VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 744: Mystic Alliance

Chapter 744: Mystic Alliance

Translator: alyschu


The Phantom Wolf let out a loud howl before turning invisible and stealthily entering the heart of these camps. Taking control of the wolf, I quickly attacked three mages with a swipe of its claws. They cried out pitifully and collapsed as the sharp claws tore through their armor. Giving out another howl, the Phantom Wolf King activated Purgatory Storm. A tornado wrapped itself around the wolf before ripping its way through a bunch of players who were busy barbecuing!


Xu Yang pulled his sword out of its sheath and laughed loudly, "Don’t allow them a chance to recover!"

Everyone swept across the ground at lighting speed and killed every single player who was resupplying. The ground was littered with bodies in the blink of an eye and we started to search their drops carefully. However, it seemed as if these people had been squeezed dry and none of them dropped a single piece of bread. Almost every Korean player had a crimson corn symbol over their heads. Just like us, they were starving.


I swiftly changed directions and led a large group toward the rear of the enemies. I continued to destroy scores of replenishment camps and completely severed the Northern Alliance’s supply line.

"Kill those riders! Quickly! Protect our supply line!" a magic knight shouted as he brandished his sword and led a few hundred players toward us. It seemed as if he was a guild leader of a small guild from the Northern Alliance.

Dragonlight Cavalry turned back sharply and charged toward the few hundred men. In just three minutes, the entire squadron of enemies had been killed. The buffs from Knight God, Knight General and Martial God made the Dragonlight Cavalry too OP. Normal riders and melee fighters were simply too weak to withstand our attacks. Moreover, our Dragonlight Horses had Hoof Trample, a skill that could stun our enemies. They did not even get a chance to try and escape.

Due to the great agility of the Dragonlight Armored Horses, I commanded them to charge back and forth. Sweeping through the entire north east map of the Dawn Valley, we successfully blocked the Northern Alliance’s supply line. The sight of our Dragonlight Cavalry was enough to strike terror into the hearts of many, putting a great amount of pressure on our enemies.

The ground started to rumble as a great wave of over ten thousand players started to charge in our direction. Their leader was a Level 156 magic knight wielding a battle axe. He was charging at us on an impressive looking flaming red horse with a crimson flag on his back. Clearly, this man was a Heroic Bannerman.

"Here they come!"

Chaos Moon frowned and said, "13000 riders... This must be the elite cavalry of the Northern Alliance."

Gui Guzi closed his database and said, "I’ve got it! It’s a guild from Seven Star City. It’s placed 14th on the North America’s Guild Ranking. Their main guild is completely made up of riders! They are extremely powerful! Even their guild leader is a famous expert of many years..."

Xu Yang turned to look at me and asked, "Lu Chen, what are we gonna do? Dragonlight Cavalry moves quickly. If we act now, we can still escape!"

I shook my head and replied in a low voice, "Millions of Northern Alliance players are attacking Dawn City right now. Since we’ve charged our way out of the city, we should help reduce the pressure on Snowy Cathaya, The Monarch Descends and Warsky Alliance. Goddammit! Since this guild’s 13000-strong cavalry dares to challenge us, we’ll swallow them whole! However, we may have to pay a price for that."

High Fighting Spirits raised his warhammer and shouted, "Since we have decided to do battle, we are willing to make sacrifices! We’re not afraid of death!"

Eighteen Steeds of You and Yun grabbed his sword and nodded his head. "Yeah! If we die, we’ll drag them down with us!"

Gui Guzi looked at me and asked, "Boss Broken Halberd, do you have any plans up your sleeves?"

I chuckled and said, "I do have a plan. But I’m not sure if it will work."

Chaos Moon laughed and said, "Then let’s go! We believe in you!"


Gesturing with my hands, I started to explain the plan. "Gui Guzi will lead four hundred riders buffed with Knight God and go head to head with our enemies. Engage in battle for a short while and retreat swiftly. Don’t prolong the fight! You need to retreat quickly and be careful to not get stunned by their Charge. Heaven’s Rain and Diamond Dust will lead 400 Dragonlight Cavalrymen each and buff them with Knight General. After that, enter into the forest and hide there. As for me, I will lead 240 men to the enemy’s rear. When their riders enter the forest, Heaven’s Rain and Diamond Dust will ambush them from both sides. I will block off their retreat route and Gui Guzi will turn back and slaughter them. We will trap them and attack from all sides! Once they start to panic, it will be easy to finish them off!"

"Alright!" Gui Guzi nodded his head in approval.

I raised my Cyan Netherworld Sword and pointed it forward with a laugh. "Comrades! Some of you may die in this battle! But there is value and meaning to death! For our server! For our guild! We will give our lives! Move out!"

We parted ways and the two Knight Generals made their way to the dense forest. I led 240 men into a narrow valley and charged toward the rear of the enemy’s battle formation. Gui Guzi flipped himself on his mount as he and his four hundred men charged forward fearlessly with a loud battle cry.


Seven Star City riders pulled their swords out of their sheaths one by one. "Attack! Eliminate Dragonlight Cavalry! We will prove that we are the world's top cavalry!"


Bang, bang, bang, bang...

The two cavalries charged at each other head-on as Gui Guzi brandished his spear and stabbed the opponent rider. A battle between two cavalries was a long and tiring one because all riders had high HP. You could only kill your opponent by continuously charging him and chipping his HP. Making use of this, Gui Guzi continued to weave in and out of the crowd. Although he was getting hit continuously, his Undying Shield reduced the enemies' damage and drinking Rank 10 Saint Spirit Potions helped him recover much of his HP. He was definitely not going to die during these short engagements.

After clashing head-on with the enemy for three minutes, Gui Guzi shouted, "Retreat! We can’t beat them!"

The Dragonlight Cavalry retreated like the wind and the Seven Star City’s cavalry gave chase. They were red with fury at the fact that ten thousand of them could not eliminate 400 Dragonlight Cavalrymen. To add salt to their wound, we even managed to kill a dozen enemies before retreating unscathed!

The ground shook under the stampede of horse hooves as 10000 Seven Star City’s cavalrymen entered into our trap in the blink of an eye. Opening the guild chat, I shouted, "Heaven’s Rain, Diamond Dust, begin!"

Instantly, rumbling of horse hooves rang out from both sides of the forest. Eight hundred Dragonlight Cavalrymen rushed out of their hiding place and started to kill their enemies. The Seven Star City’s cavalry was taken aback by the sudden ambush and their battle formation descended into chaos.


I pulled my Cyan Netherworld Sword out and led the 240 Dragonlight Cavalrymen toward the enemy’s backliners. "Comrades, attack! Let’s show these idiots how to properly fuck the rear!"

"How despicable of you!"

Chaos Moon scolded me but was the first to pull out her sword and charge forward. She grinned with excitement as the rest of the 240 Dragonlight Cavalrymen followed after her, charging into the opponent’s backliners in the blink of an eye.

"What is going on..." Before a bunch of Seven Star City’s riders could grasp their situation, they were enveloped by rays of Rock Crush. Without giving their opponents a chance to react, Dragonlight Cavalrymen activated Barrier Break and thrust their sword into the enemy riders.

Pitiful cries rang out from the rear of the Seven Star City’s cavalry as they collapsed one by one. The 200% Attack buff from Martial God was way too OP! Even when the opponent’s riders guarded, the damage taken from each hit was more than 15000! I unleashed Thousand Ice Slash among a group of enemies as a series of damage numbers of 30000 started to pop up from their heads!

"OMG! Our rear is being attacked! Our enemies are flanking us on both sides as well! We’re doomed..." someone amid the crowd shouted that sentence, which was later translated into English by the translation service. That voice however, sounded like Eighteen Steeds of You and Yun. That clever bastard knew exactly how to confuse the enemy.

A tossed stone raises a thousand ripples. In the next instant, Seven Star City’s riders started to fall into disarray as all 1400+ of the Dragonlight Cavalrymen charged back and forth at them. The enemies collapsed like flies and the forest ground soon turned into rivers of blood.


The intense battle continued on for almost half an hour. In the end, only a hundred enemy riders had managed to escape with their tails in between their legs. Each of them was on the brink of death as they retreated.

"Goddammit! I’ll activate Flying General and chase after them! I won’t let a single one of them escape!" Eighteen Steeds of You and Yun spit a mouthful of saliva on the ground.

I hurriedly put my hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Stop! Don’t chase after them. We are few in numbers and may not be able to withstand the attacks of their main army. It’d be easy to eliminate them if their army only consisted of riders. But we will definitely have a hard time if they have more mages and archers."

Gui Guzi nodded his head and said, "Boss Broken Halberd is right. We need to play to our strengths. Our Dragonlight Cavalrymen are few in numbers..."

Chaos Moon did a mental calculation and said, "Even though we’ve killed almost 99% of our enemies, we’ve lost 140 Dragonlight Cavalrymen in that battle. We only have 1300 Dragonlight Cavalrymen left..."

I sucked in a deep breath before saying, "That’s quite alright. We did pretty well in that battle! We managed to go against the Seven Star City’s elite riders even though we had fewer men. Not only that, they lost horribly and their entire cavalry was almost eliminated! The results of the battle will surely embarrass the North American players of Seven Star City."

Gui Guzi laughed and shouted, "You’re right!"


At this exact moment, Beiming Xue’s voice was heard through the guild chat. "This is bad! An extremely powerful group of mages has appeared. More than three thousand Hunting Moon Dynasty’s players were one-shot by Galaxy Storm! They’re too frightening..."

Gui Guzi asked in an urgent voice, "Lil Beiming, are you alright? Who are those people?"

Beiming Xue replied, "I don’t know. But these mages are exceptionally powerful and they all wear the same armband. Those navy blue arm bands have a crescent moon on them. I don’t know who they are."

Chaos Moon’s eyes widened in shock as she said, "I know who they are. They’re... the Mystic Alliance from France’s Eternal Love City. They are an elite group of mages, consisting of highly-ranked mages from seven great guilds. They are Eternal Love City’s most powerful weapon in their expedition to Dawn City! Mystic Alliance is made up of nearly a hundred thousand elite mages! Nothing has ever survived a barrage of their Galaxy Storms..."

High Fighting Spirits spit out a mouthful of saliva before saying, "Hunting Moon Dynasty is screwed. Meanwhile, the riders of Hall of Immorality and Rose of the Holy Domain are charging at them head-on!"

I quickly chatted with Beiming Xue and asked her to share her POV. From her POV, I could see thousands of Purple Thunder Cavalrymen and Ghost Riders at Dawn City activating Charge. However, their opponent was a dense group of mages and unleashing and they didn’t have to focus anyone with single-target spells. The group of mages waved their staves and countless Galaxy Storms enveloped both the Purple Thunder Cavalry and Ghost Riders instantly!

Bang, bang, bang...

Riders collapsed to the ground in succession. Within the next few minutes, the Purple Thunder Cavalry and the Ghost Riders were completely massacred!



I sucked in a deep breath and shook my head. That group of mages was so powerful they were worthy of my admiration. Yet, they would probably be the biggest thorn in our side.

At this moment, Beiming Xue exclaimed, "Oh? This is strange... A large group of Mystic Alliance players have actually retreated. Where are they going?"

My eyes narrowed in suspicion. Why would they give up such a great opportunity?

A sudden message from Hot and Sour Noodles answered my question. ‘Lu Chen! You have to be careful! I just received a secret report. The Mystic Alliance had pulled back 80k mages from the siege! They swiftly left the battlefield under the protection of 20000 riders. Vienna’s Sorrow’s orders were clear. They are to annihilate the Dragonlight Cavalry completely!"

Damn it! We are their target...

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