Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 329: Trio VS Toneri

Chapter 329 Trio VS Toner

 Beautiful, mysterious, eyes as blue as the sea water, like two deep whirlpools, attracting people's attention.

  After Sasuke saw Toneri’s eyes, his eyes immediately focused and he reminded him loudly:

“Be careful, that is the reincarnation eye, an eye of the same level as the samsara eye. It is said to have similar abilities to the samsara eye, including controlling gravity and repulsion, and even absorbing the opponent’s chakra.”

 “If this is the case, it will be troublesome.”

Hearing this, Naruto's expression became solemn.

  After all, as a person who once had the Samsara Eye, he knew very well how powerful those eyes were.


Marissa clenched her fists and stared at Toneri, the anger in her eyes burning.

 Despite Sasuke's reminder, she was unable to calm down at all, because Toneri's eyes were awakened after he dug out Hanabi's eyes.

 “You bastard, give Hanabi’s eyes back!”

Marissa yelled, kicked the ground violently, and rushed towards Toneri like a cannonball.

 During this process, the tall and majestic platinum star emerged from her body, with the same murderous look on her face.

"Hey, is this the so-called substitute? The blood inheritance limit inherited from Uchiha Dan. Just in time, let me take a look..."

Toneri murmured to himself, raised a hand and pointed it at Marissa, the palm of his hand lit up with a dazzling green light, as if he was about to unleash some kind of powerful move.

 At this time, the distance between Marisa and Toneri has been shortened to only five meters.

 Smash Varudo!

Marissa didn't hesitate at all, she started to stop decisively, and it only took 0.1 seconds to rush to Toneri.

Even though he has the reincarnation eye, Toneri still cannot see through the flow of time. His whole expression is frozen with the world, and there is still a playful smile on his face.


 “Eula Euler Euler Euler!”

With a roar, Marissa punched together with Platinum Star behind her. In just two seconds, hundreds of punches were thrown, all of which landed on Toneri's face and body.

 Time resumes its flow.


Sharen let out a shrill scream, blood was pouring from his body, and he flew out upside down, knocking down a row of houses on the shore, and was finally buried under the rubble.

This is...what happened?

  Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other in confusion.

 “Did you see clearly?”

 “No, no.”

Just now, before the two of them could stop Marissa, she had already rushed in front of Toneri.

Just when they were worried about Marissa, they felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then Toneri screamed and flew out, seemingly seriously injured.

I thought Marissa was too reckless, but unexpectedly she went up and beat him up.


 Otsutsuki Toneri, who possesses the reincarnation eye, does not seem to be defeated so easily.


With a loud noise, all the broken walls that were pressing on Toneri were blown away, and he stood up again.

At this time, he had a bruised nose, a swollen face, and blood all over his body. Although he looked quite embarrassed, he was more...angry.

He claimed to be the strongest of the Datuki family. He was not in his eyes except Uchiha's broken. He was beaten by a eight -year -old girl.

 For Sheren, this is tantamount to a great shame and humiliation.

 He won't be careless anymore.

 “This guy has been beaten quite well.”

Marissa frowned when she saw Toneri standing up.

It's a pity that her time stop is only 2 seconds. If she can stop it for 5 seconds or longer, she can definitely beat Toneri to the point where he can't stand up, or even directly dig out the opponent's reincarnation eye.

But it’s not a big problem. At worst, it’s just a matter of doing it again until the guy is completely defeated.

 So, there was a swish sound.

Marissa rushed towards Toneri again.

“You dare to look down on me. Little devil, I’ll show you the true power of the Tsangikangan. Drink!”

Toneri shouted sharply, his pupils suddenly dilated, and his whole body was instantly enveloped in a green chakra, as if he was wearing a tailed beast coat.

  Chakra pattern of the reincarnated eye.

In this mode, the Tsanseigan will be fully powered, thereby comprehensively improving the user's abilities and releasing many more powerful ninjutsu.

 As soon as the Tsansigan Chakra mode started, the bruises on the body's surface quickly disappeared and healed themselves under the power of Yin Yang Escape.

 Then, he aimed at Marissa and clasped his hands in the middle.


 Two boulders with a diameter of tens of meters were affected by gravity and flew from a distance like lightning. They clamped **** Marissa like hamburgers.

 The reincarnation eye's manipulation of gravity is even better than the reincarnation eye. Not only can it act on the opponent like the Ten Thousand Eyes of Heaven, but it can also control everything in the world.

 It can even drive the moon out of orbit and crash into the earth.

 In fact, if Duanyi had not punched the moon, Sheren might have done that in order to avenge his tribe.

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Two boulders are like two mountains, colliding together under the action of gravity.

If an average person were to receive such a blow, he would probably turn into a pulp on the spot, unless he was like Marissa, who had developed a body of steel at a young age.

Plus a strong muscular man stand-in named Platinum Star.

Immediately, a huge amount of substantive chakra suddenly burst out from his body, and then transformed into the third form of Susanoo wearing the Karatengu armor.

 Boom, boom, boom!

The rain of prayer beads fell on Susanoo, and a series of explosions occurred, making his huge body crumbling and becoming extremely unstable.

 But he was finally able to defend himself against this wave of fierce attacks by Shiren.

 “Haha, Susanoo, just try that move.”

Sheren sneered and snapped his fingers. He heard a loud rumble on the ground, and then a stone statue came out of the ground not far away.

 It is a stone statue of Hamura Otsutsuki.


Under Toneri's control, the Hamura stone statue opened its arms and rushed towards Sasuke's Susanoo, fighting with the latter.

“A pile of broken stones, do you want to compete with the power of God?”

Sasuke was merciless, and manipulated Susana to transform into two samurai swords, just like chopping melons and vegetables, and he cut the Hamura stone statue into eight pieces.


Seeing the stone statue fall down, it suddenly seemed like time went back in time. It stood up again, and its mutilated body quickly recovered.

 That's because the power of this stone statue comes from the reincarnation eye.

 As long as it is supported by the Chakra of Toneri's Reincarnation Eye, even if it is broken a hundred or a thousand times, it can be easily restored to its original appearance.


Under Toneri's control, the stone statue roared, rushed towards Susanoo again, and launched a fierce attack on the latter.

As time went by, Susanoo was suppressed, his body became more and more shaky, and a large number of cracks appeared on his body surface.

after all.

 The battle between Susana and the stone statue is essentially a battle between the eyesight of Sasuke and Toneri.

 Compared with the Mangekyo Sharingan and the Tsanseigan, there is still a big gap.

 “Sasuke, let me help you!”

Naruto saw that Sasuke could hardly hold on any longer and immediately clasped his hands together.

The next second, five huge golden chains shot out from his back, dancing like a giant dragon towards the Hamura stone statue, entangling it.

King Kong blockade.

This technique can not only restrict the enemy's movement, but due to the characteristics of the sealing technique, it can also cut off the chakra connection between the stone statue and the Toneri.

"And I!"

Marissa even yelled, and she and Platinum Star jumped up again, violently punching hundreds of punches at the stone statue.


With the concerted efforts of the three of them, the Hamura stone statue was finally exploded and turned into rubble on the ground, unable to be rebuilt.

Sheren's expression changed. He didn't expect the three of them to be so tenacious.


He took a deep breath, his expression finally turned serious, and he planned to use his real trump card to end this farce.

 “Ginlun Reincarnation Explosion!”

Hearing his sharp shout, a large number of chakra beads were released from his palms, and then he rotated these green beads with both hands, forming a brilliant silver halo in front of him.


 Woo woo woo.

In the horrified eyes of Sasuke and the three of them, a huge tornado was launched from the aperture, sweeping towards them.

 There is nowhere to escape.

This tornado instantly enveloped the entire Taki Ninja Village, and also submerged the three figures of Sasuke...

 The cruel facts have been proven once again.

 Face the absolute power gap, any effort and skill are useless.

Under the ravages of the Ginrin Tensei Explosion, everything in Taki Ninja Village was destroyed, including the tree on the island in the middle of the lake that was several hundred meters high and weighed thousands of tons. It was all uprooted at this moment.

 After a long time, wait until the storm subsides.

Hum, bang, bang.

 Sasuke, Naruto and Marissa fell from the sky to the ground one after another. They were all covered with bruises and could no longer move.

Otsutsuki Shiren, with fluttering clothes, calmly flew over from a distance, looking down at the three of them with an indifferent expression.

"Uchiha Dan's daughter, Marisa. When I kill you, the Sixth Hokage should be able to feel the pain of losing my clan members."

 Serito looked at Marisa and spoke slowly.

Marissa’s eyes were stubborn and she didn’t speak.

 Thanks to her strong physique, she could barely activate the last time stop. Those 2 seconds were her last hope to kill the opponent.

 Although that hope is slim.

 But at this moment, Marisa was suddenly startled, opened her mouth wide, and looked up at Toneri blankly.

 “What, are you scared out of your wits?”

Seeing Marisa's dull look, Shiren couldn't help but chuckle, and then raised his right hand, ready to take action.

 Wait, something is wrong.

 Seren suddenly realized that Marisa's eyes were not on him, but looking behind him.

 The next second.


As a joking male voice sounded behind him, Shiren's whole body was suddenly shaken, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

 (End of this chapter)

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