Chapter 587 Misfortunes Into Opportunities

News of the "Trade Verification Token" system spread quickly throughout the Eastern Cosmos. Cultivators buzzed with excitement – a foolproof way to identify legitimate Astral Jade City merchants!

The system was simple: each registered merchant received a jade token engraved with intricate symbols, infused with a miniscule amount of Wang Jian's divine essence.

Upon presenting the token, a handheld verification device, readily available throughout the city, would emit a soft glow, confirming the token's authenticity.

The plan proved to be a masterstroke. The fake caravans vanished as quickly as they appeared. The Nangong Family's attempt at manipulating trade routes backfired spectacularly. With cultivators opting for the guaranteed legitimacy of Astral Jade City merchants, trade returned to its previous heights, even exceeding it.

The news reached the disgruntled leaders of the competing settlements like a punch to the gut. Baroness Xia Li of Crimson Star Settlement slammed her fist on the table, scattering maps and scrolls. "This is infuriating!" she roared.

Elder Wu of the Jade Lotus Settlement stroked his beard thoughtfully. "We need a new strategy," he declared.

Meanwhile, within the hidden dimension, the leaders of the ancient cultivation families were equally frustrated. "This Wang Jian is more cunning than we anticipated," Elder Jiang Wu growled, his illusions shimmering with anger.

Nangong Ying, her eyes narrowed, proposed a new plan. "We need a more drastic measure," she hissed. "Something to truly sow discord among their residents."

Their brainstorming session resulted in a fresh wave of chaos. The Jiang Family, masters of illusion, fabricated elaborate stories of brutal clashes between Astral Jade City guards and disgruntled citizens. Holographic images, depicting guards confiscating resources from innocent residents, flooded the market squares. Panic began to simmer amongst settlers contemplating relocation to Astral Jade City.

Meanwhile, the Nangong Family resorted to desperate measures. They bribed a disgruntled former guard of Astral Jade City to orchestrate a daring theft. A valuable artifact, carefully smuggled into the city beforehand, was "stolen" from a heavily guarded vault. News of the supposed security breach spread like wildfire, further eroding trust in Astral Jade City's supposedly ironclad security measures.

Finally, the Ming Family unleashed their most potent weapon – fear. They discreetly planted rumors of a terrifying new plague spreading within Astral Jade City's walls. Vivid descriptions of gruesome symptoms and swift deaths painted a harrowing picture that struck a chord with cultivators across the cosmos. Soon, the once-bustling city was shrouded in an aura of fear, with potential residents opting for safer havens.

It took a couple of days for this new wave of attacks to reach Wang Jian and his formidable harem. Su Xian, ever the keen observer, first picked up on the subtle shift in the city's atmosphere. "Husband," she voiced her concern, "a sense of unease seems to be spreading amongst the residents."

Wang Jian, never one to shy away from a challenge, narrowed his eyes as he reviewed reports from various city districts. A smile, laced with a hint of menace, played on his lips. "They're getting desperate," he chuckled, "but fear not, my loves, for I have a plan."

His plan, however, wasn't merely reactive. It wasn't just about countering their attacks; it was about turning the tables and maximizing profits for Astral Jade City. With a playful glint in his eyes, he summoned Elder Baozhai once again.

"Elder Baozhai," he declared, "it seems our little city needs another innovative feature – the Astral Jade City Insurance Token."

Elder Baozhai, her youthful face lit with amusement, listened intently as Wang Jian laid out his strategy. The insurance token, he explained, would offer complete reimbursement for any purchases lost due to theft within the city walls. Additionally, it would grant holders priority access to special protective wards that could ward off even the most potent illusions.

The brilliance of the plan lay in its multi-pronged approach. By offering insurance, Wang Jian not only addressed the fear of theft but also created a new revenue stream for Astral Jade City. The insurance premiums would be calculated based on the value of purchases made within the city.

This meant that high-rollers, who were likely to buy expensive resources and artifacts, would pay a significant sum for the insurance.

The primary feature was that the payout for stolen items would not be capped.

This bold move was designed to incentivize even more residents to take up this insurance.

To prevent the city's financial losses from reimbursements, Wang Jian planned to utilize a network of Astral Vision Stones strategically placed across the city over all four stars of the Astral Jade City.

These vision stones, imbued with powerful observation techniques, would monitor every sight in the city.

This meant that in case a theft did occur, the authorities would be alerted immediately, and the guards would take swift action.

The high success rate of apprehending thieves due to the constant surveillance would deter potential criminals and minimize the number of payouts the city would have to make.

Additionally, a significant portion of the insurance premiums would be invested, allowing the city to generate passive income and further offset potential losses. This cleverly incentivized residents to make more purchases within Astral Jade City, further boosting the economy.

The protective wards, fueled by formations designed by Wang Jian himself, would be a subtle yet effective counter to the Jiang Family's illusions.

Anyone attempting to create illusions within the city walls would be met with a tingling sensation, alerting them to the presence of the wards.

While the wards wouldn't dispel the illusions entirely, they would make them easily detectable, rendering the Jiang Family's deceptive tactics useless.

Furthermore, Wang Jian planned to address the fear of plague with a grand spectacle. He would organize a city-wide health check-up, to be conducted by the finest healers from the Heavenly Jade Pavilion.

To further quell anxieties, he would even offer free vaccinations against all known celestial diseases. The message was clear – Astral Jade City prioritized the well-being of its residents.

These plans were implemented with practiced efficiency. Within days, the insurance tokens were readily available, and skilled artisans were busy installing protective wards throughout the city. The city-wide health check-up, a vibrant display of medical prowess, garnered widespread praise. Wang Jian, along with his harem by his side, played the part of a benevolent leader, personally overseeing the vaccinations and reassuring the populace.

The impact was immediate. The clever insurance scheme not only quelled anxieties about theft but also generated significant revenue for Astral Jade City.

The protective wards effectively neutralized the Jiang Family's illusions, leaving them frustrated and their efforts in vain.

And the well-organized health check-up, with its free vaccinations, not only addressed the fear of plaque but also showcased Wang Jian's genuine concern for the citizens.

News of these developments traveled fast. The leaders of other settlements and the ancient families watched with a mixture of envy and frustration.

Wang Jian, through his strategic brilliance, had once again outmaneuvered them, turning their attempts at sabotage into opportunities for Astral Jade City to further solidify its position as a thriving economic and social hub in the Eastern Cosmos.

Frustration simmered amongst the rivals of Astral Jade City. Baroness Xia Li of the Crimson Star Settlement slammed her fist on the table for the umpteenth time, a vein throbbing in her forehead. "Wang Jian is turning this city into a golden goose! Every move we make to hamper him backfires!"

Elder Wu of the Jade Lotus Settlement stroked his beard in contemplation. "Indeed. This… Wang Jian… seems to have anticipated every move."

Nangong Ying of the Nangong Family, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint, proposed a new plan. "Force won't work. We need something more subtle, something that will turn the residents of Astral Jade City against their own ruler."

Her words sparked a flurry of discussion within the clandestine gathering of settlement lords, sect representatives, and elders of ancient cultivation families. After much deliberation, a chillingly clever strategy emerged.

"We'll exploit human greed," Elder Jiang Wu declared, a sinister grin twisting his features. "We'll plant rumors of a hidden treasure trove within Astral Jade City, guarded by weak defenses."

The plan unfolded with meticulous precision. Whispers began swirling across the Eastern Cosmos, spreading like wildfire. Tales of unimaginable wealth, buried deep within the foundations of Astral Jade City, captured the imaginations of cultivators. The rumors spoke of artifacts imbued with celestial energy, cultivation manuals containing techniques for reaching unimaginable heights, and mountains of Divine Spirit Stones.

This wasn't a direct attack on Astral Jade City's infrastructure or security; it was an insidious ploy targeting the very fabric of the city's society – its citizens' loyalty. Greed, a powerful motivator, had the potential to incite chaos and rebellion.

Within Astral Jade City, the whispers started as faint murmurs in marketplaces and taverns. Soon, however, they reached a fever pitch. Cultivators, their eyes gleaming with avarice, began discussing the rumors amongst themselves.

"Did you hear? A hidden treasure trove within the city walls!"

"Unbelievable wealth just waiting to be claimed!"

"We can finally break free from the shackles of poverty!"

The rumors were expertly crafted to prey on the insecurities of a diverse group. For newly arrived cultivators with modest resources, the promise of riches seemed like a chance to elevate their social standing. For those burdened by debt, the treasure trove represented a path to financial freedom. Even established citizens, already enjoying the benefits of Astral Jade City, couldn't entirely suppress the flicker of temptation.

The normally bustling city streets became charged with a tense energy. Cultivators huddled in corners, sharing whispers and theories about the treasure's location. The normally jovial atmosphere gave way to a sense of paranoia and suspicion.

Wang Jian, ever vigilant, received reports of the growing unrest. A thoughtful smile played upon his lips, not a smile born of amusement, but a calculating smirk that hinted at something far more sinister.

"It seems our enemies have finally offered us a challenge," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

Su Xian, his loyal wife and confidante, raised an eyebrow in concern. "Husband, what do you intend to do?"

Wang Jian's eyes glittered with a cold, predatory gleam. "They want to stir up greed? Let's give them a taste of its ugly consequences."

His plan was as cunning as it was depraved. He wouldn't simply dismiss the rumors; he would fuel them, distort them, and use them to his advantage.

"Elder Baozhai," Wang Jian began, his voice laced with a seductive charm that sent shivers down her spine, "we need to orchestrate a grand spectacle, a performance so captivating it will draw the attention of every treasure hunter in the Eastern Cosmos."

Elder Baozhai raised her brow as she wondered what her master wanted. "At your command, master."

Wang Jian leaned closer, his voice dripping with malicious intent. "We're going to create the most elaborate treasure hunt Astral Jade City has ever seen, but the prize at the end won't be riches… it will be a trap."

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