The next hour was a whirlwind of negotiations. Yin Lian requested specific herbs and rare metals, all essential for upcoming ceremonies.

Feng Xiaoyu scanned the list, her lips curling into a tight smile. "Hmm, quite a hefty request, wouldn't you say?" she remarked, her voice betraying a hint of amusement.

Internally, however, she sighed. Wang Jian's attempt at using Yin Lian as a social lubricant was both transparent and slightly amusing. If Dong Aigou hadn't warned her, she never would have suspected such a convoluted approach.

Yin Lian, oblivious to the internal battle being waged within Feng Xiaoyu, tilted her head in confusion. "Perhaps, but these are vital for the temple's continued operation. Is there a problem, Feng Xiaoyu?"

Feng Xiaoyu shook her head, a mischievous glint sparkling in her eyes. "Not at all, my friend. The Trade Association can accommodate this request. However," she leaned forward, her voice a conspiratorial whisper, "there's always room for… negotiation."

Yin Lian raised an eyebrow, a flicker of understanding crossing her features. Negotiations with Feng Xiaoyu were always a game of wits, a dance between shrewd deals and mutual benefit. The two women spent the next hour locked in a lively discussion.

Finally, a deal was struck.

Feng Xiaoyu leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "Well, Yin Lian," she said, "I believe we have reached an agreeable arrangement."

Yin Lian returned the smile, a hint of something else flickering in her eyes. "Indeed. Now," she continued, her voice taking on a more casual tone, "I was wondering if you might be interested in a social gathering at my place this evening? A cup of tea and perhaps some light conversation?"

A spark of excitement ignited within Feng Xiaoyu. This was clearly the part where Wang Jian would "coincidentally" appear. "A social gathering?" she repeated, feigning surprise. "That sounds delightful. However, I wouldn't want to intrude on any private Temple affairs."

Yin Lian chuckled, a soft, melodic sound. "No intrusion at all, my friend. In fact, I've also extended an invitation to Mu Xuanyin, leader of the Moon Shadow Clan. She, too, has some resource needs that we might be able to discuss."

Feng Xiaoyu's smile widened. So, Wang Jian was attempting to lure her in by including another woman he might have… "charmed." This was getting more interesting by the minute.

"Mu Xuanyin, you say?" Feng Xiaoyu inquired, her voice feigning curiosity. "Intriguing. Perhaps a collaborative discussion wouldn't be amiss."

Yin Lian smiled warmly. "Excellent! I expect you both around dusk then. It will be a lovely evening."

As Yin Lian gracefully exited the office, Feng Xiaoyu leaned back in her chair, a playful smile on her face. It seemed Wang Jian had underestimated her.

She wouldn't simply be falling for his tricks, but playing along with his games to achieve her own objective.

Feng Xiaoyu spent the afternoon indulging in a luxurious bath, fragrant steam carrying away the stresses of the day. Emerging from the pool, her skin glowed with a healthy sheen. She donned a new crimson dress, the fabric clinging to her curves and daringly dipping low in the front, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. The dress flowed down, accentuating her hourglass figure and finishing just above the knee, highlighting her perfectly toned legs. A final touch of shimmering red lipstick completed her transformation.

As dusk settled, casting long shadows across X-98, Feng Xiaoyu exited her residence, a predator in a crimson cloak. Reaching Yin Lian's abode, she was met by a petite maid who bowed respectfully.

"Miss Feng," the maid chirped, "High Priestess Yin Lian awaits you in the eastern pavilion."

Following the maid through the meticulously landscaped gardens, Feng Xiaoyu couldn't help but admire the vibrant devil flora, all adapted to thrive in the slightly lower demonic aura of this planet. Finally, they reached a spacious pavilion, its roof supported by intricately carved pillars. The maid bowed once more and scurried away.

The first sight that greeted Feng Xiaoyu was a tableau that made her blood run cold. Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin, both breathtaking beauties in their own right, sat daintily beside a man who… defied logic.

He was undeniably handsome. Chiseled features, piercing blue eyes, and a devilish charm that even Feng Xiaoyu, known for her steely resolve, couldn't help but acknowledge. This, then, was Wang Jian. Dong Aigou's descriptions hadn't done him justice.

But embedded within that undeniable handsomeness, a darkness lurked. A hungry glint in his eyes swept over Feng Xiaoyu's figure, lingering a beat too long on the exposed skin. As a seasoned manipulator of men, she recognized the predator hidden beneath the mask of charm.

Simultaneously, a flash of heat flickered across her own heart. A primal reaction, a testament to the man's undeniable appeal. But she swiftly extinguished it, channeling the surge into a potent mix of anger and resolve. This was a game, a deadly dance with a viper, and she wouldn't let her guard down for a second.

Wang Jian, meanwhile, was reveling in the shock etched on Feng Xiaoyu's face. Here was a beauty who surpassed even his wildest expectations. Her fiery outfit, her fierce gaze, all screamed of a challenge, a conquest waiting to happen.

Pushing these thoughts aside, Wang Jian schooled his features into a charming smile. "Miss Feng," he greeted, his voice smooth as obsidian, "Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin have spoken highly of you. I'm Wang Jian."

He gestured towards a vacant seat, his eyes lingering a touch too long on her exposed cleavage. Feng Xiaoyu, ever the master of deception, feigned surprise.

"Wang Jian?" she echoed, her voice laced with playful confusion. "Yin Lian, Mu Xuanyin, who is this gentleman?"

Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin exchanged a hesitant glance. There was a hidden tension in the air, a silent struggle behind their crimson eyes.

Before either could speak, Wang Jian stepped in, a smug smile playing on his lips. He pulled both women close, their voluptuous forms pressing against his side.

"Allow me to clarify, beautiful Feng Xiaoyu," he purred, his voice dripping with a possessive edge. "These lovely ladies," he gestured to Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin, "have the distinct honor of being my lovers."

A shock of amusement coursed through Feng Xiaoyu. This man, for all his charm, seemed to have an inflated ego. She expertly masked her true thoughts with a playful smile.

"Lovers, huh?" she drawled, her voice dripping with mock surprise. "Well, Wang Jian, consider yourself a lucky devil."

Wang Jian chuckled, his eyes locking with hers. "Perhaps," he said, a challenge in his voice. "But enough introductions. Take your seat, Miss Feng, and let us enjoy this delightful evening."

The "tea party" had officially begun.

Wang Jian took the initiative, showering Feng Xiaoyu with questions about the Trade Association.He inquired about her ambitions, her goals, how she planned to expand her influence. Feng Xiaoyu, ever the shrewd businesswoman, answered with calculated honesty, revealing a bold vision for the future.

In return, she probed Wang Jian. His answers were vague, evasive. He claimed to be unaffiliated with any faction, a simple man enjoying the support of his "lovers."

Feng Xiaoyu's brow furrowed. Why such a response? Was he trying not to impress her?Or was there something else he was planning?

The conversation flowed, each word laced with unspoken meaning. Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin remained mostly silent, their expressions unreadable. As the moon rose, bathing the courtyard in silver light, Feng Xiaoyu knew it was time to take control.

She leaned forward, her eyes locking with Wang Jian's. "Wang Jian," she began, her voice a husky whisper, "you're an enigma. I can see why Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin are so infatuated with you."

She paused, her gaze lingering on his powerful physique. "I can see why Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin succumbed to your charms."

A predatory glint flickered in her eyes. This might be flirting, but it was a calculated act, a subtle snare to lull him into a false sense of security."Honestly," she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "I must admit, after our conversation tonight, I can see myself falling for you just a little bit."

Wang Jian stared at her, a flicker of something akin to surprise crossing his features. But then, to Feng Xiaoyu's utter shock, he burst into laughter. It wasn't a light chuckle, but a loud, booming laugh that echoed through the pavilion.

Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin both flinched, a mixture of confusion and annoyance clouding their expressions. What did he find so funny?

Feng Xiaoyu's carefully crafted facade faltered for a moment. "What's so funny, Wang Jian?" she asked, a hint of irritation creeping into her voice.

Wang Jian wiped a tear from his eye, his laughter subsiding into a chuckle."Forgive me, Feng Xiaoyu," he said, his voice dripping with amusement, "but your attempt at seduction was… well, rather idiotic."

Feng Xiaoyu's eyes flashed with annoyance."Attempted seduction?" she scoffed."What are you talking about?"

Just as she was about to unleash a verbal barrage, Wang Jian's next words caused her to freeze.

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