Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 626 Messing With Huang Zhi’s Wife, Lu Rong’er

Chapter 626 Messing With Huang Zhi's Wife, Lu Rong'er

Lu Rong'er, her heart still mending from the recent upheaval, responded with a polite nod. "Thank you, Master Wang. I strive to further refine the gifts bestowed upon me by my heritage."

A gentle chuckle escaped Wang Jian's lips. "Your heritage is indeed worthy of recognition, Princess. However, true strength isn't solely defined by lineage. It also blossoms from the fire that burns within your very soul. You possess the potential for immense power, Princess, with the right guidance."

His words sparked a flicker of intrigue in Lu Rong'er's eyes. "Guidance?" she echoed, her voice laced with a hint of uncertainty.

"Indeed," Wang Jian replied, leaning closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "There exists an ancient lineage, a forgotten power passed down through generations within my family. A power that could elevate your skills to unimaginable heights."

Lu Rong'er's brow furrowed. "An ancient lineage? But Master Wang, I am an Angel. My powers are rooted in celestial energy."

Wang Jian offered a smile that hinted at a deeper truth. "Princess," he said, his voice low and alluring, "there are more paths to power than you might realize. And sometimes, the most unlikely alliances can lead to the greatest triumphs."

He continued to weave his web of deception, painting a captivating picture of hidden knowledge and untapped potential. Lu Rong'er, consumed by the yearning to avenge her fallen home, found herself hanging onto his every word.

"May I offer you some minor corrections to your posture?" Wang Jian suggested, his voice laced with sincerity. "Perhaps it could help you unlock a new level of power."

Lu Rong'er hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly nodded her consent. Wang Jian stepped forward, his touch initially gentle as he adjusted her stance.

However, as he moved his hands across her waist, hips, and arms, his movements became subtly suggestive.

A blush crept up Lu Rong'er's neck, a wave of heat washing over her.

The intimate nature of his touch was unsettling, yet she found herself conflicted, her curiosity battling against her ingrained sense of propriety.

Despite the discomfort, she held still, determined to see this through. Every nerve ending in her body seemed to be hyperaware of his touch, his fingers sending phantom tingles radiating through her. However, the discomfort was overshadowed by a strange sense of exhilaration. It was a sensation she'd never experienced before, a mixture of arousal and anticipation. Was this a side effect of the power surge he promised?

Once he finished adjusting her posture, Wang Jian stepped back, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Now," he said, his voice a husky murmur, "unleash your attacks with celestial energy while maintaining this form."

Hesitantly, Lu Rong'er raised her sword, channeling her celestial energy as instructed. As she did, a surge of power coursed through her, far more potent than before.

Remembering the attack pattern Wang Jian had described, she unleashed a series of strikes. The blade sang through the air, imbued with a celestial energy far exceeding anything she'd ever produced. Her eyes widened in awe. It was true! The corrected posture, combined with some unknown influence she couldn't explain, had doubled the strength of her attacks.

Wang Jian's expertise was undeniable. This man, who had witnessed her techniques only once, had managed to analyze them with such precision and improve them significantly. A flicker of gratitude mixed with the lingering heat in her cheeks. "Thank you, Master Wang," she stammered, lowering her sword.

Wang Jian's smile widened, revealing a predatory glint in his eyes. He knew he had won her trust. Now, he could be bolder. "It seems," he said, his voice dripping with a feigned concern, "that your true potential has been locked away all this time. Perhaps these techniques require more… personal guidance."

Lu Rong'er bit her lip, torn between her newfound power and the inappropriateness of his suggestion. However, before she could formulate a response, Wang Jian was by her side again, his hand brushing against hers as he pointed to a particular detail in her sword stance.

This time, his touch lingered even longer, sending shivers down her spine. She felt a warmth blooming in her lower abdomen, a sensation both foreign and exhilarating. Shame battled with curiosity within her. This wasn't right, yet the power… the power was undeniable.

"See here," Wang Jian continued, his voice low and seductive, "a slight shift in hand placement can significantly improve your energy flow. Allow me to demonstrate."

Without waiting for her permission, he gently grasped her wrist, his touch sending a jolt through her. He moved her hand, his fingers brushing against hers in a way that sent a jolt of electricity through her. As he demonstrated the new technique, his body pressed close to hers, his scent of sandalwood filling her senses.

Lu Rong'er found herself breathless, caught between the intimacy of the moment and the power coursing through her veins. The line between gratitude and something more primal was blurring. She knew she should pull away, assert her boundaries, but her body seemed to betray her, reveling in the forbidden touch.

Meanwhile, Wang Jian, his eyes gleaming with triumph, subtly channeled his Law of Love through his touch. The insidious tendrils of energy wormed their way into Lu Rong'er's system, amplifying the arousal he'd ignited. A potent cocktail of emotions – gratitude, curiosity, and a burgeoning infatuation – began to brew within her.

"There," Wang Jian finally said, stepping back with a satisfied smile. "Try it again, Princess."

Lu Rong'er, her heart hammering against her ribs, nodded mutely. As she channeled her celestial energy, the power surge was even more intense than before. But it was accompanied by a strange yearning, a longing for a connection she couldn't quite define.

With a shaking hand, she unleashed another attack, the power of the strike fueled not just by her technique, but by the awakened desires within her. As the blade tore through the air, a radiant light burst forth, illuminating the training courtyard.

Wang Jian continued to stare at Lu Rong'er, his gaze lingering on the way her form flowed with newfound power. But his satisfaction was quickly replaced by a calculating glint. "Princess," he said, his voice smooth as ever, "while your movements are impressive, I've noticed a few inconsistencies in your overall cultivation technique."

Lu Rong'er's brow furrowed. "Inconsistencies?" she echoed, in your overall cultivation technique."

Lu Rong'er's brow furrowed. "Inconsistencies?" she echoed, her voice laced with disbelief. "Master Wang, this is the highest grade technique of the Angel Race. There can't be any flaws in it."

Wang Jian chuckled, a sound devoid of genuine humor. "I understand your skepticism, Princess. You must be thinking, 'How could this outsider, skilled in combat perhaps, possibly improve upon our millennia-old cultivation methods?' Quite a daunting prospect, isn't it?"

Lu Rong'er remained silent, his words hitting a nerve. It was precisely what she'd been thinking. How could someone from another race, with unknown cultivation methods, even dare to critique theirs?And yet, there was a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach. How had he managed to pinpoint her inner thoughts so accurately?

"Am I wrong?" she finally asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Wang Jian shook his head. "Not at all, Princess. It's a natural reaction. But a curious mind would be eager to see the proof, wouldn't it?"

He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial murmur. "Just try it, Princess. You'll instantly feel the difference once I clear away the inconsistencies in your energy flow. Your cultivation speed will increase dramatically."

Lu Rong'er hesitated. The idea of a stranger tampering with her core cultivation technique was unnerving. Yet, the promise of heightened power, the undeniable results she'd witnessed in her combat form, were too tempting to ignore.

After a long moment of internal debate, she finally nodded. "Alright, Master Wang. I'm willing to give it a chance."

A satisfied smile spread across Wang Jian's face. This was his moment. He stepped closer to Lu Rong'er, his eyes gleaming with a predatory glint.

"Excellent," he purred. "Let's begin.First, we'll focus on guiding your spiritual energy flow."

He placed his hands gently on her forehead, his touch sending a jolt through her. "Close your eyes, Princess," he instructed, his voice soft yet commanding. "Focus on the flow of energy I guide, and don't let your mind wander."

As Lu Rong'er complied, Wang Jian began to infuse his own energy into her body, a subtle manipulation masked by the act of guiding her spiritual energy. He started at her forehead, his palms moving slowly downwards.

The touch, at first, was seemingly innocent. But as his hands brushed past her cheeks, lingered on the proud peaks of her breasts, and descended to her waist, a slow burn ignited within Lu Rong'er. It was a sensation both foreign and thrilling, fueled by the suggestive way his hands lingered, seemingly more concerned with exploring her body than guiding energy.

This disgust at his actions warred with the undeniable truth – her cultivation technique was indeed flowing smoother, faster, and with a newfound intensity. The conflicting emotions within her churned like a tempest.

He continued the circulation, circling her back and returning to the front, his touch brushing against every sensitive point with a calculated slowness. Despite the growing heat in her cheeks, Lu Rong'er couldn't deny the effectiveness of his method.

"This cultivation technique," Wang Jian whispered into her ear, his voice laced with a suggestive warmth, "was likely developed based on the specific body of its original creator. I'm simply molding it to fit yours perfectly, removing any inconsistencies."

His words sent a shiver down Lu Rong'er's spine. It was a disturbing explanation, yet it resonated with the strange sensations coursing through her. This was why her body, for the first time, was responding so readily to the technique.

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