of the castle.

With the loud rumbling, the castle collapsed again, causing the Otsutsuki family to dodge in a hurry.

 It’s not over yet.


 The third huge thing fell from the sky.

It was a black muscled Susan. It was more than a circle larger than the Nine-Tails and Blue Susan, and its aura was more powerful. It fell to the surface of the moon like a meteorite.


Muscle Susano stepped on the blue Susan's chest, and pressed his other big hand on Kyuubi's head, suppressing both of them under him with his own power.

 “Damn it!”

 The Kyuubi went crazy. It swept its tail towards Musashi Susana, opened its fangs and sharp mouth, and launched a counterattack at the latter.

at the same time.

The blue Susana also raised his four hands and pushed hard to push away the Muscle Susan who was stepping on it, and then joined the battle, besieging the Muscle Susan together with Nine-Tails.

This Gundam battle is essentially a chakra contest between their pilots, Broken, Madara and Naruto.


 They fought all the way from dozens of kilometers away to here.

  To be precise, it was Dan who drove Madara and Naruto to this castle by driving the muscular Susan.

 This is definitely not the first time we have been to the moon.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

After he awakened the Samsara Eye and mastered the ability to teleport, out of covetousness for the outsider demons, he once visited the moon and found the Otsutsuki clan living here.

 It's just that the heretic demon statue had been stolen by Naruto at that time, so Duanbai was asked to make a run for it.

 At the time, I definitely had no interest in the Otsutsuki clan on the moon.

 Because he knows that these guys are just the descendants of Hamura Otsutsuki, and they are not pure Otsutsuki. Their strength is completely incomparable with Momoshiki, Jinshiki and others from the original time and space.

He just used the power of the Rinnegan to control an Otsutsuki tribesman when he left, letting the latter become his spy and monitor the tribe.

 Just when he was hesitating.

"It should be okay." Kyuubi's voice rang in Naruto's mind again.

Although it also hates Madara and wants to eat him alive, under the current situation, it has to cooperate with Madara.

 Otherwise, it feels like it will be beaten to death by Muscle Susano's fist sooner or later.

The pair of iron fists hitting it were so painful that even the thick-skinned Nine-Tails couldn't bear it.

Hearing what Kyuubi said, Naruto also realized that there was probably no other way but to try as Madara said.


 “Okay, come on!” he shouted at Madara.

 The next second, under the control of Madara and Naruto, the blue Susanoo and the Kyuubi quickly approached and began to merge with each other.

He did not intervene, but watched this scene with interest, quietly waiting for the two to merge.


  After a burst of light dissipated, a Nine-Tails covered in Karatengu armor appeared in front of Tie Dan.

“Is this the powerful Susanoo?”

Zang's eyes flashed, and Susan stepped forward to control the muscles, and punched the nine tails in the face.


Kyuubi roared, raised his claws to block Muscular Susan's fist, and then an armor-covered tail swept across and hit the latter's chest.

  Deng Deng Deng.

Muscle Susan was forced back for the first time, and his huge body retreated hundreds of meters.

 “It’s finally interesting.”

 Mutter to himself intermittently and show a bright smile. From now on, he was going to have a good fight.

 Bang, bang, bang!

On the moon, Muscular Susan and Powerful Susan fought together again. The two sides were evenly matched for a while, and no one could suppress the other.

 But the descendants of Hamura were unlucky.

As the two Gundams fought each other, the Otsutsuki clan's castle finally couldn't hold on anymore and was soon completely destroyed.

Hamun’s descendants were also dead and wounded, with few left alive.


 “Sheren, come quickly.”

Hearing the constant vibrations and loud noises above his head, the patriarch urged Shiren again and walked with him through a long corridor.

When the two of them reached the end, a dazzling light suddenly came from the front.

This is a spacious and bright underground hall. Its light source comes from a ring-shaped device in the center of the hall, with a huge yellow eyeball suspended above it.

This giant yellow eye is called the Tsansei Eye, and it is an eye that is no less inferior to the Samsara Eye.

However, it was not awakened by someone opening his eyes, but the white eyes of many Otsutsuki people merged together, and finally the quantitative change caused a qualitative change, and this eye evolved.

 In fact.

 As a descendant of Hamura, like the Hyuga clan of Konoha, the Otsutsuki clan on the moon was actually divided into clan families and branch clans at the beginning.


The clan has always stood for peace and has no covetous view of the ninja world, silently guarding the heretic demons.

 The branch family was dissatisfied with this, and maliciously misinterpreted Hamura's last wish, believing that the ancestors were deeply disappointed with the ninja world left by the Sage of Six Paths and had plans to destroy the ninja world.

 The relationship between the two parties is like the former moderates and radicals in the Uchiha clan.

 Later, the conflict between the clan and branch families intensified.

At that time, the members of the branch family donated their Byakugan one after another, fused into one to form the giant reincarnation eye, and used it to fire terrifying chakra energy cannons, annihilating the members of the clan who advocated peace in one fell swoop.

Since then, only the radical branch family members have remained on the moon.

Driven by ambition, they finally put the plan to destroy the ninja world on the agenda, but they didn't expect that when they were about to execute it, they would be caught off guard by a sudden enemy.

“I will use the power of this reincarnated eye to kill the three guys outside and avenge my tribe.”

 The patriarch stared at the reincarnation eyes with a feverish expression.

 Then, he turned to look at Sheren and told the latter:

“You immediately escape from the secret passage, go to the earth, go to the Hyuga clan in Konoha to find the clansman with the purest blood, and capture the other party’s Byakugan, and combine it with the Otsutsuki chakra in your body.

 In this way, you can get more powerful power. "

 “I understand, patriarch.”

 Sheren nodded. He knew that if the clan leader failed, he would be the Otsutsuki clan's last hope.

Besides, he can't be of much help if he stays here.

 Konoha, here I come.

 Said something silently in his heart, Sheren said goodbye to the clan leader and hurried away along the secret passage.

"Tsenseigan, lend me your power, just like you did when you wiped out the clan, let me wipe out those **** invaders!"

As the patriarch said, he put his hands into the huge yellow eyeball, and a dazzling light suddenly flooded the entire underground hall...

 (End of this chapter)

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