"The humans are weak now," she declared, her voice echoing with a cruel amusement. "Their forces are scattered, their morale shattered. We will crush them, one by one!"

The assembled devil lords roared their agreement, their voices a chorus of dark anticipation. Strategies were debated, loot was divided, and a thirst for bloodshed filled the air. The meeting concluded with a renewed sense of purpose, and the devils, now a united front, prepared to unleash their wrath upon the cosmos.

Meanwhile, within the idyllic confines of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's Central Star, Wang Jian reclined luxuriously on a silken chaise longue. His head rested on the inviting lap of Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, his face lit with a depraved grin.

"My plan is working flawlessly, Cui Lan, my love," he purred, his voice dripping with a dark satisfaction. "The devils are doing our dirty work, weakening the human sects before we even have to lift a finger."

Cui Lan, an amused smile playing on her lips, tilted her head to meet his gaze. "Indeed, Master Wang Jian," she conceded, "The Eastern Cosmos is embroiled in chaos. But what do we do next?"

"Ah, my dear," Wang Jian chuckled, "Now is when our true brilliance shines. Prepare the Pavilion's reserves – weapons, artifacts, array formation discs, talismans – we're going to flood the market."

Cui Lan's eyes widened in realization. "But Master," she countered, "Won't the sects be wary? They know we developed these defenses ourselves."

"Indeed," Wang Jian acknowledged, his grin turning predatory. "But desperation breeds innovation, my love. We'll charge a hefty price, but offer them just enough information to tantalize them. A hint of how our formations work, enough to give them a fighting chance against the devils."

He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Think about it, Cui Lan. The human sects, depleted and desperate, will be willing to pay anything to survive. We'll become the ultimate war profiteers, fueling the very conflict we orchestrated!"

Cui Lan's eyes sparkled with a newfound excitement. The chaos Wang Jian had sown was not just a means to an end – it was a golden opportunity to elevate the Heavenly Jade Pavilion to an unprecedented level of power. As the war raged outside, they would sit within their impregnable Star Clusters, amassing wealth and influence, ready to strike when the dust settled.

A wicked laugh erupted from Wang Jian, echoing through the serene chamber.

Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, her beauty aglow under the ethereal glow of celestial lights, embarked on a mission far more intricate than any battlefield clash. Wielding the power of trade, she became the puppeteer pulling the strings of the ongoing war.

Wang Jian's instructions echoed in her mind – fuel the flames of conflict without directly taking sides. With a sly smile, Cui Lan began her masterwork.

The Heavenly Jade Pavilion's marketplace hummed with activity, a stark contrast to the war-torn Eastern Cosmos. Delegations from desperate human sects flocked to their doorstep, seeking salvation in the form of resources. Cui Lan, a picture of charming professionalism, greeted them with open arms.

"Ah, esteemed representatives," she cooed, her voice dripping with honeyed tones. "The Heavenly Jade Pavilion is here to offer its unwavering support in these trying times."

Her words were true enough, but with a hefty caveat. Gone were the days of bartering with Spirit Stones. Now, the price of survival came at a cost far steeper.

Cui Lan unveiled a dazzling array of tools of war – The "Great Assault Cosmic Warships," sleek vessels bristling with firepower, powerful talismans imbued with potent energy, exquisitely crafted weapons humming with celestial energy, and intricate array formation discs promising tactical advantages. Each item was showcased with a theatrical flourish, its capabilities emphasized with practiced ease.

But when it came to prices, Cui Lan's smile turned razor-sharp. "These are not baubles for the faint of heart," she announced, her voice laced with a hint of steel. "The knowledge and resources poured into their creation are unparalleled."

The sect representatives squirmed. The prices were exorbitant, designed to cripple their treasuries but not so high as to drive them away. Despair mingled with a sliver of hope in their eyes. They had nowhere else to turn.

With a practiced sigh, Cui Lan finally relented. "However," she continued, "the Heavenly Jade Pavilion understands your plight. We will accept rare herbs, raw metal ores of exceptional quality, perhaps even…" her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, "proprietary formulas or rare manuals?"

A collective gasp rippled through the delegation. To part with such treasures was a bitter pill to swallow, but the alternative – utter annihilation at the hands of the devils – was worse. Gritting their teeth, they agreed, their coffers drained in exchange for a fighting chance.

Behind the scenes, a different ballet unfolded. Deep within one of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's most secretive Star Clusters, a hidden gateway shimmered. This was Wang Jian's handiwork – a spatial tunnel connecting them directly to Queen Xiulan's territory. Here, the trade was far more subtle.

Gone were the ostentatious displays. Instead, Cui Lan bartered with a select group of high-ranking devils, representatives of other tribes drawn in by the scent of plunder. Unlike the vast quantities sent to the human sects, the resources flowing to the devils were carefully selected.

Cui Lan traded potent talismans specifically designed to counter human cultivation techniques, artifacts that boosted demonic energy, and weapons forged with alloys that resonated with demonic essence. These "gifts" wouldn't tip the scales completely, but they'd give the devilish elites, particularly those at the coveted Divine Ascension Realm, a slight edge in their battles with their human counterparts.

The devils paid handsomely – rare demonic artifacts imbued with potent dark energy and forbidden knowledge gleaned from the depths of the Ancient Devil Star Cluster. These were resources not readily available within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's domain, resources that would prove invaluable in the future.

Cui Lan, ever the shrewd businesswoman, played both sides with masterful finesse. Like a spider orchestrating a delicate web, she bled the human sects and the devil tribes dry of their most precious resources. The flow of wealth into the Heavenly Jade Pavilion was constant and staggering.

As days turned into weeks, the war raged on, a grim ballet of bloodshed and chaos. The meticulously balanced trade fueled the conflict, ensuring neither side achieved a decisive victory. Powerful cultivators clashed on a daily basis, their battles leaving craters on the faces of planets and stars.

Yet, within the impregnable Star Clusters of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, a sense of calm prevailed. The Pavilion, untouched by the ravages of war, amassing a fortune that bordered on obscene. Wang Jian, his eyes gleaming with a devilish delight, watched the chaos unfold, his grand scheme inching closer to fruition.

In the heart of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's Central Star, a scene of idyllic intimacy unfolded. Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, her beauty radiating a celestial glow even in the dim candlelight, lay nestled in Wang Jian's arms. His fingers traced languid patterns across her back, sending shivers down her spine.

"Cui Lan, my love," Wang Jian murmured, his voice husky with desire, "Your performance in managing the war trade has been nothing short of spectacular. We've bled both sides dry while remaining untouched."

Cui Lan giggled, a sound like wind chimes on a gentle breeze. "It was your brilliant plan, Master Wang Jian," she countered, her eyes sparkling with affection. "I merely executed it to the best of my abilities."

As their passion subsided, Wang Jian turned serious. "Speaking of the plan," he said, "It's time to move on to the next phase."

Cui Lan sat up, a hint of curiosity flickering in her gaze. "And what would that be, Master?"

"Expansion," Wang Jian declared, a predatory glint in his eyes. "While the human and devil forces bleed each other dry, we'll use this opportunity to strengthen our own ranks. It's time to recruit more disciples, more powerful women to join the Heavenly Jade Pavilion."

Cui Lan knew exactly what he meant. The conflict had undoubtedly ravaged the Eastern Cosmos, leaving many female cultivators displaced, disillusioned, or even orphaned. These were prime candidates for recruitment.

The challenge, however, was navigating the lingering distrust. The recent attack on the Heavenly Jade Pavilion by the large human sects had left a bitter taste in many cultivators' mouths.

"We need a new strategy," Cui Lan mused, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "A gentler approach to counteract the perception of aggression."

A slow smile spread across Wang Jian's face. "Leave that to me, my love," he purred. "We'll paint ourselves as the saviors, the sanctuary for women seeking strength and empowerment in these chaotic times."

The following days witnessed a flurry of activity within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. Under Cui Lan's direction, a multi-

pronged recruitment strategy unfolded.

First, they leveraged the Pavilion's image as a haven for female cultivators. They dispatched skilled envoys, all beautiful and powerful women themselves, to spread the word. These envoys painted a picture of a harmonious sisterhood within the Pavilion, a space where women could reach their full potential without the constraints often faced in other sects.

Next, they targeted the disillusioned. Disgruntled female cultivators, weary of the internal politics plaguing their sects or disheartened by the recent war, were approached with personalized offers. Messages, delivered via discreet communication channels, promised a sanctuary where talent was cherished, merit valued, and leadership opportunities abundant.

For the more materialistic minds, Cui Lan unveiled a truly irresistible proposition. The Pavilion started hosting extravagant exhibitions, showcasing the vast array of resources they'd acquired through their shrewd trade deals. Exquisite weapons imbued with potent energies, rare herbs with mystical properties, and intricate techniques gleaned from the depths of the Devil Star Cluster were displayed in all their glory.

Accompanying these exhibitions were carefully worded announcements. The Pavilion, it was declared, was offering limited opportunities for talented female cultivators to join their ranks, with access to these incredible resources as a significant perk.

Cui Lan's strategy proved highly effective. The word spread like wildfire – the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, previously seen as a formidable rival, was now offering a unique haven for aspiring female cultivators. Promises of sisterhood, opportunities, and unparalleled resources proved irresistible.

Slowly, but surely, a steady stream of talented women began seeking entry into the Pavilion. Young women with raw talent, yearning for guidance, found a nurturing environment where their potential could flourish. Seasoned veterans, disillusioned with their current sects, saw a chance to reignite their passion and contribute to a cause. Even a few disgruntled elders, tempted by the access to rare resources, cautiously made inquiries.

The Heavenly Jade Pavilion, once solely comprised of brilliant women born and raised within its confines, began to embrace a wave of diversity. New faces, new backgrounds, yet all united under the banner of female empowerment and the alluring prospect of honing their cultivation skills under the tutelage of a powerful and innovative sect.

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