Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 318: Returning to the village, Samyi’s temptation

Chapter 318 Returning to the village, Samyi’s temptation

Orochimaru said that he could give the Nine-Tails to the Sixth Hokage Uchiha Dan.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Naruto was the first to come to his senses, and with a frown on his face, he exposed Orochimaru's lies:

"This is impossible! When I died earlier, the Nine-Tails' chakra also dissipated. It will take at least a few years before it can be resurrected in the wild."

 As the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, no one has more say on this issue than Naruto.

However, what Naruto and everyone else did not expect was this.


Orochimaru smiled meaningfully, looked at Naruto with a pair of strange snake eyes, and then told the latter a truth that few people knew:

"Naruto, the Nine-Tails in your body is actually not complete, only half. The other half of the Nine-Tails was taken away by your father Namikaze Minato using the Ghoul Seal, and it went into the belly of the Shinigami with him. .”


Naruto was stunned when he heard this. He really didn't know about this matter. After all, even Kyuubi had never mentioned it to him.


“Captain, do you think what Orochimaru said is true?” an ANBU asked Kakashi in a low voice.

Kakashi thought for a moment and speculated:

“The Nine-Tails is the most powerful tailed beast. Its chakra is so heavy that even with the power of the Yondaime, it is difficult to completely seal it.

In addition, if the Yondaime decided from the beginning to seal the Nine-Tails in the newborn Naruto, then it would be necessary to separate the Nine-Tails for Naruto's safety.

  After all, with the physique of a baby, it is very likely that the Nine-Tails will not be able to suppress it, causing it to go berserk. "

 As for what Orochimaru said, Kakashi tends to be true.

“So, what is your plan? Is it to cut open the God of Death’s belly and take out the half of the Nine-Tails?”

 Tsunade's questioning voice sounded, asking Orochimaru to be more specific instead of just telling the truth.

Facing her sarcasm, Orochimaru smiled and responded proudly:

 “You’re right, Tsunade.

I have a way to lift the ghoul seal, let the God of Death release the souls of the Fourth Hokage and the half of the Nine-Tails, and then use the dirt reincarnation to resurrect Namikaze Minato.

If I guessed correctly, Uchiha Dan has seen through everything long ago and knows that I have this ability, so he ordered Kakashi's ANBU to bring me back to Konoha safely. "

 Is that so?

 After hearing what Orochimaru said, everyone present was shocked again.

No one would have thought that there were actually two Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, besides Naruto, there was also his father.

 As for the fact that Orochimaru was able to break the seal of the zombies, it is not surprising if you think about it carefully.

  After all, he has been studying the art of reincarnation from the earth for a long time, and a strong man like the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato would naturally be targeted by Orochimaru and included in his resurrection list.

 There is another reason.

Many years ago, after the Third Ninja War, Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato were the two most popular candidates to compete for the fourth generation title.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

 As a result, Orochimaru lost.

  Although Orochimaru claims to have no interest in the position and power of Hokage, he has always been an aloof and conceited person deep down, and he cannot accept losing to Minato.

Using the reincarnation of the dirty land to resurrect Namikaze Minato, and then turning the latter into his own puppet, is undoubtedly a refreshing revenge for Orochimaru.

Driven by this strong will, it is not surprising that he worked hard to find a way to break the corpse seal.

“Okay, let’s talk about it back to Konoha.”

Kakashi waved his hand and ordered the ANBU to shackle Orochimaru and prepare to return.

If what Orochimaru said is true, then in the eyes of the Sixth Generation, he is undoubtedly a very important chess piece and cannot make any mistakes.

 So Kakashi told himself in his heart:

Must not mess up things again this time, otherwise, he, the captain of the ANBU, will have no shame in being the leader anymore, so he will have no choice but to submit his resignation to the Sixth Generation.

 Naruto was still standing there, dazed.

Even though he was the previous Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, when Orochimaru wanted to resurrect the fox, Naruto would not intervene, let alone fight for the Nine-Tails.

 However, along with the Nine-Tails, there was also the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato who was resurrected.

That man is the father that Naruto has never met.


Unconsciously, his heart beat faster and his heart was filled with ripples.

at this time.


Xianglin came over and said to him sincerely, "Come back to Konoha with us. Don't you want to have the opportunity to meet your father?"


Naruto hesitated to speak, his expression hesitant.

His father, the Fourth Hokage, what kind of person is he in reality?

It is definitely a lie to say that Naruto is not curious, but he has promised Mr. Konan to leave with her.

 Speaking of this, Samyi couldn't help but put away his smile, and a worried look appeared on his beautiful face.

In response, Duan opened his eyes and patted the back of his wife’s hand:

"Don't worry, I just received news from Kakashi. They have completed the mission and are on their way back."

"That's great."

Samyi was relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

after awhile.

When the two talked about the cooperation between Konoha and Kirigakure, Samui asked seemingly casually:

“Seg, what’s your impression of Terumi Mizukage?”

 “That woman…”

 Jian Wenyan was very frank and direct, "She is quite beautiful, with a good figure and temperament. She also has strong strength and leadership abilities."

Hearing her husband praise another woman so generously in front of her, Samyi was not angry, but smiled and echoed:

“Yes, Terumi Mei-sama is a perfect woman.

However, I heard that she is 31 years old this year and is still single. Is it because she has given everything to the village and has no time to take care of her personal love life?

 It’s really admirable. "

Like many people in the outside world, Samui is full of curiosity about the love life of the Fifth Mizukage.

"That woman will probably remain single until she grows old. Tsunade's today is her tomorrow."

A prediction was made.

  After all, Terumi Mei in the original time and space later became an old woman. She was still single and embarked on the road of loneliness.

Who made her the pillar of the Fifth Mizukage and Kirigakure? Such a woman who has mastered all the secrets of Kirigakure must not marry outside.

And inside Kirigakure, after experiencing those dark years in the blood mist, outstanding male ninjas who were close to Terumi Mei died and fled, and the rest were all crooked, and none of them could make her see. Worthy.

 Hmm, can’t I just be single all the time?

To talk about it, it is probably the culprit that like a ghost that he has killed all the same period.

"It's a pity. If that really happens, the Fifth Mizukage himself should have some regrets in his heart."

Samyi also sighed with emotion.

 Then, the strength of her hand suddenly increased, and she asked a very dangerous question:

“However, she seems... to be a little interested in you.”

Facing his wife's vague temptation and suspicion, Duan Fang did not change his expression. Instead, he asked Samyi: "Where did you see it?"

“Of course it’s a woman’s intuition. Also, don’t forget, I used to be a spy in Yunyin Village, and observing people’s emotions is my strong point.”

Samyi’s eyes flashed, and he not only responded confidently, but also specifically mentioned the past.

You must know that Samyi has always felt ashamed and guilty about his former identity as a spy, and almost never mentions it in front of him.

 Even Marisa and Hagoromo didn't know that their mother had been a Kumogakure spy.

At this time, Samyi took the initiative to mention his "unbearable past", which was actually a further temptation.

I have always been aware of this.

 He noticed his wife's inferiority and uneasiness.

So, Duan straightened up from the sofa, thought seriously for a moment, then looked at Samyi and gave his answer:

“I have used the Sharingan to control Terumi Mei for a period of time. Every time she saw me, she would kneel down and call me master.

You should know that the previous generation Mizukage Gotachibana Mikura was controlled by Obito for several years. Although he later got rid of the illusion control of Sharingan, his soul was permanently damaged and he died not long after.

 I think Terumi Mei is in a similar situation.

She was controlled by me with my Sharingan for a short time. Although she was not like the Fourth Mizukage, it still left some sequelae, such as subconscious worship and dependence on me. "

"I see."

Samyi was very satisfied with Duan Zhen’s answer.

At the same time, she also suddenly realized:

"So is this the reason why Mizukage is single until now? From this point of view, you are the one who is sorry for me."


Hearing Samyi say this, he asked with a smile but not a smile:

“Then what should I do? Do I have to take responsibility for Mei Mei?”

Unexpectedly, Samyi said to him sincerely after a moment of silence:

 “Jian, as long as you like it, that’s fine. Your happiness is my happiness.”

She has never forgotten that her original identity was just a spy. Not only was she not executed, she actually became the Hokage's wife and has a happy life like a dream today.

 Hence, Samyi did not want much.

Facing his humble wife, Duan sighed, then pulled her over and sat on his lap.

 “Then, let me be happy now.”

 So, the two spent a happy afternoon.

 (End of this chapter)

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