Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 619 Devil Tribe’s Alliance With Northern Cosmos Devil Race

Chapter 619 Devil Tribe's Alliance With Northern Cosmos Devil Race

Matriarch Xifeng clenched her fists, a battle raging within. The promise of unimaginable power for her tribe was intoxicating, but the prospect of submitting to a human, especially one so young, filled her with a primal rage. Yet, logic prevailed. Betrayal was now a luxury she couldn't afford.

With a resigned sigh, she followed him, her steps heavy with apprehension. The journey to his chamber was a blur, filled with a tense silence that spoke volumes. Finally, they arrived at a room that reeked of opulence and power.

The following hours were a whirlwind of passion and domination. Wang Jian, fueled by his ambition and the potent devilish aura that now surrounded him, systematically dismantled Matriarch Xifeng's defenses. Her initial resistance melted away in the face of his relentless pursuit, replaced by a primal ecstasy she had never known.

By the time dawn peeked through the window, Matriarch Xifeng lay sprawled amidst a tangle of silken sheets, her body utterly spent. Shame gnawed at her, but it was overshadowed by a strange sense of satisfaction. The power coursing through her veins was undeniable, a potent energy humming beneath her skin.

Wang Jian, ever the pragmatist, kept his promise. He produced a single Bloodline Evolution Pellet, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow. With a cruel twist of his lips, he held it aloft, forcing Matriarch Xifeng to plead for it. Finally, sated and humbled, she received the pellet, her eyes filled with a desperate hunger.

As she swallowed it whole, the room pulsed with dark energy. Matriarch Xifeng screamed, a primal howl tearing through the chamber. Her body writhed and contorted in agony, her obsidian claws tearing at the sheets. Then, just as abruptly, the transformation subsided. A new Matriarch Xifeng stood before him, taller, her eyes burning with infernal light.

"Behold," she growled, her voice deeper, resonating with power. "The true potential of the Obsidian Claw Devil Bloodline!"

Wang Jian studied her with a satisfied nod. "Excellent. Now, spread the word. The Blue Moon Eclipse Tribe possesses further pellets. Those who wish to claim their rightful power need only approach Queen Xiulan."

Matriarch Xifeng bowed, her newfound loyalty unquestionable, at least for now. The seeds of deception had been sown, and a web of lies and control had begun to tighten its grip on the Devil Tribes.

Days turned into weeks as Wang Jian embarked on a whirlwind tour of the remaining tribes. He visited the Crimson Horned Devil Tribe, where Patriarch Moloch, a mountain of a man, reluctantly offered his eldest daughter, a fearsome warrior named Xio Ling. After a night of raw passion, Wang Jian rewarded Moloch with the coveted pellets, subtly reminding him that the source for acquiring more lay with Queen Xiulan.

Next came Lord Belial of the Howling Abyss Devil Tribe. His offering was his youngest daughter, a shadowy beauty named Nyx, cloaked in an aura of darkness. This encounter was vastly different. Wang Jian, sensing a kindred spirit in Nyx, treated her with a surprising gentleness. He still claimed his prize, but the experience held a strange tenderness that left Nyx strangely captivated.

Finally, he arrived at the Tenebrous Wings Devil Tribe. Grand Elder Corvus, a wizened figure with leathery bat wings, offered his prized possession, his granddaughter, Luna. Despite her youthful appearance, Luna possessed the rare blood of a mythical avian beast, making her a coveted prize. Wang Jian indulged in Luna's youthful innocence, savoring the contrasting experiences he had orchestrated.

With each conquest, the devil tribes grew stronger, their bloodlines awakened to their ancestral potential. Unbeknownst to them, however, each pellet contained a hidden curse. A sliver of Wang Jian's own devilish essence, a fragment of his will, had been woven into its very fabric. This parasitic seed lay dormant within each devil, a silent threat that could be unleashed at a moment's notice.

An unsettling satisfaction bloomed within Wang Jian. He had not just secured the allegiance of the Devil Tribes, he had subtly enslaved them. A single thought, a flicker of his will, could now trigger the destruction of their Divine Souls, rendering them nothing more than puppets at his command.

Wang Jian played a cunning hand. He understood the raw power of the Devil Tribes, but also their inherent pride. Turning them into mindless puppets was a last resort. Instead, he envisioned them as loyal attack dogs, unleashed to further his agenda.

Fifteen days passed, a period filled with frantic activity. Under Queen Xiulan's watchful eye, the Bloodline Evolution Pellets were distributed amongst the devil tribes. Warriors flocked to the Blue Moon Eclipse Tribe, their eyes gleaming with avarice and ambition. The transformation was swift and dramatic. Devilish auras pulsed through the Eastern Cosmos, a testament to the newfound power coursing through the tribes.

The first piece on the chessboard moved with a thunderous thud. Patriarch Moloch, a man whose loyalty was now secured through a potent cocktail of fear and desire, dispatched a secret envoy to the Devil Race's star system. This envoy, a wiry, battle-scarred veteran named Ku Rong, traveled under the cloak of darkness, his ship weaving through the treacherous asteroid fields that separated the territories of the Angel Race and the Devil Race within the same Starry Expanse.

Ku Rong arrived on the desolate, volcanic world that served as the Devil Race's base in the Eastern Cosmos. The very air crackled with a raw, primal energy, a stark contrast to the ethereal grace of the Angel Race's domain. He navigated the imposing obsidian palace, a monument to the Devil Race's arrogance, his heart pounding a steady rhythm of apprehension.

Finally, he stood before Mo Yu, the leader of the Devil Race in the Eastern Cosmos. Mo Yu was a towering figure, his obsidian skin etched with intricate tattoos that pulsed with a faint infernal glow. His eyes, burning embers reflecting the fires of his homeworld, held a chilling arrogance.

Ku Rong knelt, his head bowed low. "Esteemed Mo Yu," he began, his voice laced with a carefully measured respect, "I come as an envoy from the Crimson Horned Devil Tribe, bearing a proposition of alliance."

A snort escaped Mo Yu's lips, a sound that sent shivers down Ku Rong's spine. "Alliance? You, the petty lords of the Eastern wastelands, dare speak of alliance with the mighty Devil Race?" He leaned forward, his voice a low growl. "Perhaps you've forgotten your place. You should be begging for forgiveness, not pacts."

Ku Rong remained unflinching, his voice steady. "We understand your esteemed lineage, Mo Yu," he countered, "but times have changed. The Eastern Devil Starry Expanse presents an opportunity for mutual prosperity. We propose a trade alliance, an exchange of resources, weapons, and perhaps even array formations. With our combined might, we can dominate the other Devil Tribes and carve a new empire in this cosmos."

He reached into his storage ring and produced a small, exquisitely carved vial. With a flourish, he uncorked it. A wave of potent devilish essence, raw and untamed, surged outwards, filling the chamber. Mo Yu's eyes narrowed, surprise flickering across his arrogant facade.

"This," Ku Rong continued, his voice resonating with newfound confidence, "is the essence of my master, Patriarch Moloch of the Crimson Horned Devil Tribe. It signifies our sincerity."

Mo Yu extended a clawed hand, inspecting the vial with keen interest. He couldn't deny the power emanating from it, a power that rivaled some of the most potent bloodlines within his own race. Intrigue flickered in his eyes.

"An alliance based on mutual benefit," Mo Yu mused, stroking his obsidian chin. "It's a… novel concept. But I cannot make such a decision alone. I shall consult with my advisors. You will be given an answer shortly."

Ku Rong bowed once more, relief washing over him. He had achieved his objective, planting the seed of an alliance. Now, he could only hope that the fertile ground of greed would nurture it into a formidable force. As he was escorted out of the palace, he couldn't help but steal a glance at the crimson moon hanging low in the inky sky. A strange sense of foreboding settled over him.

Meanwhile, within his opulent chamber in the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe's palace, Wang Jian received Ku Rong's report with a satisfied smirk. The Devil Race's leader was arrogant, as expected, but also pragmatic. The promise of resources and dominance was a tempting bait. Now, it was a waiting game.

A day after Ku Rong's audience, Mo Yu, the Devil Race leader, summoned the envoy once more. The air crackled with a different energy now, an undercurrent of anticipation replacing the earlier arrogance.

"We accept your proposition," Mo Yu declared, his voice resonating with power. "The Devil Race considers a trade alliance with the Crimson Horned Devil Tribe a logical step. However, our needs are specific."

Ku Rong straightened, his heart pounding a hopeful rhythm. "Of course, esteemed Mo Yu," he responded, bowing low. "Please enlighten us on your requirements."

Mo Yu's advisors, a group of hulking figures radiating an aura of raw power, stepped forward.

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