Wang Jian, his initial amusement at Lin Fei's predicament fading, turned his attention away from the holographic display. The human cultivator's fate was no longer his concern. Instead, he issued a crisp command to Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan.

"Set course for the next cluster," he instructed, his voice firm.

Cui Lan, ever the obedient subordinate, acknowledged his order with a curt nod. The hidden Flying Ship, responding to her silent commands, hummed to life. The powerful thrusters engaged, propelling the vessel away from the orbit of the X-34 Star and towards a new destination.

Wang Jian leaned back in his throne, a thoughtful expression etching his features. The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe could wait. His immediate priority lay elsewhere – finding Yu Qing.

This time, however, the arrays weren't searching for signs of conflict or hidden settlements. Wang Jian's objective was far more specific. He sought a faint echo, a trace of blood essence – his own blood essence, to be precise.

The connection was subtle, a remnant left behind during the body reforging ritual he'd performed on Yu Qing. It was a gamble, but one he was willing to take.

Days turned into weeks as the Flying Ship traversed the vast expanse of the Ancient Devil Star cluster.

Wang Jian monitored the incessant data streams from the observational arrays. Each negative result gnawed at his patience.

Then, a flicker. A faint anomaly registered on the array, a trace of blood essence matching his own signature.

A surge of excitement coursed through him. Yu Qing. She was here, nestled within the heart of the Ancient Devil Stars. A cluster renowned for its powerful devil races, known for their ruthlessness and territoriality.

He frowned, a wrinkle creasing his brow. Why choose such a dangerous location? Was Yu Qing oblivious to the potential dangers? Here, she was a target, vulnerable to capture or worse.

The devils, with their vast numbers, formidable techniques, and potent artifacts, could overpower her with sheer brute force. Or, they might employ more intricate tactics - capturing her with cunning formations or offering her enticing treasures to lure her in. Ultimately, they'd likely seek to sell her to powerful Star Lords, fetching a hefty price for such a unique specimen.

The thought of his creation, his 'perfect being,' falling into the clutches of such barbarians filled him with a cold fury. He wouldn't allow it. He'd retrieve Yu Qing, not out of any sense of compassion, but because she was his property, a valuable asset he wouldn't let go to waste.

"Plot a course for that star," he commanded, his voice steely with resolve. "We're going in."

Cui Lan hesitated, a flicker of concern flitting across her eyes. "Master Wang," she began, her voice barely a whisper. "The devils in the heart of the Ancient Devil Stars…they're not to be trifled with. Perhaps a more diplomatic approach—"

Wang Jian cut her off with a sharp glare. "Silence, Cui Lan. I make the decisions here. Prepare the ship for battle. We're going in."

Cui Lan's eyes widened in alarm. "But Young Master, the risk-"

"There's no other option," he interrupted, his voice leaving no room for argument. "We find Yu Qing, and we find her safely."

A tense silence descended upon the command center. The elders exchanged worried glances. They knew the dangers of venturing into the heart of devil territory. But they also knew the unwavering determination in their young master's eyes.

With a heavy sigh, Cui Lan bowed her head. "As you command, Young Master Wang." The ship lurched forward once more, cloaked in its invisibility shield, a lone vessel venturing into the heart of the storm.

Wang Jian, his gaze fixed on the approaching cluster, felt a surge of conflicting emotions – fear for Yu Qing's safety, anger at the devils who dared threaten her, and a steely resolve to see this mission through, no matter the cost.

Cui Lan, cowed by his icy demeanor, bowed her head in submission. She knew better than to argue. Wang Jian, though enigmatic, held absolute power within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. His word was law.

The hidden Flying Ship, cloaked in its invisibility shield, plunged deeper into the treacherous territory of the Ancient Devil Stars. The mission to retrieve Yu Qing had taken an unexpected turn.

Unbeknownst to Wang Jian, Yu Qing wasn't languishing in fear within the heart of the Ancient Devil Stars.

She was on a mission of her own, a mission that placed her right under the noses of the very devils she hated.

Her chosen haven? A star controlled by the Infernal Steller Smith Tribe, a devilish powerhouse renowned for crafting weapons and formations used by countless devil races.

Yu Qing wasn't there for sightseeing. She had a singular, audacious goal – to steal a weapon. Not just any weapon, mind you, but a blade forged from the very core of a specific star: the Scarlet Slaughtering Star.

This star held a deep significance for Yu Qing. It was the source of her power as the Scarlet Star Slaughtering Goddess.

Since her return to the Divine World, a nagging frustration had gnawed at her. She couldn't fully access the might of her legacy. The reason, she recently discovered, lay with the Infernal Steller Smiths.

They had, in a blatant display of arrogance, shattered her Scarlet Slaughtering Star, reforging its core into a formidable sword. And now, this weapon lay dormant within one of their heavily guarded settlements.

Obtaining the sword was paramount. To reclaim her full potential, even surpass it, she needed its essence.

But there was a snag. Despite her connection to the star's core, Yu Qing couldn't sense it. The Infernal Steller Smith Tribe, it seemed, had taken precautions. They'd either weakened or cleverly concealed the link, leaving her blind within their own stronghold.

Frustration gnawed at her. Days bled into weeks as she scoured the settlement, her celestial senses stretched thin. Yet, the sword remained frustratingly elusive.

She needed a new plan, a way to bypass their defenses, to locate the stolen heart of her power.

The cloaked Flying Ship sliced through the inky void, nearing its destination. Wang Jian, his gaze fixed on the approaching star, felt a flicker of satisfaction. The faint echo of his blood essence had led them here, straight to Yu Qing.

Little did she know, a storm was brewing on the horizon. Unaware of Wang Jian's approach, Yu Qing continued her desperate search, her frustration mounting with each passing day. The Infernal Steller Smith Tribe had played their cards well, leaving her powerless and adrift.

Suddenly, a tremor ran through the ship. The celestial alarms blared, red lights flashing ominously. Even cloaked, their arrival hadn't gone unnoticed. Wang Jian, a frown creasing his brow, scanned the data stream.

"Atmospheric scans," he muttered. "Looks like they have a pretty tight defense grid."

The beautiful women, recently recruited "maids," huddled together, their eyes wide with fear. Even the seasoned elders of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion exchanged nervous glances.

Wang Jian, however, remained unfazed. A smirk played on his lips. "Nothing we can't handle. Activate the concealment and illusion arrays."

With a whirring of machinery, the ship's advanced systems hummed to life. Wang Jian, a master of formations himself, had anticipated such defenses. The ship's cloaking technology shifted, morphing its appearance to blend seamlessly with the surrounding celestial bodies.

The alarms fell silent. Relief washed over the women, though a flicker of unease lingered. They were about to embark on a clandestine mission into the heart of a devil-controlled star, and the stakes couldn't be higher.

Wang Jian, his eyes gleaming with a mix of anticipation and amusement, steered the ship downwards. Penetrating the atmosphere, they slipped past the unsuspecting devils, their hidden presence a ghost in the machine.

The Infernal Steller Smith Tribe remained blissfully unaware of the intruder in their midst.

Wang Jian, utilizing a pinpoint reading of the blood essence connection, steered them towards the precise location of Yu Qing.

With a silent command, the ship settled into a hidden alcove, its concealment protocols humming discreetly. Wang Jian, a predatory glint in his eyes, stepped off the boarding ramp. He made no attempt to conceal his aura, letting it flare outwards like a beacon.

Hidden amongst the labyrinthine corridors of the city, Yu Qing froze in her tracks. A familiar presence, a tug at the very core of her being, ripped through her senses. It couldn't be…

She whirled around, her gaze darting towards the sky. And there he was, Wang Jian, flying high above the city.

Shock and disbelief painted her face. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was the last person she expected to see, especially here, in the heart of enemy territory.

A torrent of emotions flooded her – confusion, anger, a flicker of something she couldn't quite place. But most of all, an undeniable pull towards him. The red thread of fate, that unseen bond he'd woven around her soul, seemed to thrum with renewed purpose.

"Jian!" she cried out, her voice echoing through the metallic canyons. "What are you doing here? You shouldn't have come!"

Her words, laced with a hint of something akin to…care? It amused him.

He descended slowly, a sardonic smile gracing his lips. "Well, well, Qing'er," he drawled. "Look who it is. Didn't think you'd be so happy to see me."

"This doesn't concern you," she hissed, her voice hardening. "Leave. Now. This is a fight I have to face alone."

"Alone?" He chuckled, a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. "Hardly. Consider me your unexpected reinforcement."

Yu Qing gritted her teeth. "I don't need your help. You'll just get yourself killed."

He landed beside her, their gazes locking. "Don't underestimate me, Qing'er. Besides," he leaned in, his voice a husky whisper, "wouldn't you be a little heartbroken if something happened to me?"

His words, laced with a double meaning, caused a blush to creep up her cheeks. This wasn't the time for such…frivolity. They were in the heart of danger, surrounded by potential enemies. Yet, his audacity, his very presence, unsettled her more than she cared to admit.

Ignoring the fluttering in her chest, she glared at him. "Don't get cocky, Jian. This isn't some game. These devils are ruthless. And besides," she lowered her voice, a hint of desperation creeping in, "how did you even find me?"

"Let's just say," he winked, "I have my ways." He wouldn't reveal his blood essence connection, not yet. It served as his trump card.

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