VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1573: Offline Meeting

Chapter 1573: Offline Meeting

Thanks to the Xuanyuan Art, I now had a total of 12.5 million contribution points. There were still 20 hours left on the clock, so I might even be able to accumulate 15 million contribution points before everything was over. That would truly be unprecedented. Also, each kill gave a basic amount of 100 contribution points, which meant that I had killed a total of 120k players. Of course, the large majority of my kills were indirect kills. On top of the basic amount, the Heroic Bannermen I had killed also donated 10% of their total contribution points to me. In that sense, their kills were also my kills.

The runner-up, Lin Yixin, was no less impressive. Not only did the Fruit Knife Goddess manage to survive the brutal battle of Swallow Ear Canton, she even defeated two super divine players in mortal combat. It also propelled her total contribution points past the 10 million mark. It was the best testament to Lin Yixin’s strength. She might still not be the best player in the world, but she certainly was stronger than Breeze and Rain and Flowing Cloud.

Lian Xin and Beiming Xue were the second and third players with the highest contribution points in Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls, and they absolutely deserved it. The two divine beauties had killed so many enemies that even I didn’t want to become their foe, ever. Li Chengfeng’s endurance had led him to fifth place, and He Yi had also entered the Top 10. According to Gui Guzi himself, he was apparently sitting at 11th. Barring exceptional circumstances, he should be able to push Breeze and Rain out of the Top 10 very soon.


Burning City tottered and shuddered as the White Marsh Catapults continued to bombard its walls. The fortifications proved to be extremely sturdy, however. A long time had passed, and it was still sitting at 55% durability. A weaker main city would’ve crumbled a long time ago.

Suddenly, the familiar sound of thundering hooves erupted from behind us. It was a level of noise that took at least 10,000 heavy cavalrymen to produce!

We all spun around at the same time and saw a long line of cavalrymen galloping toward us. Their names were red, and they belonged to… Nation Guardian, Cyan Earth City!

"What the fuck?"

Li Chengfeng clenched his fists tightly. "Wild King! Wild King is still alive? His main force seems perfectly untouched as well! Goddammit, how the hell did we miss the second strongest guild in Cyan Earth City?"

Gui Guzi said with a frown, "Now that you mention it, Nation Guardian hadn’t shown their faces in this Nation War until now. If I remember correctly, it was because God of War had ordered him to protect Cyan Earth City if the worst-case scenario happened!"

He Yi said in puzzlement, "This makes no sense… If what you say is true, then Breeze and Rain is a cautious man who has prepared for even the worst-case scenario. But instead of staying at Cyan Earth City, Nation Guardian has chosen to come to Burning City’s rescue in full force instead. What is going on here? Since when was Cyan Earth City and Burning City so close to one another?"

"I don’t know…" I said while wetting my lips. "Perhaps there is some secret deal we’re unaware of."

Chaos Moon looked up suddenly and said, "I’m not sure if I should say this…"

"I’ll punch you if you don’t…" I raised my fist jokingly.

Chaos Moon immediately grabbed my arm like a cat and swayed her butt left and right. "No, don’t beat me. I’ll confess everything…"

"Shameless…" He Yi couldn’t stop herself from rolling her eyes.

A giggle later, Chaos Moon turned serious. "I just received the latest report from Intelligence Agency. As it turns out, Tear Stain and Wild King are acquainted with each other. They first came to know each other during the WEL, and apparently that was enough for Tear Stain to make a deal with him. If Wild King aids her in defending Burning City, then she will fly to India and have dinner with him. As for what they’re going to do after, I’m sure you already know…"

I shuddered. "Ah, it’s the infamous offline meeting…"

Eyes bloodshot, Li Chengfeng clenched his fists and erupted, "Fuck!"

Chaos Moon shot him a confused look. "Why are you acting so agitated? It’s not like you’re the one who’s attending the offline meeting."

I hurriedly silenced Chaos Moon with a glare. Li Chengfeng’s late girlfriend had done the same thing in the past, and to this day he still wasn’t able to free himself from his demons. That was why he was so agitated.



I unsheathed the Xuanyuan Sword and pointed to the south. "Doesn’t matter how many people Nation Guardian sent to attack us. All we need to do is to kill them all. Can their Divine Elephant Cavalry stop the Dragonlight Cavalry? No! Assume defensive fighting positions and wait for the enemy to reach us! Sister Song of Cloud and Water, I leave the offense to you and Soul Battle Robes. We must not allow Tear Stain to coordinate with Wild King and threaten our troops!"

Song of Cloud and Water nodded affirmatively. Song of Ice and Fire raised his blade and chuckled. "You have nothing to worry about. Just focus on taking out Nation Guardian as soon as possible!"

It wasn’t long before the plains were filled with players. Nation Guardian didn’t travel too quickly because they were waiting for their archers, tamers and other classes to catch up to them. It was a wise decision.

Li Chengfeng stood next to me and planted the butt of his Cyan Peak Halberd on the bloodstained soil. He then joked smilingly, "Now that I think about it, it’s the last day of the Nation War already, huh? I cannot believe I’m still alive. It almost makes me wonder if something bad is about to happen…"

I rolled my eyes. "Screw you. All units, get ready for battle!"

Li Chengfeng continued, "This is such a reckless move from Wild King though. Did he even leave any troops behind to guard Cyan Earth City? No wonder the ancients claimed that lust is the downfall of many heroes… Still, Tear Stain is cute and sexy, but did Wild King never wonder that the goods he lusts for may just be the result of plastic surgeries? Also, everyone knows that Tear Stain is in love with Candlelight Shadow. Isn’t he afraid of offending the Martial God?"

Gui Guzi snorted. "Wild King is a villain in Cyan Earth City. Why would someone like him be afraid of Candlelight Shadow? Plus, it’s not like he’s a Chinese. Candlelight Shadow is nothing to a Cyan Earth City player, you know. Lastly, the true Martial God of China is our Boss Broken Halberd, not Candlelight Shadow! Is Tear Stain Boss Broken Halberd’s girlfriend? No? Then there is nothing for Wild King to be afraid of, is there?"

Li Chengfeng looked at me. "Assuming that Nation Guardian is successful in defending Burning City, do you think Tear Stain will really have sex with Wild King?"

I let out an involuntary laugh. "Chengfeng, we are all adults here, and we don’t live in a fairy tale. If Burning City is safe, and Tear Stain’s objective is fulfilled, she can just break the promise off, can’t she? Plus, even if she does have sex with him, it is just a one-night stand. I don’t know what type of woman Tear Stain is, but maybe she’s the kind who doesn’t care about these things. Also, you don’t believe she’s been saving herself for Candlelight Shadow all these years, do you? Men have needs, and so do women…"

Chaos Moon interrupted, "The topic’s getting a little too unhealthy, you shameless bastards…"

Gui Guzi echoed in agreement, "Yeah, man. My face is boiling hot over here…"

Chaos Moon immediately shot him down. "Silence, virgin!"

In the sky, Beiming Xue said with red cheeks, "Seriously though, can we please not talk about sex or one-night stands right now? It’s too… too much. This isn’t for Little Xin and me to hear!"

Beside her, Lian Xin giggled wickedly. "I’m perfectly fine with it though? Feel free to continue, big bro. We’ll just pretend that we haven’t heard anything. Also, I’ve heard way crazier things when I was studying in the USA. This really is nothing compared to those stories…"

Murong Mingyue suddenly teased her, "Speaking of which, did you date anyone when you were in the USA, Little Xin?"

Lian Xin flushed red instantly. "N-no, I haven’t! Don’t slander me, Sister Mingyue…"

Murong Mingyue giggled. "Why not though? Could it be that you are saving yourself for Lu Chen?"

I looked up. "Get lost. Little Xin and I grew distant after she went to the USA, so why the heck would she save herself for me?"

Lian Xin pouted. "What do you mean we grew distant!? I decided a long time ago that I would find someone like Falling Dust if I were to ever get a boyfriend!!"

"Bro, I think she just confessed to you…" Li Chengfeng stared at me.

I turned my face away and changed the topic. "Ah, Wild King’s here. Go fuck him up!"

Li Chengfeng: "..."


"All units who think they can endure the enemy’s assault, advance 20 meters to the front and reduce the pressure on our shield formation. All units, don’t hold back and kill all 200k Divine Elephant Cavalrymen here. Let us destroy Wild King’s dream with our own hands!"

I unsheathed my sword and chuckled. "If nothing else, Candlelight Shadow will probably appreciate it!"

Li Chengfeng, He Yi, Gui Guzi and everyone else advanced 20 meters to the front as I ordered and assumed a stance. Not a moment too soon, the Divine Elephant Cavalry reached us and began their assault. What the Divine Elephant Cavalry lacked in speed, they made up for with their massive strength and stamina. The trait also made them exceptionally suited for tackling defensive formations. This would be a good test for my players!

No one bothered to snipe Wild King because—to put it quite frankly—he was beneath our notice. The Dragonlight Cavalry could have their fun with him.

I flew close to the ground as I unleashed Burning Blade Slash. Hundreds of Divine Elephant Cavalrymen staggered under the attack, and at least dozens were one-shot to critical hits or the Xuanyuan Sword’s septuple damage effect. At the same time, I dropped a couple of Icy Cyclone Domains to suppress the enemy further.

"Circle around him! Brothers to the right wing, circle around Broken Halberd Sinks Into Sand!" Wild King shouted.

So what if they try to circle around me? I can just chase after them. Wild King’s expression looked ugly, but there was nothing he could do about it. The battle was slanted in our favor practically since contact was made, and the man himself knew why that was the case. Not only did Ancient Sword have 5 divine players, the quantity and quality of our troops were greater than Nation Guardian’s as well. This fight was hopeless for them from the start.

Bang bang bang…

The Divine Elephant Cavalry slammed hard against the Dragonlight Cavalry and Zephyr Cavalry’s shield formation only to be bounced off like a ball. Not a moment too soon, a barrage of God Devil Breaks, Skypiercers and other ranged skills made their life an absolute hell.

Not even 30 minutes later, Nation Guardian was starting to look like they would wipe!

On the wall, Tear Stain uttered furiously, "OMG, Nation Guardian is fucking trash…"

Her corps commander asked in a dumbfounded voice, "What do we do, guild leader?"

"We wait for an opportunity!" Tear Stain slammed her sword against the wall to vent her anger.


Not long after, Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls launched a counterattack with 200k or so cavalrymen of all kinds. I myself was leading a party of 8,000 Dragonlight Cavalrymen and making a beeline for Wild King. It was time to cut off the snake’s head, and the man was less than a hundred meters away from me!

"Let’s go! Kill Wild King!" Li Chengfeng declared with a loud laugh.

"Are they running away already?" Gui Guzi asked doubtfully.

"They are, but that direction…" I trailed off with a frown.


Nighttime visited the plains once more as Wild King and about 100k Divine Elephant Cavalrymen or so escaped into the desert. It wasn’t long before everyone felt that something was amiss.

Li Chengfeng asked, "Why do I feel like they’re luring us somewhere? We’ve killed tens of thousands of their men, but instead of resisting they chose to run away like rats!"

I opened the map screen and said, "There’s a castle ahead of us…"

"What castle?"

"Sky Barren City. It’s Throne of the Wild’s Rank 10 territory…"

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