VRMMORPG: Dragomancer Reborn

Chapter 219 Bad Day For A Goat And An Achievement


The Spring Hoof Goat was in for a the shock of its lifetime as it was launched higher than it could ever jump.

It was so high that the goat couldn't even see anything and when it stated to fall back all it could do was let out a panicked cry. At this point, Arthur and Brambles didn't even need to do anything.

If they let the Spring Hoof Goat fall down, it would die automatically due to the height. But of course, Arthur didn't let it that quick. Or rather, it was Brambles that did not want it to end so quickly.

"Kiki?" Brambles questioned Arthur.

"Sure you can juggle it as long as you can." Arthur permitted.

"KIIIII!" Brambles let out an excited cry and flapped his wings with power.


The flaps of his wings was enough to make a few loose rocks roll down the mountain side and rattle the shrubs around them. 


But that was merely the start as Brambles used his long horn and swung it at the incoming goat.

The Spring Hoof goat was also a beast and had its own instincts. As if understanding that the danger was great, it forcibly channeled mana its hooves making its straighten its fall form.


The goat's hoofs somehow managed to make contact with the large horn and repelled.


The Spring Hoof Goat let out a frantic cry as its skill activated and combined its force with Brambles's Horn Lift. The unison of the two skills launched the goat into an even greater height than before/


"If I didn't know players have tossed enemies higher than that, this should have certainly been an achievement of some kind." Arthur said while looking into the sky.

The Spring Hoof Goat was still rising, but its Mana had fallen.

<Mana: 74%>

Arthur checked its mana confirming that it was indeed its skill that had caused it to go that far into the sky.

'I wonder of that can be repeated….' Intrusive thoughts won in Arthur's mind and he gave out a command. "Brambles, keep it alive as long as you can and try to hit its hooves." 

"Kik!" Brambles replied in assurance that it'll surely hit the hooves from now.

Arthur didn't know how accurate Bramble's aim was, but he hoped that the goat was also working in their favor. After all, the Spring Hoof Goat wanted to survive too and its instincts were screaming at it to use its skill to prevent the damage from the fall.


A few seconds later, the cry of the Spring Hoof Goat was heard again as it descended from the sky.


Right on cue, Brambles swung his horn and hit the Spring Hoof Goat right on its hooves. This time around, the goat hadn't been able to fully orient itself, and hence could have died.

But thankfully for it, Brambles had been given the orders to keep the foe alive. As such he kept on launching the Spring Hoof Goat into the sky multiple times.

  All one could hear was… 


The goat was truly struggling and lost more of its mana every time it used its skill/ Arthur had been monitoring it closely obviously and narrowed his eyes.

But Brambles' accurate hit had made it safer.


The springy hooves of the Spring Hoof Goat struck Bramble's horn and launched back into the sky. The addition of previous momentum added even more force of increase the height that the Spring Hoof Goat was launched to.

"Ah yeah, that's good. That's real good." Arthur looks at the goat that had possibly reached a height of a hundred meters high now.

A smirk appeared on his eyes and he checked the mana of the goat again.

<Mana: 64%>

"Got about 6 more hits in it if we lucky… maybe even 7 if it regenerate enough." Arthur reckoned with a smile that might terrify children.

It was not a kind smile and was up to no good. His tendency to test out crazy in-game stuff had taken over again and he was now full intent on finding out just how far one could launch a goat.

Sen if Arthur was more mature than most other players and wouldn't experiment with the NPCs, he still felt too curious and wanted to see just how far this juggling session could last.


The goat descended after a few seconds and instinctive used its mana on activating the skill. Its life preservation instincts were going wild and there was no way it was going to die this easily after surviving 2 of the falls.


The goat's hooves hit the horn once more and it was launched back into the sky, this time it was launched nearly 200 meters into the sky!

The cry of the beast echoed across the mountains and could even be heard down in the forests. Of course, the beasts there couldn't really comprehend what it was and simply took it as another one of the many beast cries.

After all these weren't beasts with any concerning intelligence. To them it was the same as many other beasts and at most they could sense the terror.

It was all the more a better reason for them to hide as best as they could for there was a great danger hiding on top of the peaks they had never trod upon.

<Mana: 65%>

<Mana: 56%>

<Mana: 47%>

<Mana: 38%>

<Mana: 29%>

In all these, the height of the beetle kept on rising and it had reached a height of nearly 900 meters. Anymore and it would have hit the limit of the 1 kilometer height. 

But of course Arthur could only watch it and let it happen.

<Mana: 20%>

<Mana: 10%>

It finally reached the point where even the Spring Hoof goat's body was unable to take it. The goat's hooves bled like crazy and splotches of blood could be seen on the horn of brambles.

The longer it went, the more pitiful it became. The goat's crises were abundant and strong at first but then became weak and sorrowful.


"Guess this won't go any higher." Arthur shook his head.

<Mana: 0%>

"End it Brambles." Arthur finally gave the order.


Since the Goat's Mana was had now run out, it couldn't use its skill and ended up getting smacked hard by Brambles's Horn. It was hard enough that the Spring Hoof Goat's legs broke in one go and it bleed out profusely.

[-45% HP]

[Critical hit!]

>Spring Hoof Goat was been inflected with bleeding!<

[-3% HP] [bleed]

With broken legs, the Spring Hoof Goat was launched back into the air, but it was the final time. The goat saw the vast expanse and of the forest and the mountains before plummeting to the ground.


The Spring Hoof Goat crashed on the ground and became a mess of blood and flesh. Its death was instant and it didn't need to suffer any longer.

[-52% HP]

>Spring Hoof Goat has died from falling!<

>Dragon Horn Beetle has obtained 7% Experience!<

>Dragon Horn Beetle has obtained an achievement!<

"Huh? It really gave one?" Arthur was surprised. 

<Achievement: Beast Juggler>

<Info: Juggling Beasts will stagger them for 0.5 Seconds>

"It's this one?" Arthur had an entirely different achievement in his mind when he had gotten Brambles to do this. 

The achievement he was thinking about was the Beast Tosser and it was given when one managed to send a beast flying above a certain height. But it seemed like Bramble's actions along with the Spring Hoof Goat's skill had fulfilled the condition for another achievement.

'Its not the one I thought, but it is still pretty good.' Arthur thought after seeing the information. 

0.5 Seconds might seem very small, but it was still useful to have. Not to mention this 0.5 seconds would be stackable with other stagger inducing skills. 

Best part was that this had no cost to it and could be done as long as Brambles' juggled a beast. Though there was also the fact that this skill was limited to a particular type of enemy which was beasts.

If Brambles juggled another type of enemy, a human for example, it wouldn't trigger. There were many titles and achievement that were species specific and this was normal.

It did help the fact that beasts were a very massive group of enemies and were very common. As such, the title was still effective for the most part.

"Good work, Brambles." Arthur praised the beetle.

"Ki!" Brambles responded in a happy tone. "Kiriki!~" 

"I'm happy that you had fun." Arthur replied to the beetle. "But I don't think we can do this for all the goats. We don't have much time left here and should maximize as far as we can go." He stated.

"Kihi." The beetle responded with agreement and didn't mind it.

"Come on, let's go as far as we can before its time for logout." Arthur said and walked on.

The beetle followed along and the two traveled for about twenty minutes before encountering another foe.

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