
Erika unleashed her newest Skill's ability, the [Yggdrasil Dragon's Swordsmanship Arts], as she conjured a gigantic claw made of golden and red flames imbued with both her draconic powers and her Yggdrasil's might.

After all, Erika's new body was crafted using the Heart of a Dryad and also many of the branches from the Yggdrasil Staff Eric had saved on his family's attic, an inheritance from his ancestor that once visited the Continent of Elves.

Many of the materials from the Wyvern we defeated were added as well, which she had developed into draconic powers after I've given her a lot of Dragon Blood Potions, and of course, her own training.

Even the Wyverns, the weakest dragon-type monsters had enough draconic energy for her to slowly evolve it into something truly unique, the power of an Yggdragon!

"Let's see if you can take this one, big guy! [Yggdrasil Dragon Swordsmanship Arts]: [Blazing Yggdragon's Divine Claw]!"


A gigantic claw clashed against the catfish-like salamander dragon, one of its eyes was instantly destroyed by the impact alone, the slash was so deep it pierced through its thick skull, leaving a terrifying wound behind.

"Well done, Erika!" I roared. "Erdrich, it's yours!"


Erdrich roared, descending as his fists blazed with Demonic Flames, his eyes glowing bright red, as his muscles temporarily grew even larger.

"[Demonic Fist Mastery]!"

His Aura erupted, resembling dozes of fists that then merged together into a single, gigantic blazing red demon fist, clashing against the giant dragon!


The impact alone sent ripples into the dragon's entire body, countless cracks spreading over its body! It quickly fell into the hardened pool of magma, shattering it into countless of stone pieces.


The Dragon furiously opened its giant maws, unleashing a devastating blazing breath, which could easily devastate a quarter of the entirety of Stronghold City!


"Not on my watch." Elizabeth said, swinging her staff. "[Holy Light Mirror]!"

She combined several mirrors into a gigantic one, taking the storm of flames and then firing it back towards the dragon, only for another mirror to appear right in front of it, the flames were being constantly bounced back and forth, mixing with the holy light of her magic.

"Is this enough?" Elizabeth asked.

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Your Level has increased from Level 78 to Level 84!]

[All your Stats have increased. You earned Bonus Skill Points and Stat Points.]

[You have accumulated a large quantity of Mana and Spiritual Energy; your Spirit Orb has increased in Power.]

[Your [Spirit Orb Realm]: [Rank 4 (Middle Stage)] has risen to Upper Stage!]

[Your Mana has increased by +2500]

[Your Intelligence has increased by +1500]

[Your Spirit has increased by +50]

Six levels in a row, that's ridiculous just for Floor 1! I guess it might also be thanks to my Hard Worker Skill having evolved to give even more EXP, but even then… Insane.

However, the last fifteen levels are always the hardest to get, and now that I'm almost at that mark, I doubt I'll get to max level right away.

Also increasing to Middle Stage gave me a few nice bonuses to Stats, not bad I suppose, but I still have yet to reach Peak Stage before finally reaching Rank 5.

Hopefully it can be achieved by hitting max level, though sometimes that's not enough either…

"Alright, shall we keep moving?" I asked. "I doubt any of you want to take a break so soon."

"I want to try out their meat…" Erika was drooling. "B-But I guess I can wait until we complete at least Floor 3! How about it?"

"Fine, let's take a break once Floor 3 is completed." I nodded. "Any objections?"

Nobody said a word, everyone simply nodded, they were all pumped up to move forwards.

"Alright, let's do this."

We jumped over Dracos and flew into the air, reaching Floor 2 by descending through a huge staircase leading deeper into this Labyrinth.

Within my Spirit Orb Realm, my Vampire Spirits were resting, gathering their strength for the time I'll call them to battle.

"I want to go fight too!" Eleanora was complaining. "Why must we rest and do nothing?"

"Because it's better to preserve Mana and Spirit Energy, which you guys consume when fighting." I explained. "Don't worry, once we get far enough, I'll call you. Be patient."

Floor 2 appeared within our sight, the volcanic caves stretching into many large corridors, the corridor in font of us leading to a huge crater filled with magma.

"Looks like every floor has a similar appearance." Elizabeth analyzed.


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