Unserious Beast Tamer

Chapter 399 - Chapter 399: Chapter 245 The Second Red Item!_l

Chapter 399: Chapter 245 The Second Red Item!_l

Watching the somewhat unwilling Qin siblings suddenly change their attitudes, Xu Ran shook his head and chuckled softly, while extending his sympathies to Teacher Tony.

“Ahem.” Xu Ran cleared his throat lightly, thought about his purpose and a flash of anticipation reflected in his eyes before fading away. “When business was initially slow, your visits gave me a lot of encouragement. Beyond just business, I also see you both as friends.”

“That’s why I’m personally cleaning and caring for your pet beasts today.”

“Boss Xu, you…” Qin Yue’s face turned slightly emotional.

She was a straightforward and generous person who valued loyalty. Such words touched her heart.

Standing on the side, however, Qin Can looked somewhat bemused.

He didn’t know why, but he found Xu Ran’s current demeanor very familiar.

Wasn’t this the feeling he got when he used to scam people?

Uh oh…

Seeing his sister’s emotional expression, Qin Can had an ominous feeling.

His sister was usually immune to his scamming attempts, so why was she falling for someone else’s so easily?

“Although I am about to leave Xieyun City and I don’t know when we’ll see each other again, I will always miss you both.” Xu Ran’s face showed regret and attachment.

The three little ones behind him also had similar looks of sadness on their faces.

They were genuinely reluctant to leave.

In the next city, who knows if they would find such lucky fish again?

Xu Ran took a deep breath and began to speak slowly.

“So, I have a favor to ask.”

Here it comes!

Qin Can felt a foreboding sense of fear. As if he had seen through everything, he shook his head continuously as he saw his sister’s trusting expression.

His sister was not reliable at key moments; the responsibility fell on him.

So, no matter what Boss Xu asked for, he definitely wouldn’t agree!

“I hope I could take a photo with both of you.”

“No…huh?” Qin Can refused automatically. Then, he blinked, and realizing what Xu Ran had just said, he looked slightly bewildered.

Just… a photo?

“If not…” Xu Ran glanced at Qjn Can before his tone quickly dropped to sound sad, “Then I…”

“Bang! Wham!”

“Fine! It’s not a problem at all!” Qin Yue gave Qjn Can a hard slap on the back of his head. The force of it caused him to fall onto the floor. “It’s just a photo, Boss Xu, you don’t need to listen to this silly boy!”

Qin Can: “…”

With the help of the pet beasts, he picked himself up from the ground, rubbed the back of his head, and looked helpless.

Since his sister has spoken, he could only oblige.

However… did Xu Ran say all that just to take a picture with them?

Qin Can, who had initially thought Xu Ran would try to scam something tangible like him, was surprised.

Taking a photo was not unacceptable.

“Let’s do it!”

Xu Ran cheerfully tossed his cellphone to the eager Ziyun, then walked quickly to stand between the Qin siblings, putting his arms around them.

Ten consecutive photos, let’s go!


In the snapping sound of the phone’s camera, a photo of the three of them was captured.

Among them, Xu Ran’s smile was the most sincere.

After taking the photo, the Qin siblings didn’t stay long. They bade Xu Ran goodbye and headed home together.

On the way home, Qin Can furrowed his brows and looked thoughtful.

“What’s wrong?” Noticing her brother’s unusual behavior, Qin Yue casually asked.

“Something’s not right, very not right.” Qin Can hesitated, his face showing doubt. “I feel like there’s something off about Boss Xu.”

“What’s wrong?” Qin Yue raised her eyebrows.

“Older sis, do you remember the last time we both went to Starfire Care Shop for cleaning and caring, Boss Xu also requested to take a photo with us?”

“Of course, I remember. You even brought up the issue of portrait rights and Boss Xu provided us with three free cleaning services for all our pet beasts.” Qin Yue nodded, “That photo, which is now hung in the lounge, isn’t bad at all.”

“But this time, Boss Xu asked us for a photo again.” Qin Can stroked his chin thoughtfully, “Also, it felt too easy to get free cleaning services from Boss Xu, this is not like a businessman.”

“I have a feeling that whenever we scam Boss Xu, he cooperates too well. It’s as if he makes more profit even though it seems that we do.” His face twisted with struggle, “But the problem is, I don’t understand what he profits from.”


Qin Yue raised her hand and gave Qin Can another hard slap, “You are always scamming people, trying to take advantage of them, and think that everyone is like you!”

“Boss Xu was just being courteous, he’s generous!”

“I won’t tolerate you saying bad things about him!”

After finishing what she had to say, an indignant Qin Yue couldn’t resist giving another slap to Qin Can’s forehead, “What’s wrong with taking photos? Maybe Boss Xu likes taking photos?”

“Is…is that so?” Stunned by his sibling’s two slaps, Qin Can shook his head, thinking that he was perhaps overthinking things.

“It seems I misunderstood Boss Xu.”

“Hee- hee-hee~”

Sitting dumbfounded on the bed in the living room on the second floor, Xu Ran’s face wore a bright smile, and he would occasionally laugh, causing the three little ones surrounding him to be a bit confused.

Cancan gave a sidelong glance to Star.

Elder brother Star, should we wake Xu Ran up?

Star imperceptibly shook his head, then turned to look at Ziyun.

Such an arduous task, of course, couldn’t be carried out by him.

My turn?

Noticing the attention of the two little ones, Ziyun blinked and ruefully shook its head.

With a graceful stride, it gently stepped onto the soft blanket, moved next to Xu Ran, and then raised a paw and lightly pushed on Xu Ran’s shoulder.

“Ah!” Xu Ran snapped out of it, quickly grabbing Ziyun’s paw, then turning to the other two little ones, “The evolution route for Emperor Species, It’s here!”

The reason he was so excited was that in the second round of lottery drawing, blessed by the double lucky fish, Xu Ran had once again won a red item.

And this time, the red item was not an Advanced Meditation Acceleration Card, but the long-desired Evolution Path for Emperor Species!

He had just returned from the Transcendent Evolution Department and immediately won the evolution route for the Emperor Species. If such a thing were coincidence, Xu Ran would like it to happen a few more times.



Upon hearing Xu Ran’s words, the three little ones, after a brief stun, unanimously fell into an exhilarating cheer.

Emperor Species!

It can be said that after evolving into the King Species and experiencing the power brought by the transition of life level, the three little ones were always longing for another evolution, to become the stronger Emperor Species.

Such longing reached its peak after seeing the shocking scene of the Emperor Species evolving into the Holy Spirit Race at the Transcendent Evolution Department!

Now, the evolution route to the Emperor Species is right in front of them.

So, how far would the Holy Spirit Race be in the future?

“Because we promoted a system store manager last night, there were almost no Skill Fragments in this round of resource allocation, and the Skill Points and Physical Points were also much less than before.”

Xu Ran paused slightly, “But I believe, with the evolution route for Emperor Species, it should be enough, right?”

The three little ones all nodded in agreement.

Indeed, even if this round of resource allocation only brought this one item, it could be considered hugely significant.


Calm and collected after the initial excitement, the three little ones simultaneously realized a problem they needed to face.

There was only one Emperor Species Evolution Route.

Among the three of them, only one could know their future evolution path for now.

The other two would have to wait until they obtained another Emperor Species evolution route.

Upon this thought, the expressions on the faces of the three little ones changed gradually.

Sure… (I’ll wait some more…)

Regret colored Cancan’s face as it was the first to back out from the race for the evolution route.

Being the last one to complete the evolution, although it had practically caught up with Ziyun and Starfire in terms of strength level now, it was obviously not its turn yet for the next evolution.

There will be a second after a first, Cancan believed that there would be more Emperor Species evolution routes in the near future.

Thus, it could wait.

After Cancan’s statement, a trace of struggle emerged in Starfire’s eyes.

For this Evolution Route for the Emperor Species, it was also full of fascination and desire.


Turning to look at Ziyun, images of Ziyun’s various care for it when it first came to Starfire Foster Shop sprang to Starfire’s mind.

Ziyun was the first to form a contract with Xu Ran and the first to complete the first evolution. Now, it should be the one to start the second evolution.

Having thought about this, Starfire slightly shook its head.

Xi Lu – (Let Ziyun have it.)

Meow!!! (Thankyou!)

Ziyun, who originally was thinking about how to convince Starfire and Cancan to let it use the evolution route first, was taken aback when it heard the polite words from the two little ones, then was filled with gratitude.

Meow- (After I become stronger, I’ll protect you guys!)

Ziyun nodded vigorously, then turned to look at Xu Ran.

“Well then…” Xu Ran smiled and used the Evolution Route for the Emperor Species on Ziyun.

Much like when they used Evolution Route for the King Species, as Xu Ran used the item, a series of words appeared in his sight.

(Evolution path: Flash Thunder Cat (Thunder, Fighting) -> Hidden Thunder Jungle King(Thunder, Fighting)

Evolution Difficulty: ******

Evolution Potential: ******

[Evolution Path: Flash Thunder Cat (Thunder, Fighting) -> Thunder Destroyer(Thunder, Fighting)

Evolution Difficulty: ******

Evolution Potential: **** **]

[Evolution Path:…]

Six stars…

Reading on, Xu Ran quickly realized the difference between Emperor Species Evolution Path and King Species Evolution Path.

Firstly, in terms of stars.

For the King Species Evolution Path, the maximum Evolution Difficulty and Evolution Potential was five stars, while for the Emperor Species Evolution Path, it had increased to six stars.

Secondly, in terms of quantity.

Compared to the previous hundreds of evolution paths, the paths presented before Xu Ran now were only about twenty.

As a result, Xu Ran could easily find the only evolution path with a six-star Evolution Potential.

[Evolution route: Flash Thunder Cat (Thunder, Fighting) -► Shock Sky Chase Cloud (Thunder, Fighting)]

Evolution Difficulty: ******

Evolution Potential: **★**★]

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ran chose this evolution path.

This is it!

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