Dong Aigou, fueled by a potent mix of rage and misplaced heroism, had been planning this moment for hours.

He'd emptied his coffers, bribing the leaders of several powerful Devil Beast tribes.

There were the Hell Lightning Panthers, renowned for their electrifying claws and blinding speed.

The Ironhide Boars, whose thick hides could turn even the sharpest blades. And the Blood-Thirsty Wolves, whose insatiable hunger for battle was matched only by their razor-sharp fangs.

His goal? To rescue Mu Xuanyin and the Moon Shadow Clan women before they were subjected to the vile baptism of the Blood Pool. Dong Aigou, a man not known for subtlety, believed his heroic act would earn him a place in Mu Xuanyin's heart, perhaps even a chance at romance.

Little did he know, his target had already vanished. Wang Jian, with his signature brand of cunning, had whisked Mu Xuanyin and her comrades away to safety. The unsuspecting followers of the Earth Lunar Devil Temple, basking in their victory, were completely oblivious to the missing prisoners.

Suddenly, the air crackled with a primal energy. A guttural roar, laced with lightning, echoed through the clearing. A blur of black and yellow streaked across the battlefield – Fang, the alpha of the Hell Lightning Panthers, his eyes blazing with electric fury. He slammed into a group of Earth Lunar Devil Temple acolytes, his claws leaving sizzling trails across their unsuspecting flesh.

Dong Aigou, mounted on his loyal Stonetooth Basilisk, a monstrous lizard seemingly carved from living granite, roared a battle cry. He unleashed his signature attack, "Crushing Avalanche," causing the ground to tremble as a torrent of jagged rocks erupted from the earth, sending several Earth Lunar Temple Deacons flying.

The chaos was absolute. The Ironhide Boars, their thick hides impervious to most attacks, charged through the battlefield, scattering the Earth Lunar Temple followers like bowling pins. Their leader, Grog, a hulking beast with a permanent scowl etched on his face, gnashed his teeth and bellowed with delight.

From the shadows, the Blood-Thirsty Wolves emerged, their eyes glowing with a bloodthirsty hunger. They moved with an unnerving agility, their razor-sharp claws tearing through flesh and robes alike.

Their leader, Luna, a sleek black wolf with piercing blue eyes, danced around a burly Earth Lunar Temple Priest, her every movement a deadly ballet.

The Earth Lunar Devil Temple followers, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, were ill-prepared for the ferocity of the Devil Beast tribes. Many fell before they could even react, their surprised screams cut short by gnashing teeth and rending claws.

However, the Earth Lunar Devil Temple boasted its own fair share of powerful warriors. A hulking deacon, his body tattooed with intricate devil bloodline symbols, unleashed a fiery torrent with a roar of "Burning Sun Palm." The attack collided with Fang's lightning-charged leap, causing a dazzling explosion that sent both beasts flying back.

A Priest, her eyes glowing with a malevolent crimson light, unleashed a wave of pure darkness with a cry of "Shadow Devourer." The attack engulfed a group of Blood-Thirsty Wolves, their wails momentarily silenced as the shadows consumed them.

Dong Aigou, his face contorted with rage, launched himself from the back of his Stonetooth Basilisk. He landed with a thunderous crash in the center of the battlefield, his fist crackling with a potent mixture of earth and lightning energy. He unleashed his ultimate attack, the "Mountain Splitter." The ground itself seemed to split open, creating a massive fissure that sent Earth Lunar Devil Temple followers tumbling into the chasm.

The battle raged on, a chaotic dance of ferocious beasts, desperate cultists, and earth-shattering devil bloodline attacks. Dong Aigou, blinded by his desire to impress Mu Xuanyin, fought with reckless abandon, oblivious to the fact that his intended target was already gone.

Dong Aigou, a whirlwind of rage and misguided heroism, tore through the remaining Earth Lunar Devil Temple defenses. With a battle cry that echoed through the clearing, he launched himself over the final line of guards, a blur of muscle and determination. His target: the Blood Pool, a crimson eye amidst the chaos.

He landed with a heavy splash in the viscous liquid, the metallic tang of iron and something far more sinister assaulting his senses. With desperate eyes, he scanned the depths, searching for any sign of Mu Xuanyin or the Moon Shadow Clan women. But the pool was eerily empty.

A chilling realization dawned on Dong Aigou. The women were gone. Relief warred with a gnawing sense of failure. He had stormed in with all the subtlety of a charging bull, only to find himself an hour too late.

Swallowing his frustration, Dong Aigou knew he had to get out and inform the Devil Beast tribes of the women's escape. But as he willed himself upwards, a cold, malevolent force gripped his soul. It was a presence older than time, a whisper laced with dark power emanating from the very blood he was submerged in – the residual spirit of the Earth Lunar Devil God.

Panic clawed at Dong Aigou. He fought against the invisible force, but it was like trying to swim against a raging current. The spirit, starved for a host, began to devour his very essence, his identity slowly peeling away.

Just as despair threatened to engulf him, a faint warmth blossomed at his core. It was the Destiny Jade, the enigmatic artifact he possessed. It pulsed with a soft, green light, a counterpoint to the encroaching darkness.

Then, the unexpected happened. Instead of being devoured, Dong Aigou felt the residual spirit being… absorbed? Merged? The process was painless, effortless even, guided by the soothing light of the Destiny Jade. It wasn't a possession, but a strange symbiosis.

He felt a surge of knowledge flood his mind – memories, techniques, insights into the manipulation of lunar devil energy. It was the residual spirit's legacy, its very essence distilled and integrated into his own being. Dong Aigou, now imbued with the power of the Earth Lunar Devil God, remained distinctly him, yet… different.

Empowered and driven by a newfound understanding, Dong Aigou focused his newfound knowledge. He recalled a technique gleaned from the spirit's memories – the "True Lunar Devil Scripture." It was a potent cultivation method designed to utilize lunar devil blood as fuel.

As he activated the scripture, the Blood Pool around him began to churn. The crimson liquid, imbued with residual devil essence, pulsed towards him, drawn by an unseen force. Dong Aigou, his eyes glowing with a pale, crimson light, absorbed the blood at an alarming rate.

The energy coursed through his veins, strengthening his body and soul. His cultivation base, stagnant for years, began a meteoric ascent. He ripped through the late Divine Spirit Realm, the barrier shattering with a resounding boom. The peak Divine Spirit Realm was his in an instant, the power surging through him nearly overwhelming.

But Dong Aigou didn't stop. He pushed further, fueled by a combination of newfound power and a desperate gamble. He aimed for the next realm – the Divine Tribulation Realm. As he reached the precipice, the heavens seemed to react.

A crack of thunder split the sky, a harbinger of the inevitable. Dark clouds gathered overhead, swirling with chaotic energy. It was the Heavenly Tribulation, an ordeal every cultivator had to face upon reaching the edge of the Divine Tribulation Realm.

Dong Aigou, his body crackling with power, a twisted smile playing on his lips, looked up at the gathering storm.

"Bring it on," he roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield, a challenge to both the heavens and the Earth Lunar Devil Temple he'd just unwittingly plundered.

A tremor, almost imperceptible at first, shook the ground beneath Wang Jian's feet. It was subtle, a ripple in the chaos of battle, but his keen senses picked it up instantly. He arched an eyebrow, a flicker of curiosity crossing his face. "Interesting," he murmured, his voice a low rumble. "Heavenly Tribulation nearby?"

The battle between the Moon Shadow remnants and the Earth Lunar Devil Temple raged on, a cacophony of roars, clashes of steel, and the sickening thud of flesh meeting earth. Yet, this tremor resonated with a different kind of power, a raw, untamed energy that spoke of ascension.

A smirk played on his lips. He closed his eyes, focusing his Divine Sense. It spread out like a silent wave, encompassing the entire area and beyond. From a bird's-eye view, he observed the battlefield and the surrounding forest. And there, in a clearing far from the chaos, he saw him – Dong Aigou.

Aigou stood amidst a churning crimson pool, his body bathed in an eerie red glow. Bolts of dark energy crackled around him, emanating from the storm clouds gathering ominously above. This was the Heavenly Tribulation, the perilous test faced by anyone daring to reach the Divine Tribulation Realm.

But what truly surprised Wang Jian was Aigou's appearance. The man exuded an aura that was entirely new, a potent mix of raw power and something more… sinister. He noticed, with a jolt of surprise, the way the Blood Pool seemed to be shrinking, its crimson liquid drawn towards Aigou at an alarming rate.

A realization dawned on him. Aigou hadn't just been bathing in the pool; he was absorbing it. And not just the blood, but something more, something ancient and powerful residing within. The residual spirit of the Earth Lunar Devil God.

Wang Jian's eyes narrowed. Aigou had somehow managed to fuse the spirit with his own. This wasn't just a breakthrough; it was a transformation. Aigou would emerge from this ordeal far stronger, imbued with the memories, experiences, and potentially even the rare abilities of the devil god.

He couldn't underestimate the man anymore. That reckless fool had just become a formidable adversary. A shiver ran down his spine, a mix of apprehension and a strange sense of anticipation. The power struggle in this region had just become a whole lot more interesting.

However, Wang Jian quickly switched his focus back to the present. His gaze lingered on the two women standing beside him – Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin. Clad in black, their once fierce eyes now held a glint of resigned submission. The Devil Soul Contracts had bound them to him, turning them into his… playthings.

The sight of their alluring figures, now subservient to his every whim, sent a thrill through him. Yin Lian, ever the seductress, purred, "Intrigued by the storm in the distance, Wang Jian?"

Wang Jian chuckled, a low, throaty sound. "Just a minor inconvenience," he said, his eyes never leaving her mesmerizing curves. "But first," he leaned closer, his voice dripping with a suggestive softness, "perhaps we should attend to our own… entertainment, wouldn't you agree?"

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