Feng Xiaoyu, still harboring reservations about their mission, sighed. "Fine," she conceded. "But be careful. This city is crawling with royal guards, and everyone here has pure Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Blood running through their veins, just like you."

Wang Jian smirked. "Don't worry, little Feng Xiaoyu," he teased. "A little reconnaissance is child's play for yours truly." He winked at her before melting into the throng of people, his dark cloak shrouding his movements.

Yin Lian, ever the strategist, suggested, "Mu Xuanyin, why don't we head towards the market square? Merchants often gossip, and they might have some juicy tidbits about the royal couple."

Mu Xuanyin, with a slow, seductive smile, readily agreed. "Sounds like a plan, Yin Lian. Besides, I wouldn't mind trying some of those exotic fruits they're selling."

They weaved through the bustling marketplace, their seductive forms attracting curious glances. Here and there, whispers followed them, a testament to their undeniable beauty.

Meanwhile, Feng Xiaoyu found herself drawn towards a bustling tea shop. Inside, a group of cultivators were engaged in a heated discussion. She slid into a nearby booth, her ears perked.

"Did you hear?" one cultivator, a burly man with a thick beard, lowered his voice. "The King is leaving for the Eastern Territory next week. Apparently, there's been some trouble with a rogue sect."

Another cultivator, a woman with fiery red hair, raised an eyebrow. "Leaving the Queen alone for so long? Isn't that a bit risky?"

"The Queen is a powerful cultivator herself," scoffed the bearded man. "Besides, the royal guards are more than enough to handle any internal threats."

Feng Xiaoyu's heart skipped a beat. The King was leaving? This could be their chance, a window of opportunity that Wang Jian wouldn't ignore. An unwelcome thrill of anticipation coursed through her.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted her thoughts. "Excuse me, miss," a young woman with bright, inquisitive eyes, stood by her table. "Would you happen to know where I can find the finest silk robes in the city?"

Feng Xiaoyu, ever the picture of courtesy, smiled back. "As a matter of fact, I do. There's a shop just down the street..."

A few hours later, the four of them regrouped in a secluded alleyway. Wang Jian, his cloak discarded, listened intently as they shared their intel.

"The King is leaving," Feng Xiaoyu announced, a hint of apprehension in her voice.

"Excellent," Wang Jian declared, his eyes gleaming. "This simplifies things considerably."

Yin Lian frowned. "But what about the Queen's guards? They're all formidable cultivators, with pure Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline just like you."

Wang Jian chuckled, a low rumble that sent a shiver down Feng Xiaoyu's spine. "Don't worry, my dear Yin Lian," he assured them, his voice dripping with a dangerous confidence. "I have a plan. And let's just say it involves a little distraction… and a whole lot of seduction."

Mu Xuanyin, her eyes gleaming with a spark of mischief, tilted her head. "Distraction, seduction… are you planning on charming your way into the royal palace, Wang Jian?"

He flashed her a sly grin. "Perhaps. But wouldn't that be a story to tell?"

A tense silence descended upon the group. Feng Xiaoyu, despite her reservations, felt a flicker of morbid curiosity. What exactly was Wang Jian planning? How did he intend to conquer the Queen, not just physically, but emotionally? And what role would they, the women he had bound to him, play in this audacious scheme?

As the shadows lengthened, shrouding Azure Moon City in an ethereal twilight, Wang Jian's plan for infiltrating the heavily guarded royal palace and capturing the heart (or at least the body) of the Queen began to take shape.

Wang Jian knew a frontal assault on the royal palace was a fool's errand. The intricate array formations, designed to detect even the subtlest movements within the shadows, would render his shadow realm useless. So, he needed a different approach – a cunning infiltration strategy worthy of his reputation.

His first step was acquiring intel. He spent a day mingling in the bustling marketplace, eavesdropping on conversations, and piecing together fragments of gossip. He learned about Queen Xiulan's daily routine, her preferred gardens, and even her occasional frustrations with the palace bureaucracy.

However, this wasn't enough. To truly manipulate the situation, he needed a way inside the palace walls.

For a whole week, Wang Jian observed the palace's outer perimeter. He watched the guards change shifts, noted the patrol routes, and identified seemingly minor vulnerabilities. His keen eyes spotted a small, neglected corner of the outer wall, shrouded in dense vines. During a particularly heavy downpour, he noticed a section of the wall crumble slightly, revealing a narrow, muddy passage behind it.

This was his chance.

The following night, under the cloak of darkness and a relentless storm, Wang Jian scaled the outer wall, taking advantage of the downpour to mask his movements. Reaching the crumbling section, he squeezed through the muddy passage, emerging within the outer courtyard.

Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the palace was a different beast altogether. But thanks to the intel gleaned from the marketplace chatter, he knew which areas to avoid – the heavily guarded training grounds, the bustling kitchens, and the grand audience hall.

His target – the maidservants who tended to Queen Xiulan's quarters. These women, despite their seemingly low position, held a wealth of information about the Queen's daily life and habits.

He found them in a secluded corner, gathered around a flickering lantern, sharing hushed conversations. Using a potent illusion spell, he disguised himself as a harmless palace guard. It wasn't difficult to intimidate them – a subtle display of his cultivation base, a menacing glint in his disguised eyes, and a veiled threat of consequences were enough to secure their unwavering obedience.

One by one, he interrogated them, his voice laced with a chilling calmness. He learned about the Queen's fondness for cultivating in the Moonlit Garden at dawn, her preference for a specific herbal tea before retiring, and even her frustration with the overly ornate ceremonial robes she was forced to wear.

But his mission wasn't just information gathering. He slipped them small, intricately carved discs – cleverly disguised array formation disruptors. With trembling hands and fearful glances, the maidservants were instructed to plant these discs at specific locations within the palace, subtly weakening the defensive and scouting formations.

The threat of their families' safety loomed heavy in the air. Disobeying this powerful stranger, radiating an aura of raw power, simply wasn't an option. They readily agreed, their fear a potent weapon in Wang Jian's arsenal.

As the week drew to a close, a sense of anticipation crackled in the air. News of King Mo Tianyang's departure for the Eastern Territory, along with a contingent of elite guards, reached the palace. This was the perfect window – the royal defenses significantly weakened by the King's absence and the disrupted formations.

The night the King left, cloaked in darkness and his shadows swirling around him, Wang Jian melded into the very fabric of the night. With a confident stride, he infiltrated the palace through moving in his Shadow Realm, following the weakened pathway created by the planted discs. The once formidable defenses were now a mere nuisance, barely registering his presence.

He navigated the inner corridors with an eerie grace, his eyes fixed on his destination – Queen Xiulan's quarters. The culmination of his week-long planning, the first step in his audacious scheme, was about to unfold. The fate of his conquest, the seduction of a queen, and the potential chaos it would bring, hung heavy in the air.

Wang Jian knew a brazen approach wouldn't work. Barging into the Queen's chambers would only trigger the palace alarms and bring a battalion of guards down upon him.Furthermore, Queen Xiulan, an expert at the Divine Harmony Realm, was a whole level above him. Force was out of the question; he needed a more nuanced strategy – one that played on her emotions.

His plan relied on subtly manipulating the Queen through the very people closest to her – her trusted maidservants. Infiltrating the Queen's quarters directly was too risky.Instead, he returned to the corner where he'd coerced the maidservants a week ago.

"Listen closely," he hissed, his voice cold and commanding. "Rumours must spread through the palace. Whispers about the King's… extracurricular activities."

A hesitant murmur escaped one of the maidservants. "But… what kind of rumours, sir?"

Wang Jian smirked, his eyes glinting with a predatory amusement. "Oh, whispers of his… dalliances with the women of those rogue sects. Depraved acts, whispered in hallways and gardens. Make sure they reach the Queen's ears."

The following days were a carefully orchestrated dance. The maidservants, with heavy hearts and trembling voices, subtly fed the rumors to the Queen. "Your Majesty," one would murmur, "rumors fly about the King's… sexual activities during his Eastern Territory visits."

Queen Xiulan, a woman of formidable power and fierce loyalty, initially dismissed them. But as whispers turned into a consistent murmur, a seed of doubt began to sprout. The timing, coinciding with the King's departure, felt… suspicious.

"Investigate discreetly," she finally ordered, a tremor of hurt in her voice. "See if there's any truth to these… rumors."

The maidservants, their hearts pounding, relayed the Queen's order to Wang Jian. A sinister smile spread across his face. "Tell her," he instructed, "that the truth you find confirms these… suspicions.And that this is not an isolated incident."

The days melted into a week. The Queen, fueled by a growing sense of betrayal, received daily updates from her maidservants, each one painting a picture of the King's supposed infidelity. The doubt in her heart blossomed into a bitter resentment.

"How long has this been going on?" she demanded one evening, her voice laced with ice.

The maidservant, following Wang Jian's script, lowered her eyes. "From what we've gathered, Your Majesty… these… activities have been ongoing for quite some time."

Queen Xiulan clenched her fists, her blue eyes blazing with unshed tears and a burgeoning anger. The King's absence, the suspicious timing, and now this confirmation – it all seemed to fall into place. She felt a wave of loneliness and betrayal crash over her, a vulnerability Wang Jian had carefully nurtured.

"Leave me," she commanded, her voice thick with emotion. Alone in her chambers, she contemplated the revelations. Was it true? Was her beloved husband a lying cheat? The evidence, fabricated by Wang Jian and delivered through his carefully manipulated pawns, seemed undeniable.

As doubt and anger warred within her, Wang Jian made his next move. He orchestrated a series of "accidents" – a misplaced love poem addressed to an unknown woman, a fragrant handkerchief found in the King's study, a faint scent of an unfamiliar perfume clinging to his robes. Each one, delivered "accidentally" to the Queen's chambers, fueled the fire of her suspicion.

By the end of the week, Queen Xiulan was a woman seething with a potent cocktail of emotions - hurt, betrayal, and a simmering desire for revenge. Little did she know, every emotion, every action, had been meticulously orchestrated by the unseen puppeteer, Wang Jian.

The stage was set. The Queen, isolated and wounded, was ripe for manipulation. Now, all that remained was for Wang Jian to make his move, to step out of the shadows and into her life, offering a twisted form of solace and a path down a dangerous, seductive road. The conquest of the Queen was no longer about physical dominance; it was about manipulating her emotions, turning her loneliness and anger into a weapon he could wield against her husband and the entire Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe.

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