Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 173 Encounter Succubus

Ye Kai sighed as understood that if he didn't have a system then Yang Guifei and Irin would have died, and Ye Kai also liked this experiment where he get to know what he could do without a system and when he need the system and why.

"Ren, let's leave them here, I will put protective barrier that will guarantee thier safety, so let's find Kirin and Black Devil," Ye Kai said.

"Yes, let's go," Shao Ren said, "Guifei we are going ahead to fine Kirin and Black Devil, so you rest here with Irin."

Irin's exhausted frame was propped up against the wall, her eyes drooping heavily. Summoning all of her strength, she forced open her lids and weakly whispered, "There is no need. I can rest inside the Guifei, so please go with them."

Irin felt her body break apart into a million tiny particles, each of them glowing with warmth and light. They swirled around Yang Guifei, weaving in and out of her body before settling into her chest.

"Well, let's go then," Ye Kai said and he walked out of the room, and behind Yang Guifei's hands were clenched as she walked out, and with her was Shao Ren.


Ye Kai and Shao Ren approached the three guards stationed in the underground tunnel, silently exchanging glances as they advanced. Ye Kai moved with quick precision, and with a swift punch knocked out the first guard. Shao Ren repeated similar action and felled the second guard in one blow. Yang Guifei however, took her time, menacingly walking around each guard before grasping their wrists and elbows with an iron grip, bending them backward until a sickening crunch filled the air. She then systematically broke their legs, leaving them writhing in agony on the ground.

Ye Kai hate the sound of their screaming, so he grabbed his earbuds from his pocket. He jammed them in his ears, and with the press of a button, melody filled his ears.

Ye Kai, Shao Ren, and Yang Guifei fought their way through hordes of guards that blocked the entrance to Black Devil's chamber. The three left a trail of broken limbs and unconscious bodies behind them as they advanced toward the impenetrable iron door.

"I hope he isn't in bad situation as Irin," Shao Ren sighed and Shao Ren leaned his weight onto the heavy door, but it wouldn't budge. He took a step back and sighed, then set his feet firmly on the ground and pushed with all of his might, gritting his teeth. His muscles strained as he held the door handle in a white-knuckled grip. But it was no use — the door remained closed.

"This was tough door," Ye Kai said.

Shao Ren used the bloodline power and he finally opened the door, They stepped inside, and their eyes landed on an eerie sight - Black Devil surrounded by a group of women in various states of undress.

"Does black devil have third leg?" Ye Kai asked.

Shao Ren sighed, "Here I was getting tortured day and night, this fucking guardian having his best moments of life."

"Ren Boy, Kai boy, Oye help... help me... please... help this are succubus, demoness draining my life, help me," Black Devil shouted.

"Does it look like he is in trouble?" Ye Kai pointed at Black Devil and asked.

"Not a bit," Shao Ren said.

Yang Guifei looked away, her expression contorted with disgust as she pressed her hands firmly against her ears to muffle the groans and shrieks coming from the Black Devil's lair.

"Ren, just knock out all women, they are all demons that drain life out of person in that way," Ye Kai said seriously. He just checked in his system and he learned how terrifying a succubus could be.

"Hmm, well then ite better to kill them," Shao Ren said and He dashed into the room in an instant in his hand sword that became black like charcoal he slashed around, He spun and jabbed, slashed and sliced mercilessly, wiping out every single demon until their lifeless corpses lay strewn on the floor.

"It was strange, this demons didn't fight back." Shao Ren said and got confused by this behavior.

The Black Devil's body contorted and shrank down until it was the size of a human palm. His form dissolved into a shower of tiny, flickering particles that flew through the air and surged into the mouth of Shao Ren.

"I'm too tried and most of my life got drained away so let me recover," Black Devil's voice sounded.

"It's too much blood," Ye Kai said and looked away from this gruesome scene.

Ye Kai looked at the sight before him - walls smeared with the deep red of clotted blood that had pooled on the ground, and body and head in different places. He looked away from this gruesome scene.

"Sorry for that," Shao Ren let out a hearty laugh as he headed in the direction of Ye Kai. Suddenly, an ethereal sweet scent filled the air and a chill ran down his spine as he realized that something sinister was lurking behind him.

Shao Ren froze, his eyes widening as he looked over his shoulder and felt a cold, smooth finger slide up his neck. He swallowed hard, the color draining from his face.

"Boya, your too handsome, wanna spend time with older sister?"

Shao Ren's face was frozen in an expression of pure terror. His heart pounded, and he could feel the sweat trickle down his back as fear threatened to consume him.

Ye Kai's jaw dropped when he saw the woman standing behind Shao Ren. This woman was too beautiful that He couldn't look away; she was stunningly beautiful.

The woman's eyes were a radiant, almond-shaped emerald green, her nose a delicate slope, her lips full and upturned. Her skin glows, luminescent and smooth. Her figure was an hourglass and her breast were a perfect handful. Her hair was the color of rose petals, tumbling down her back like a waterfall. Every part of her was pure beauty, mesmerizing in its perfection.

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