Dong Aigou's attack, "Blood Moon Prison," dissipated harmlessly in the air as the shadows retreated. His eyes, blazing with crimson light, landed on the three figures revealed by the dispersing darkness. His breath hitched.

There stood Mu Xuanyin and Yin Lian, the women he had risked his life for, flanked by none other than Wang Jian. A cocktail of emotions – shock, disbelief, and a simmering rage – churned within him.

Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined such a scenario. He had fought tooth and nail to save them, only to find them in the company of his most hated rival.

"Well, well," Wang Jian drawled, his voice dripping with amusement. "Didn't think your Divine Spirit had become so sensitive it could detect me in the shadows, Aigou."

There was a mocking edge to his words, a cruel amusement at Dong Aigou's obvious confusion. To Dong Aigou, it felt like a slap in the face. Ignoring the jab, he turned his gaze towards the two women, his voice tight with a mixture of anger and disbelief.

"Mu Xuanyin? Yin Lian? What… what are you doing with him?"

Silence. Their faces remained unreadable, a picture of forced composure. Wang Jian, reveling in the tension, stepped in, his hands casually finding their waists. He squeezed gently, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Tell him, ladies," he purred, his gaze flickering between them. "Tell Dong Aigou the truth. He deserves to know that you both are… my devoted lovers now."

A bombshell. The words detonated in Dong Aigou's mind, shattering his assumptions and leaving behind a smoldering crater of anger. He stared at them, searching for a flicker of denial, a hint of defiance. But there was none. They remained silent, their expressions betraying nothing.

The confirmation struck him with the force of a thousand blows. It was a betrayal that resonated deeply, twisting his gut with a potent mix of rage and sorrow. "No," he rasped, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "This can't be true. There's no way…"

"There's every way," Wang Jian interrupted, his amusement morphing into something predatory. "They made a choice, Aigou. And their choice falls on me."

The dam that held Dong Aigou's fury broke. A primal roar ripped from his throat, the sound echoing through the cavern. "You will pay for this, Wang Jian!" he bellowed, the earth trembling with the force of his anger. "I won't rest until I see you dead!"

Without further warning, Dong Aigou launched into an offensive. He unleashed a torrent of attacks, each one powerful and fueled by the stolen memories of the Earth Lunar Devil God. A crimson beam of energy erupted from his outstretched hand, a devastating display of "Crimson Eclipse Beam," seeking to consume Wang Jian in an inferno.

Following it up, he slammed his fist into the ground, a shockwave radiating outwards – "Earth's Fury Unleashed." Jagged spikes of molten rock erupted from the earth, aiming to ensnare Wang Jian in a deadly trap.

Wang Jian, however, observed these attacks with amusement. He recognized the forgotten techniques, the whispers of the Earth Lunar Devil God himself. Yet, he felt no fear.

"Impressive," he conceded, his voice tinged with dark amusement. "But impressive doesn't mean unbeatable."

With a swift movement, he unleashed a torrent of his own power. Pure Divine Energy, infused with the terrifying bite of Spiritual Energy, erupted from his body. This attack, a fusion of the laws of hell lightning and hell flames, was named "Infernal Maelstrom."

The cavern reverberated as the two attacks collided. A blinding flash of light engulfed the space, followed by a deafening boom. Dust motes danced in the air, the very ground trembling under the sheer force of the impact.

The Devil Beast tribes, caught in the crossfire, scrambled for cover, their eyes wide with awe and terror. The remaining Earth Lunar Devil Temple guards, witnessing this clash of titans, watched in silent disbelief. The battle had just shifted to a plane far beyond their comprehension.

The dust settled, revealing the two figures standing amidst the destruction. A crater marred the ground where their attacks had met, a testament to the raw power unleashed. Wang Jian remained unfazed, a hint of a challenge lighting up his eyes.

Dong Aigou, on the other hand, seemed to simmer with a controlled fury. He had tasted power, the power of the Earth Lunar Devil God, but it wasn't enough.

Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin, caught in the crossfire of their former friend and their current master, watched with a mixture of fear and helplessness. The future they had envisioned, a future free from oppression, seemed to be slipping further and further away.

Wang Jian, seemingly unscathed by Dong Aigou's assault, sashayed towards Mu Xuanyin and Yin Lian. He wrapped an arm around each of their waists, pulling them close in a display of intimacy. "Don't worry, ladies," he murmured, his voice dripping with mock concern. "He's all bark and no bite. This'll all be over soon."

Mu Xuanyin and Yin Lian exchanged a fleeting glance, a silent conversation passing between them. They weren't afraid of Dong Aigou, not in the way Wang Jian seemed to think.

However, Wang Jian reveled in this display. It was a calculated move, a way to twist the knife deeper into Dong Aigou's already bleeding heart. He wanted Dong Aigou to see, to truly witness, the affections these women now held for him.

And it worked. Dong Aigou, his face contorted with rage, unleashed a torrent of attacks. He ripped through the air with "Demonic Claw Strike," its dark energy leaving trails of destruction in its wake. He followed it up with a guttural roar and a spell called "Obliterating Darkness," a swirling vortex of shadows aimed squarely at Wang Jian.

These were forbidden techniques, spells the Earth Lunar Devil God himself deemed too destructive for mortal use. They promised immense power, but at a steep cost – a slow erosion of one's spiritual core. Dong Aigou, blinded by fury, didn't care. He just wanted to see Wang Jian suffer, to erase the smug smirk from his face.

Wang Jian, however, observed the display with amusement. He moved with an effortless grace, his knowledge of the Laws of Lightning allowing him to predict and maneuver around Dong Aigou's frantic strikes. Mu Xuanyin and Yin Lian, held tightly within his protective embrace, felt a strange mix of emotions – a flicker of concern for Dong Aigou, a pang of guilt at his evident pain, and a growing resentment towards Wang Jian's arrogance.

The dance of destruction continued. Each clash of power illuminated the cavern with a blinding flash, the ground groaning under the weight of their battle.

With each dodge, with each intimate touch shared with the women, Dong Aigou's fury intensified. He saw Wang Jian plant a kiss on Yin Lian's cheek, then nuzzle his nose against Mu Xuanyin's neck, eliciting a blush from the usually composed woman. The anger in his heart reached a boiling point.

Finally, he unleashed his trump card – "Soul Severing Blast." This attack was a last resort, a forbidden spell that ripped at the very fabric of one's soul for an explosive burst of dark energy. The air crackled with its raw power, and the ground trembled in anticipation.

But even this most desperate attack failed.

A translucent barrier, shimmering with the power of Laws of Lightning, materialized around Wang Jian and his captives. The Soul Severing Blast slammed into it, sending shockwaves through the cavern, but ultimately dissipated harmlessly.

The effort, however, proved too much for Dong Aigou.

He crumpled to the ground, a choked gasp escaping his lips. His face was pale, beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. The forbidden spells had taken their toll, leaving his divine soul severely damaged.

Wang Jian, ever the opportunist, released the two women from his embrace. He chuckled, a chilling sound that echoed through the cavern.

"Looks like you've overplayed your hand, Dong Aigou. Now, how about we finish this little spat?"

A silence descended upon the space. Mu Xuanyin and Yin Lian stared at the fallen Dong Aigou, their expressions unreadable. The Devil Beast tribes watched with wide eyes, the air thick with anticipation.

The battle had reached a turning point. With Dong Aigou incapacitated, Wang Jian stood as the undisputed victor.

But the question remained – how would he deal with his fallen opponent? Would he show mercy, or would he crush him completely?

The silence that settled upon the cavern was thick with tension. Yin Lian broke it first, her voice low and steady. "Are you going to kill him now, Wang Jian?"

Mu Xuanyin added, "I hope you'll consider letting him live. We were… we used to be good friends."

Wang Jian's lips curled into an amused, almost devious smile as he looked down at the prone Dong Aigou. "Oh, ladies, even if I wanted to kill him," he drawled, "it wouldn't be that easy right now."

Confusion clouded the faces of both women. Looking at the unconscious Dong Aigou and the overwhelming power Wang Jian had displayed, they couldn't understand his meaning.

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