Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 170 The Clown Man, With Space Ability

Shao Ren looked at the clown man and a smile appeared on his face, "Power of Space Element, your chosen one aren't you."

"Oh... you figure it out... no no no, this is supposed to be biggest secret," The clown man appeared shocked, eyes and mouth widened and then a sorrowful look appeared on his face, "Renu... we spend a week together, talking about our life, those days were wonderful, a most amazing days of my life, I love you Renu... but now you know my most secret thing I can't let you live anymore. Ohhh... I'm soo sad."

The clown man's painted smile drooped as he sank to his knees, the bells on his hat jingling discordantly. His oversized shoes scraped against the pavement, leaving skid marks. Tears welled up in his eyes, distorting the thick black lines of his exaggerated lashes and running down his painted-on cheeks.

"Urgh... you damn clown," Shao Ren shivered at the clown man's confession, but he didn't stop and attacked the black slash at the clown man again and again.

"Ohh God, why you must put me in such dreadful situation... why?" The clown man was on his knees, looking up he prayed to God, and all the black slashes Shao Ren attacked disappeared before they even touched the clown man, then those attacks appeared again at Shao Ren's blind spot, however, each time Shao Ren dodged them.

"Fuck, this ability is annoying," Shao Ren cursed. He couldn't do anything to clown man if he didn't find any weakness in his ability.

"Okay, God I understand," Clown Man said seriously as he got up from his knees and looked at Shao Ren, "Listen Renu, I loved you but God didn't love us, today you have to die, God is evil."

The clown man moved his hand in the air in a circular motion and a green light circle appeared in the air this light circle flew at insane speed to Shao Ren's hand, and cut his hand in an instant.

"What is this?" Shao Ren's eyes bulged out as he looked at his hand that went missing, but Shao Ren looked closer and he saw that his hand wasn't cut from his body but it disappeared.

Shao Ren focused and he was able to sense his hand and also able to move around but it wasn't with him but somewhere else, underwater.

"Hahaha, now how do you like my trick," The Clown Man laughed, "I transport your hand underwater but all nerves of your are connected by infinite space, so here another good question... what would happen if there will hundreds of tiny fish with sharp teeth start eating your hand? Renu what will happen? Tell me, tell me."

"Your really biggest piece of shit I ever met, even I'm better than you," Shao Ren said and glared at him. Shao Ren's mind running faster to find the solution to this situation.

"Haha, thank you for complaint," The clown man put his one leg behind him, lean forward and hat pushed forward.

"Urghh....," Shao Ren grunted and fall on his. He felt immense pain in his hand, he struggled with his hand in underwater but all the tiny fish isn't leaving him.

He would like to cut his cut hand off but he couldn't.

His ability only let his hand and legs regenerate, and clown man transport his hand underwater with all nerves connected, and Shao Ren couldn't able to cut those never, and he could still cut his shoulder off but then he wouldn't be able to regenerate his hand.

"Haha, Renu... for my love for you, I would also send your other hand and legs in underwater," Clown Man laughed like crazy as he send three other light rings toward Shao Ren.

"Shit," Shao Ren immediately tried to dodge but he couldn't as his other hand and two legs went underwater.

After a long moment, Shao Ren's state becomes worse, his eyes become red and mouth dried up, and his hand and legs underwater almost eat up by tiny fish.

"I'm impressed, throughout your never scream, you have strong will, and that's why I loved you, if it weren't for God games then we would be happy pair," The clown nodded his head and said seriously.

Shao Ren was taking a deep breath and felt all his hands and legs become numb and there were almost eaten by the tiny fish.

'What should I do? There has to some way to defeat him?' Shao Ren thought. His bloodline power was moving across the body, the moment all his hands and legs get eaten by the tiny fish, Shao Ren would activate the bloodline power and regenerate the hands and legs.

However, there was no meaning if he couldn't find a way to defeat the clown man in an instant, since he could send his hands and legs underwater again In an instant.

"Have to find a way, does he have some sort of weakness? Nah finding weakness won't work, what should I do? What?" Shao Ren's mind ran fast but he got no solution.

"Renu... oh Renu, I promise I will destroy every God that exist, those cruel gods are the source of your pain, don't worry I will kill every God until they became extinct," The clown man's face become crazy with every bit of word he spoke, the intent desire of killing God's appeared on his face, looking at him, Shao Ren shivered.

"Renu... I promise I will kill the gods, so rest peace," the clown man crouched down and put his hand on Shao Ren's neck.

The clown man was about to use his ability to kill Shao Ren painlessly, However, instead of the expected deep sleep, he suddenly felt a piercing pain in his stomach. He looked down to see Shao Ren's hand covered in a dark aura with sharp claws penetrating him. His eye widened in shock and a gush of warm blood spurted from his mouth.

The clown man spurts out blood on Shao Ren and a smile appeared on his face, and his skin instantly turned dark, "Poison, how did you find poison?"

"Devourver Devil Devour everything and use against the enemy," Shao Ren weakly said as he was able to do a surprise attack, which he didn't expect it.

"Hahaha, Renu your the truly someone I love, hahaha, Devourver Devil, a nemesis of all chosen one, Renu, I wait for you, I wait for you at God's Realme, then together we will kill every last of them," The clown man said with a crazy smile that was wide, then he disappeared.

"Huh? Does that mean poison didn't effect him a bit, man I hope he doesn't came back," Shao Ren sighed.

"Nemesis of all chosen one, God's Realm... what does it mean? Man forget it, I'm too tried to think all of this, I like to sleep," Shao Ren closed his eyes and slowly his legs and other hand was regenerating.

----- 1 Hour Later

Shao Ren opened his eyes and he saw the ground moving up and down, no it was his face that was moving, Shao Ren closed his and opened it again, then tried to move his hand and legs.

"Oye, don't move much,"

Shao Ren heard a voice, and he got silent all of a sudden then he was able to see clearly and saw it was Ye Kai carrying him on his back.

"How did you get here?" Shao Ren asked.

"That person also attacked him, so I let his capture me and here I'm, I was on my way to make this underground tunnel upside down when I saw you laying down," Ye Kai said.

"Hmm, stop, I'm better enough to walk on my own," Shao Ren sighed and he said then he jumped up to get off the Ye Kai back.

"Yeah, I'm not planning to carry any longer," Ye Kai chuckled and said, "By the way, explain situation to me, where is Yang Guifei and Kirin?"

"Kirin? How do you know about her?"

"Miyu told me, oh yeah Miyu is safe so don't worry about her."

"(Took a deep breath) Yang Guifei and Kirin are other end of tunnel, people here are preparing them to sacrifice some goddess and people here also took away our guardian, I don't where Yang Guifei and Kirin guardian are and what situation they are in, but my Black Devil is bit ahead of Yang Guifei and Kirin, and like me Yang Guifei and Kirin could also sense thier own guardian, so our priority is to save Yang Guifei and Kirin first," Shao Ren explained the situation and next plan of theirs.

For this information, Shao Ren get through a week of torture, he was hoping the information wouldn't be false.

"Oh... so stop here lets go," Ye Kai said cheerfully and he started walking ahead.

"He doesn't look serious about this at all," Shao Ren sighed and walked fast to catch up with him.

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