Dong Aigou's mind raced. His cultivation, currently at the peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm, needed a boost to activate the core formations at full power. He needed high-grade pellets specifically designed for cultivators of his level.

"Actually," he began cautiously. "Perhaps some… cultivation resources? Specific pellets or elixirs would be ideal."

Feng Xiaoyu's smile faltered for a fleeting moment, a cold glint flashing in her eyes.

Invest her precious resources in boosting Dong Aigou's cultivation? Fat chance. The power he wielded now paled in comparison to what Wang Jian could offer. No, she wouldn't waste a single coin on this endeavor.

However, maintaining the facade was paramount.

"Cultivation resources for the Divine Tribulation Realm, huh?" she drawled, her voice dripping with a feigned sympathy. "Those are incredibly rare and expensive, you know. They only come up for auction every few years."

Dong Aigou's face fell. He hadn't anticipated such a hurdle. "An auction, you say?"

"Yes," Feng Xiaoyu confirmed, her eyes gleaming with something akin to amusement. "There's one happening later this month. I'll see if I can secure some for you then."

Dong Aigou felt a growing sense of unease. Stealing a glance at her aloof demeanor, a radical idea took root in his mind.

"An auction, huh?" he mused, feigning nonchalance. "Interesting. Where exactly is this taking place?"

Feng Xiaoyu, caught off guard by his question, hesitated for a fraction of a second. "Oh, it's a rather discreet affair, held in the Northern District," she replied, attempting to recover quickly.

But the hesitation was enough for Dong Aigou. A seed of suspicion bloomed into a full-fledged plan. He wouldn't rely solely on Feng Xiaoyu to acquire these resources. He'd attend the auction himself.

And if she failed to procure the necessary elixirs, well... he might just have to resort to less conventional methods.

After all, stealing from an auction wouldn't be the most honorable act, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

He thanked Feng Xiaoyu with a forced smile, masking his newfound resolve.

Four days later, the air crackled with anticipation in the opulent Auction Hall of the Northern District. Devils from all walks of life swarmed the venue, their brightly colored robes and horns creating a vibrant spectacle. Among them, Wang Jian strolled in, his usual air of confidence amplified by the presence of Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin on each arm. Both devilesses, their faces flushed a delicate crimson, leaned into him, their whispers punctuated by soft giggles.

Feng Xiaoyu, waiting by the entrance, felt a flicker of irritation at the sight. She quickly schooled her features into a neutral expression and approached Wang Jian. "There you are," she greeted, her voice laced with practiced sweetness.

Wang Jian flashed her a charming smile. "Couldn't miss this, could I?" he replied, gesturing towards the bustling hall. "Besides, these two lovely ladies insisted I accompany them."

Yin Lian sent Feng Xiaoyu a playful wink, her crimson eyes sparkling with amusement. Mu Xuanyin, ever the more reserved of the two, simply offered a curt nod.

Feng Xiaoyu, masking her annoyance, guided them to a luxurious VIP chamber decorated with gleaming black marble and crimson silk tapestries. A powerful array formation, invisible to the naked eye, shrouded the room, ensuring the privacy of its occupants.

Meanwhile, Dong Aigou, his pockets lighter than he'd like to admit, was relegated to the common seats. He had utilized a disguise technique - a devil face transformation - to obscure his true appearance. His gaze swept across the hall, landing on the various VIP chambers, each hidden behind a curtain inscribed with intricate runes. These runes, he recognized, formed a barrier that blocked spiritual and divine sense, ensuring the anonymity of the occupants.

A flicker of hope ignited within him. Surely, Feng Xiaoyu would be here, striving to acquire the cultivation resources he needed. Little did he know, Feng Xiaoyu was currently lounging in the most opulent VIP chamber, seated opposite Wang Jian, who was sandwiched between Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin.

The two devilesses were keeping him thoroughly entertained. Yin Lian, her fiery personality on full display, draped herself across his lap, showering him with teasing remarks and playful kisses. Mu Xuanyin, her usual stoicism momentarily shed, mirrored Yin Lian's actions, her touch surprisingly light and playful.

Feng Xiaoyu, caught off guard by this unexpected display, watched with a mixture of surprise and a hint of suppressed jealousy. She couldn't fathom how these women could be so brazen, conducting such intimate acts even in this public setting.

However, the luxurious environment and the presence of the other powerful cultivators effectively veiled their actions from the rest of the auction hall. Only the occupants of the VIP chambers, separated by privacy barriers, could see the spectacle unfolding within Wang Jian's chamber.

A hush fell over the room as a stunning woman, clad in a shimmering red dress, glided onto the stage. Her voice, smooth as honey, flowed through the hall.

"Welcome, esteemed guests, to the monthly Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe Auction! Tonight, we have a treasure trove of delights that will ignite your cultivation endeavors and quench your deepest desires!"

With a flourish, she unveiled the first item – a gleaming obsidian bracelet. "This, ladies and gentlemen," she purred, "is the 'Bracelet of Shadowed Steps,' crafted from the hide of a Voidwalker Serpent! It grants the wearer the ability to phase through shadows, leaving enemies grasping at air!"

A heated bidding war erupted amongst the VIP sections, their voices muffled by the enchanted curtains. Dong Aigou, though curious, knew such an exotic artifact was far beyond his means.

The auction continued, each item unveiled with a flourish - a lustrous devil beast egg, rumored to hatch a rare Nine-Tailed Azure Fox; a collection of devil herbs, each meticulously labeled with its Yin or Yang attributes; even a group of breathtakingly beautiful devil women offered as slaves.

As the auction progressed, Dong Aigou's spirits soared with each new treasure. But his excitement turned to a cold dread when the auctioneer finally announced the arrival of the elixirs he desperately needed.

"And now, for the cultivators among us," the woman announced, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "we have a selection of potent elixirs specifically formulated to empower cultivators in the Divine Tribulation Realm!"

Silence descended. The elixirs were some of the rarest and most valuable items on the market. Dong Aigou held his breath, waiting for the first bid. However, the only sounds were murmurs amongst the ordinary attendees. No bids emerged from the VIP sections either.

A pang of realization washed over Dong Aigou – Feng Xiaoyu had no intention of acquiring the elixirs for him. The seed of suspicion that had sprouted in his mind had blossomed into a chilling truth. He was alone.

As Dong Aigou contemplated his dwindling hope, the auctioneer unveiled another intriguing item - a seemingly unremarkable stone, its surface smooth and devoid of any discernible markings.

"This," she announced, her voice laced with a hint of intrigue, "is an enigma even to our esteemed appraisers. It emanates a faint energy signature, but its purpose or origin remains shrouded in mystery. Legends whisper of similar stones unearthed centuries ago, rumored to hold secrets ripe for the discerning cultivator."

The crowd stirred with murmurs. Such obscure objects, shrouded in myth and legend, often held immense value. However, the lack of concrete details dampened the enthusiasm.

But something deep within Dong Aigou stirred. His Destiny Jade, nestled within his dantian, thrummed with a strange energy as if resonating with the stone. It was a barely perceptible vibration, but to him, it was a clarion call. This seemingly mundane stone held a secret, an opportunity waiting to be grasped.

He glanced at the price board displayed beside the stage. The starting bid was surprisingly low, a testament to the uncertainty surrounding the item. Without hesitation, he raised his hand.

"Five thousand spirit stones!" he called out, his voice surprisingly firm.

A hush fell over the ordinary seating area. Such a paltry bid for an unknown object caused many to scoff. But the VIP sections remained silent.

Suddenly, a voice, smooth and arrogant, echoed from the curtained room number one, "Ten thousand spirit stones!"

Dong Aigou's blood ran cold. He whipped his head towards the source of the voice, but the VIP section remained shrouded behind the enchanted curtains. Fury bubbled within him. Why hadn't this bidder made a move earlier? They were clearly waiting to steal his opportunity!

"Fifteen thousand!" he retorted, his voice laced with desperation. He knew he was pushing his limits, but the stone's significance far outweighed its current price.

From within the VIP room, a familiar chuckle echoed. It was Wang Jian. He had recognized Dong Aigou, despite the transformation technique, thanks to his keen senses. Amused by the sight of his rival bidding against him, he decided to stir the pot.

"Twenty thousand," he called out nonchalantly.

Feng Xiaoyu, caught off guard by Wang Jian's sudden interest in the stone, arched an eyebrow. "Wang Jian," she began, a hint of suspicion in her voice. "Why do you even want that… thing?"

Wang Jian merely smirked. "Intuition," he replied, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint. "Besides, wouldn't it be a shame to let a potential treasure slip through your fingers?"

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