Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 630 Awakening The Lu Rong’er’s Divine Spark

Chapter 630 Awakening The Lu Rong'er's Divine Spark

A sly grin stretched across Wang Jian's face, a flicker of amusement in his crimson eyes. He wasted no time. The first step, widening her meridians, was a relatively straightforward process.

Using a potent elixir concocted in his own alchemy chambers, he guided the potent energy through her body, simultaneously forcing open the bottlenecks restricting her potential.

Hours bled into one another as he meticulously reshaped her internal pathways, the process demanding immense concentration from both of them.

Sweat slicked their bodies, a testament to the arduous and draining nature of the procedure. Exhaustion gnawed at Lu Rong'er, but the sting of betrayal fueled her determination. Finally, with a satisfied grunt, Wang Jian released his hold.

"The first step is complete," he declared, his voice devoid of emotion.

Lu Rong'er, her body trembling from the exertion, knew what came next. Without a word, she shed her robe, her vulnerability laid bare. Shame threatened to consume her, but the memory of Huang Zhi's weakness and deceit steeled her resolve.

Wang Jian took a deliberate step forward, his gaze lingering for a moment on her exposed form. He offered no pretense of modesty, his crimson eyes studying her with a detached curiosity. Yet, there was no lascivious intent in his gaze, only a hint of calculating coldness.

Then, he gently enveloped her in a tight embrace. Her skin tingled where it touched his, a surge of foreign energy coursing through her. It was a powerful, yet strangely comforting sensation.

This was it. The moment of truth.

As the embrace deepened, a searing heat radiated from within him, washing over her like a tidal wave. It wasn't just his powerful Celestial Energy. There was something else, a subtle undercurrent she couldn't quite define. But as it flowed through her, a warmth blossomed in her chest, an unfamiliar yet alluring sensation.

Unbeknownst to Lu Rong'er, Wang Jian was weaving a subtle spell. Hidden within the torrent of Celestial Energy, he wove the intricate threads of the Law of Love.

It was a delicate operation, one that required intimate physical contact to be truly effective. This was his opportunity, a chance to subtly manipulate her emotions and sow the seeds of a deeper connection.

Meanwhile, he focused on his other objective – reawakening the Divine Spark within her. Channeling his own formidable energy, he guided it towards the dormant fragment of a True God's essence nestled deep within her core. The Spark, dulled and weakened, flickered faintly, a mere ember compared to its potential brilliance.

With each pulsating wave of energy, the ember began to glow brighter, responding to the potent stimulation. As the light intensified, so did the strange warmth within Lu Rong'er. It spread through her limbs, igniting a cascade of pleasant sensations she had never experienced before.

A gasp escaped her lips, surprise mingling with a hint of burgeoning desire. This wasn't just about power anymore. There was something else at play, something that threatened to unravel her carefully constructed walls of emotional restraint.

Wang Jian sensed her shift. A triumphant glint flickered in his eyes. The Law of Love was taking hold, weaving its subtle tendrils around her heart. He could feel her resistance softening, a vulnerability blooming within her.

"Relax," he murmured, his voice a low rumble against her ear. "Let it flow. Embrace the power."

His words, laced with a subtle hypnotic cadence, further fueled the intoxicating effect. Lu Rong'er found herself succumbing to the feeling, her mind becoming hazy with a delightful confusion. The lines between pain and pleasure blurred, replaced by a singular, all-encompassing sensation.

As the minutes stretched into an eternity, the Divine Spark within her roared to life, a miniature sun radiating pure divine energy. Its light pulsed in sync with Wang Jian's own Celestial Energy, amplifying it to an unprecedented level.

With a final surge of power, Wang Jian broke the embrace, stepping back to observe his handiwork. The exhaustion was evident in his eyes, but a satisfied smirk played upon his lips. He had achieved both his goals – strengthening Lu Rong'er and subtly manipulating her emotions.

Lu Rong'er, left gasping for breath, remained frozen in place. The unfamiliar warmth still lingered within her, making her skin tingle with a newfound sensitivity. Her eyes, filled with a hazy confusion, met Wang Jian's.

Lu Rong'er swayed, her breath coming in shallow gasps. The unfamiliar warmth within her had intensified, morphing into a potent cocktail of desire and a strange sense of devotion.Her gaze locked with Wang Jian's, and in that moment, she felt...understood.

As if sensing her turmoil, a hint of amusement flickered in his crimson eyes. But before she could decipher it, a wave of overwhelming impulse washed over her. Driven by a force she couldn't comprehend, she leaned forward, her lips brushing against his cheek in a fleeting, desperate kiss.

Wang Jian, however, seemed oblivious. He continued channeling his Celestial Energy, his touch lingering on her bare skin as he guided the potent energy through her meridians. The lack of reaction fueled a flicker of confusion within Lu Rong'er. Had he not felt it? The warmth, the desire…?

Driven by a newfound boldness, she repeated her action, this time pressing her lips more firmly against his jawline. As if triggered by the contact, a blinding light erupted from her back. Three pairs of illusory angel wings, crafted from pure Divine Energy, materialized. But something was off. Their ethereal white glow had been replaced by an ominous black, a chilling premonition of an Angel who had strayed from the righteous path.

Yet, before panic could set in, another surge of energy surged through her, emanating from the awakened Divine Spark within. The black wings shuddered, the darkness receding as they were bathed in an even brighter celestial light. This wasn't just a recovery of her Angelic powers – it was an amplification, an ascension. The Celestial Energy coursed through her veins, threatening to overflow.

Had Wang Jian not inscribed a silencing array on his chamber walls, the entire Heavenly Jade Pavilion would have felt the tremor – the unmistakable awakening of a god-like presence.

The transformation was swift and breathtaking. Her once angelic form shimmered and reformed, taking on an otherworldly beauty. Her skin, now imbued with a pearlescent sheen, seemed to radiate a soft, ethereal luminescence. Her long, flowing hair, once a vibrant golden blonde, had shifted to a dazzling silver, cascading down her back like a waterfall of moonlight. Gone were the familiar features of an Angel Princess. Before him stood a being of pure divinity, a vision of celestial majesty.

But the most striking change was the wings. The three pairs were now seamlessly merged into a single pair, each feather crafted from pure divine light. They shimmered with an otherworldly beauty, radiating a power that left no doubt – Lu Rong'er was no longer an Angel. She was a Goddess.

And in that moment of awe-inspiring transformation, she was completely and utterly naked, cradled within Wang Jian's embrace. Her infatuated gaze met his, her lips parted in a breathless whisper, "Master Wang…" The words tumbled out, laced with an adoration she couldn't explain.

Wang Jian, however, had become a study in contrasts. His earlier amusement was replaced by a flicker of surprise, quickly masked by a calculating glint in his crimson eyes. He held her gaze for a long, probing moment, a silent exchange of unspoken thoughts and motivations.

A smirk, slow and predatory, played upon his lips. "Interesting," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down her newly awakened divine spine. "It seems the awakening has yielded some… unexpected results."

The air crackled with unspoken tension. Lu Rong'er, her newfound divinity thrumming through her veins, found herself captivated by Wang Jian's unwavering gaze. The lingering warmth within her, a strange echo of the Law of Love's influence, fueled a newfound boldness.

"Master Wang," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "Do you think… do you think I am beautiful now?"

The question hung in the air, laced with a vulnerability that surprised even her.

A slow smile, as sly as a fox, crept across Wang Jian's face. "Beautiful?" he echoed, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through her awakened form. "Princess Lu Rong'er," he continued, his gaze sweeping across her celestial form, "you are no longer merely beautiful. You are radiant. A vision of pure divinity."

His words sent a blush creeping up her cheeks, a sensation both novel and foreign. The unfamiliar warmth intensified, igniting a spark of desire deep within her.

With a swift movement that surprised them both, Wang Jian reached out, his strong hand finding her waist. He pulled her close, the embrace no longer a necessity for the awakening process, but a deliberate act. Lu Rong'er, caught off guard by the sudden intimacy, could have resisted. She could have stepped back, asserted her newfound power.

But she didn't.

Instead, an involuntary moan escaped her lips as his touch sent shivers of an unknown sensation cascading down her spine. His fingers, cool against her heated skin, traced delicate patterns across the curves of her body. Each touch was a searing brand, igniting a yearning she couldn't quite understand.

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