Wang Jian's hand rested reassuringly on Yu Qing's shoulder, a silent plea for calmness.

Turning towards the hulking devil guard, he assessed the situation with practiced ease.

This was no high-ranking devil, merely a hired hand judging by his mismatched armor and relatively weak celestial aura. A smirk played on Wang Jian's lips. This wouldn't be too difficult.

With a subtle shift in his energy signature, Wang Jian unleashed a hint of his Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe bloodline power. It was a faint echo, enough to be recognized by a discerning eye, but not enough to overpower the guard.

The effect was instantaneous. The devil guard's eyes widened in surprise. The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe, known for their deceptive prowess and human-like appearances, weren't a common sight in these parts.

"Greetings, fellow devil," Wang Jian rumbled in a low voice, mimicking the guttural tones the guard favored. "I am here on behalf of a… mutual agreement between my tribe and your esteemed Lord. He requested a specific shipment of formation disks, and I've come to collect them."

The guard's massive chest rumbled with a deep breath. "A shipment? From the Lord himself?"

"Indeed," Wang Jian affirmed, injecting a hint of authority into his voice. "He mentioned the urgency of the matter. Perhaps you could confirm with him directly, if you have any doubts."

Doubt flickered across the guard's face, then faded. The Blue Moon Eclipse tribe wasn't a force to trifle with. He dipped his head in a show of respect. "My apologies, esteemed guest. I wouldn't dare question your orders."

His gaze, however, lingered on Yu Qing. A human woman accompanying a devil?

"And this… human?" The guard's voice boomed.

Wang Jian offered a casual explanation. "This is merely my servant. She accompanies me on all my travels."

Yu Qing, momentarily flustered by the unexpected label, managed to keep her face impassive. She knew this was no time to argue. A single outburst could shatter their carefully constructed charade.

Fortunately, the guard seemed to accept the explanation, as it was unusual, but not unheard of. Some Blue Moon Eclipses did have… peculiar tastes.

Soon, his initial suspicion faded. With a curt nod, he mumbled a begrudging apology and lumbered away, leaving the vault open behind him.

Relief washed over Yu Qing as the guard disappeared around a corner. "That was a close call, Jian," she whispered, a hint of exasperation lacing her voice.

Wang Jian chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "All part of the game, Qing'er. Now, let's gather what we need and get out of here before someone with sharper eyes decides to pay us a visit."

With renewed urgency, they moved through the vault, selecting a handful of Celestial Silver Disks. These would form the base for the replica formation disk, the key to their audacious plan.

With a sigh of relief, they melted back into the shadows, leaving the oblivious guard behind. It wouldn't be until several hours later, upon inventory, that the missing Celestial Silver Disks would be discovered.

Meanwhile, Wang Jian and Yu Qing found themselves in a secluded cavern, far from the bustling city. The cavern pulsed with a faint geothermal energy, providing the perfect environment for Wang Jian's work.

He carefully arranged the stolen Celestial Silver Disks, his celestial energy thrumming as he began the intricate process of inscribing the formation patterns. The air crackled with power as he channeled his understanding of celestial mechanics, weaving a complex web of lines and symbols onto the silver disks.

"This is some intricate work, Jian," Yu Qing commented, watching him with fascination. "Those patterns are unlike anything I've ever seen."

Wang Jian, focused on his task, replied without looking up. "These are a special type of formation, designed to siphon and redirect energy. It's a delicate process, requiring a deep understanding of both celestial energy flow and the workings of earth and heaven veins."

He paused, a mischievous glint entering his eyes. "Of course, it also requires a certain… touch, wouldn't you say?"

Yu Qing couldn't help but smile at his playful jab. Despite the seriousness of their mission, she appreciated his ability to lighten the mood. Hours bled into night as Wang Jian meticulously inscribed the disks. Finally, with a flourish, he completed the final inscription.

A soft hum resonated from the disks, a testament to the power harnessed within them. They were now ready to be deployed, the first steps towards their audacious plan to dismantle an entire star.

With a satisfied grin, Wang Jian carefully stored the inscribed Celestial Silver Disks. They pulsed with a faint celestial glow, each one was a silent testament to the power they held. It was time to put them to work.

He raised a hand, and a wave of darkness engulfed them both.

In the blink of an eye, they were no longer in the secluded cavern but back within the pulsating heart of the city – the power core chamber.

Wang Jian wasted no time. He retrieved the inscribed Celestial Silver Disks, their smooth surfaces shimmering with a faint inner light. With practiced ease, he began the process of integrating them into the existing formation array.

His movements were a blur of practiced grace, each step precise and deliberate. It was a delicate operation, akin to performing intricate surgery on a live being. Any misstep, any misplaced inscription, could trigger unforeseen consequences.

But Wang Jian moved with the confidence of a master artist, his understanding of formations bordering on the intuitive. He seamlessly merged his sub-array with the existing structure, ensuring it remained virtually invisible – a silent parasite nestled within the grand design.

Yu Qing, watching him work, couldn't help but be impressed. "You truly are a genius, Jian," she admitted, a hint of awe in her voice. "Your knowledge of formations is unparalleled. And that daring streak of yours… it's terrifying, yet undeniably effective."

She chuckled softly. "Never thought the mortal I met on that quaint little continent called Sky Martial would become a being capable of dismantling a star belonging to one of the most formidable devil tribes – the Infernal Steller Smiths."

Wang Jian winked at her, his playful demeanor returning. "Oh, Qing'er, this is just the beginning. You haven't seen anything yet."

With a final flourish, he completed the integration. The sub-

array pulsed subtly, a silent siphon drawing off a minuscule portion of the vast energy coursing through the grand formation. It was a trickle now, but over time, it would become a torrent.

"Let's get out of here," Wang Jian murmured.

Before Yu Qing could respond, he enveloped them both in shadows once more. The chamber fell silent, the only evidence of their intrusion the faint hum of the newly integrated formation disks, a silent harbinger of the chaos to come.

They reappeared in a deserted alleyway, the bustling night market a mere stone's throw away. The city lights shimmered, oblivious to the potential threat lurking within its walls.

"So," Yu Qing said, a thoughtful look on her face, "what's next? We need to replicate this process in every major settlement of the Infernal Steller Smith Tribe on this star, right?"

"Precisely," Wang Jian confirmed. "The more sub-arrays we set up, the faster we can drain the star's energy. But we need to be strategic. We can't overwhelm the system all at once."

"So, we prioritize settlements based on their proximity to the power core," Yu Qing mused, tapping her chin. "The closer they are, the more energy they siphon, creating a domino effect as we move outwards."

"Exactly," Wang Jian snapped his fingers. "We'll need to map out a route, ensuring we remain undetected. Stealth is key, Qing'er. We can't afford to alert them until it's too late."

A mischievous grin spread across his face. "Imagine the look on their faces when they realize their entire star is on the verge of collapse, and they have no idea why."

Yu Qing couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. This audacious plan, while dangerous, held the potential for a spectacular victory. Destroying a star wasn't something most cultivators could even dream of. But with Wang Jian's unorthodox methods and her own formidable power, it seemed within reach.

"Alright, Jian," she announced, her voice laced with determination. "Let's get to work. We have a star to dismantle."

With a shared look of purpose, they set off into the night, two figures shrouded in shadows, embarking on a mission that could reshape the very fabric of the Ancient Devil Stars.

Days blended into weeks as Wang Jian and Yu Qing embarked on a whirlwind tour of the Infernal Steller Smith Tribe settlements. They became shadows in the night, flitting from city to city, meticulously integrating their replica formation disks into the unsuspecting hearts of each central power array.

With every completed settlement, their confidence grew. The audacious plan, once a glimmer of hope, began to feel like a tangible reality.

However, unbeknownst to them, a ripple of unease had begun to stir within the Infernal Steller Smith Tribe. In the bustling settlement of Ironscale Forge, nestled deep within the heart of the Infernal Steller Smith territory, a master forge devil named Vulkor, renowned for his meticulous craftsmanship, stood before the Central Grand Power Array Formation.

A frown creased his brow as he traced the intricate energy flow channels with a calloused finger. A deep sense of disquiet settled in his gut. Something was amiss.

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