Versatile System Online

Chapter 396 Unreliable Characters

Chapter 396 Unreliable Characters

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The Next Day,

Both parties had prepared to their best and were now readying themselves for their tasks given to them by the higher ups. However, in the midst of it all, laying on the sofa were three men, completely drunk and without any sense of the world around them.

They didnt know how long or how much they had drunk or smoked but from their condition, anyone would say that they had a pretty good night yesterday.

"urghhh," Groaning, Loid opened his eyes and tired to prop himself up, only to feel himself falling back onto the sofa.

His head hurt, the light pierced through his eyes and made him feel dizzy, a sensation to vomit was constantly taking over his thought while his whole body felt like jello.

"What the heck happened?" He thought and tired to remember but only random thought and memories came to him while only a more severe headache assaulted him, prompting to him laying down on the sofa with his hands on his head, trying to think of something to ease the pain.

"Is this what they call a hangover?" He thought and made a promise himself to always detoxify any alcohol that entered his bloodstream ever again.

Although he had drunk previously, the alcohol that the Oracle had was strong and took effect pretty fast and that made it hard for him to dispel it from his bloodline, leading him to get drunk and instead drink more alcohol and so causing him such a hangover.

"Blerghhh…" vomiting suddenly, he groaned even more and raised his hand, using primary magic seals to clear up the vomit before shaking off the others.

The dean and the Oracle snored without any care of the world and looking at them, it seemed as if they would even sleep through a world disaster without noticing anything wrong.

"I should atleast wake up Prometheus," he thought and tried to shake the man and even tried calling onto him, screaming in his ears and also using short bursts of electricity to jolt him awake but nothing worked at all.

"I guess only that would work," he thought and then leaned in close to the dean's ear before speaking, "Prometheus, your girl is here and she is furious," it was these words and suddenly, the dean's eyes opened wide.

Hearing the dean's words, the other two shifted their focus on the screen and sure enough, everyone was seated around one another as they looked at the Grand Elder to start the meeting and get on with what was discussed yesterday.

In the meeting,

The Grand Elder looked at everyone before sighing lightly and spoke,

"As we discussed yesterday, there will be a court session today. The accuser is the disciplinary committee and the accused is the head of defense and so, we shall start," The Grand Elder looked around and spoke snapping his fingers as the scenery changed into that of a court room.

"Huh? Where is the judge?" Someone called out from the seats, noticing that the higher most seat where the judge usually sat was empty.

"Wasn't it the Oracle who was going to be the judge," another one called out.

Hearing him, everyone nodded and they looked amongst themselves but no one found the Oracle, "Where is the Oracle?" The person asked again and then everyone turned to the Grand Elder, only to notice that he was as lost as anyone else was.

Meanwhile, in the study,

Both dean and Loid looked back at the Oracle with incredulous expressions on their face, clearly unwilling to believe that the Oracle forgot such an important matter.

"AHemm, that. I guess the Grand Elder did tell me but i forgot," the Oracle answered to their silent question blankly, the smile still on his face as he continued, "I'm sure, the Grand Elder would handle it, he has quite some experience in this stuff,"

The other two only face palmed in disbelief,

"Meaning you usually do this," Loid mumbled and turned to look at the screen and sure enough, the Grand Elder had already changed his expression, turning solemn almost instantly and spoke,

"Currently, the Grand Elder is doing an important divination that directly correlates to our future and so, he was unable to come and hence, I will act as the judge in his place and will also take in consideration the voting system to make sure of unbiased opinion,"

"Whaa!! Such unreliable characters, never believed these old men to be like that," the though ran through the head of the dean and Loid simultaneously as they only shook their head and continued to watch the trial.

Note:- It's Christmas Eve today and so, I have come up with a huge mass release of 6 chapters and this is the second chapter. I hope you all will enjoy the chapters and have a lot of fun. For me its been a good year and I hope with everyone's support, I would be able to make more content for everyone and write to the best of my ability.

Enjoy and don't forget to support the novel by gifting and voting.

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