Chapter 13: Feng Xue!

"Why are you hesitating Lo Pu?"

Han Yujin's eyes shined with reverence upon hearing this voice as he exclaimed: "Master!"

With the voice, A woman appeared in everyone's sight, flying at a terrifying speed.

In the Blink of an eye, she stopped in front of Ashen and the elders of different sects.

This woman had long patriarch purple hair flowing like a waterfall behind her back. Her blood red eyes shined in their almond-shaped sockets. Her curves were all in the right place and her voluptuous figure enhanced those curves even more.

She was adorned in a red dress with golden sewing. With a strict expression, she commanded authority as she released her powerful aura. Even when she had that strict expression, she appeared breathtakingly gorgeous.

With her curvy body, she could captivate any man's heart. Her skin was like silk, soft and smooth to the touch, and her curves were accentuated by the tight-fitting clothing she wore. Ashen couldn't help but lick his lips as he ogled her.

[Picture in discord. ^..^]

Noticing her, Lo Pu rushed toward her, bowing with his hands joined as he greeted: "Lo Pu greets Sect Leader Feng Xue!"

She nodded as she asked, demanding to know the reason for his hesitation: "Lo Pu, Why were you hesitating just now?"

Lo Pu continued to bow as he answered: "Sect Leader, You announced that you wouldn't take another disciple after Han Yujin, Hence, I couldn't promise on your behalf"

Feng Xue nodded as she agreed: "Indeed, you were in a difficult situation. I don't think elders are suited to make these offers on behalf of the sect leaders."

Speaking this, she glared in a certain direction as she asked: "Don't you agree, Sect Leaders?"

"Hahaha, As expected, we couldn't hide from you Feng Xue!" A laugh resounded in the area as 9 more cultivators appeared, adorned in different robes with their respective sect emblems embroidered on them.

These cultivators were king realm cultivators, same as Feng Xue and were Sect Leaders of their respective sects.

Upon noticing them appear, the elders rushed to their respective elder's side.

A man with fiery red hair, tiger-like eyes and bulging muscles, stepped forward, announcing: "I will take over the role of making offers to this child, do any of you have a problem?"

Feng Xue just snorted at him in response: "You can take that tiring role, I don't have a problem with it, Chen Lao!"

Chen Lao was the older brother of Chen Lu and the sect leader of the Crimson Sky sect.

"We also don't have a problem with it!" Other Sect Leaders also agreed.

Chen Lao nodded as he suggested: "Alright then, Let's continue without wasting our precious time."

He stepped forward, standing a meter below Ashen. He and other sect leaders had already witnessed the whole scene and didn't want to waste their time in attempting to stand above Ashen.

They could let him have his wish.

He announced with a loud and confident voice, offering: "My sect will provide you with a salary of 15000 Qi stones every month!"

Everyone, though reluctant, raised their hands. 15000 Qi stones was not a small amount. Normal disciples would receive not more than 10 Qi stones as their salary.

Even the sect Leader wasn't allowed to spend more than 10000 Qi Stones a month. Promising Ashen this amount displayed their conviction to grab him for their sects.

Chen Lao, noticing that no one was ready to give up, continued: "My sect will allow you to buy 10 precious herbs of your choice for free every month"

This time, two hands were not raised with everyone. 9th and 10th ranked sects, Eternal Blossom Pavilion and Celestial Harmony sect were the ones who could provide this benefit.

For them, the precious herbs were like treasures and letting Ashen take them away for free was something they couldn't agree to.

A smile revealed itself on Chen Lao and other Sect Leaders' faces upon seeing that two of their competitors were left behind.

Chen lao added another offer: "You can take any art from our library, there won't be any restriction on you like other disciples of the sect."

Everyone raised their hands. Allowing a genius to access knowledge wasn't something difficult to promise.

Ashen who kept quiet all this time, listening to their offers found this process quite boring. For how long were they going to keep offering?

Therefore, Deciding to take the matter into his own hands, he rose from his seated posture as he raised his hand, stopping Chen Lao from making another offer.

He opened his mouth as he muttered in a loud and clear voice for everyone to hear: "This way of choosing sects is quite hectic if you ask me and waste a lot of time. Therefore, I have a proposal."

The sect leaders found his words logical as they asked: "What is it?"

Ashen, successful in gaining their interest smiled as he proposed: "I will announce the benefit I want and if you are willing to provide that, raise your hand, otherwise, keep it down. Simple right?"

The sect leaders nodded, finding this way to be more optimal. Instead of randomly offering benefits, it would be more adequate for Ashen to ask for what he desires in a sect.

Ashen, wearing a grin, announced: "I see that you agree to my proposal, then, I will start with the first demand"

In a loud voice, he said: "I don't like to bow in front of anyone, therefore, I would like for the sect to exempt me from greeting anyone, Be it the Sect Leader!"

Upon hearing his demand, The Sect Leaders' eyes widened, finding his request out of the line.

Greeting your elders was what a Disciple does to show their respect towards them. It was a courtesy everyone had to follow. Exempting him from it meant that he didn't have to respect anyone.

They hesitated before a hand was raised in the air, It was Chen Lao who announced: "I am ready to provide this benefit. If you are talented enough then you don't need to follow this courtesy, that's what I believe"

The other Sect Leaders found his words reasonable, It wasn't like they had to exempt a random disciple from this rule. It was just a talented genius that appears once in a century. And this genius was the successor of the Monkey King, could you expect someone like that to bow to someone?

Thinking along these lines, Everyone raised their hands.

Seeing this, A satisfied smile appeared on Ashen's face as he nodded in satisfaction before moving on to his next request: "I don't like to call someone weaker than me, my senior. Therefore, I would want the sect to exempt me from calling someone weaker than me my senior brother or sister"

This request wasn't much out of the line. This was the cultivation world where the strong were respected and the weak were condemned. It wasn't difficult to provide this Privilege to Ashen.

Hence, Everyone raised their hands instantaneously.

Ashen nodded before moving on: "This is my last request, after this, I will make my decision"

Everyone present had their ears stood up, paying full attention to his next words, expecting the request to be something difficult to fulfill.

"I don't like to share things and people, Therefore, My last request is that I should be the sole personal disciple of the Sect Leader till the day I die.

I know that all of the sect Leaders present already have a personal disciple, therefore, I would give you a way out.

Banish your personal disciple from the sect, cutting all ties with him and focus on only me!"

"WHAT??" Everyone shouted in shock with eyes open wide.

A personal disciple was like a child to their master. Their bond was unbreakable. Ashen's request was too difficult to fulfill this time.

Silence settled in the area as the Sect Leaders contemplated their options and decision.

It wasn't long before a hand raised in the air, The thunderpeak Sect Leader announced: "I agree to provide this condition. I have two personal disciples and I will banish them from the sect if you join my sect!"

Ashen just nodded as he gazed at other Sect leaders waiting for their answers.

This announcement increased the pressure the sect leaders already had on their shoulders.

After some time, another hand raised, Chen Lao announced: "I also agree!"

With two Sect leaders already agreeing, The remaining sect leaders found it easy to agree as they wouldn't be called heartless as two people agreed before them.

Slowly, more hands were raised in the air one by one as most of the sect Leaders agreed, leaving only two sect Leaders in the end.

Eternal Blossom Pavillion's sect leader and Feng Xue, who had tensed and conflicted expressions.

However, After some moments, The former sect Leader also raised her hand, agreeing to Ashen's request, Leaving only Feng Xue alone.

As she floated in the air, contemplating her decision, someone had their heart racing in anticipation and anxiousness.

Han Yujin's future was at stake on her decision right now as he stared at her with expectations, muttering: "Master... Please"

However, his face revealed despair as he saw Feng Xue's hand slowly rising in the air.

With a lost look filled with despair, He murmured: "No master!"


(A/N - Thanks For Reading. ^..^)

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