VRMMORPG: Dragomancer Reborn

Chapter 240 Messages And Signing A Contract

Chapter 240 Messages And Signing A Contract

By the time Arthur reached the Inn, it was barely a minute till logout.


He slumped down on the bed and let out a long breath.

"Haah… that sure felt tiring even if my stamina here is full. Guess it is just mental fatigue." Arthur said to himself.

He had managed to do quite a lot today and had even obtained an item that he hadn't expected to get until much later. Or rather, he would be getting a simple storage ring and not the Night's Abyssal Cape.

The storage ring would have a limit on the space where as the Night's Abyssal Cape did not seem to have one. The only limitation for it was how much Mana Arthur had.

Thinking about this though made him realize something else.

'Is it possible for me to store progressively bigger objects as long as I have MP?' Arthur wondered as theoretically it seemed right.

He also knew that the MP capacity for players would rise with their intelligence stat as skills would start costing less and less. Same was the case with magic and more.

Some players would reach a state where their MP recovery was several times faster than the casting for spells. Which when combined with certain rapid fire spells meant that they could basically use it nonstop and never run out of Mana.

Of course, the power of the spells varied and as such the amount of damage they could do would also change.

It wouldn't necessarily be effective against strong enemies but for normal or weak one it shouldn't be an issue to get rid of them. Such kind of mages were specially called as Cannon Fodder Cleaners.

They might not even have strong skills or a high enough total MP. But their mana recovery was fast along with their low cost rapid firing spells.

With that combo, they basically had no Mana cost.

Other than mages, a few other non magic classes also had these, but the efficiency was lower.

>Logging out Player Arzhur!<


While thinking of all that, the logout time arrived and Arthur saw the flurry of colors again. A few moments later he was at the desktop screen for the Dream Pod V3.

>You have 34 unread messages<

>You have 367 new Notifications<

"Hmm… may as well go through them." Arthur opened the notification and saw that most of them were just pings and more from the forums.

They didn't matter for the most part, but he still read them as there were a few interesting ones among them. They mostly pointed out that Grey Watcher had helped them out so much and wanted more.

Then there were the messages which were mostly from the forum members. They were once again demanding and some were asking for hidden tips. Some had also started offer more cash in exchange for the tips.

But Arthur knew better than to take those.

'Nothing good comes out from unsecured tips like those. They leak it and the information becomes open anyway.' Arthur knew exactly how it went.

Rather than that he would sell information to team and organizations.

Though among the messages there were a few that were from people he knew.

Particularly Val and Rain.

Val was basically asking him where he had been and if he would be free to play together again. Since Arthur had stayed in the mountains for two days, she hadn't seen him since he had left her.

She also said that she had gathered as many corpses as she could, but not all of them were in a good condition with around half being rotten. And she also suspected that other players had discovered the corpses too and had been bringing in a few of them.

Arthur had expected something like that to happen already and didn't mind.

Though she also said that butchering the corpses had not just given her the Butcher skill but also upgraded it to the next proficiency for her.

'Huh, that was faster than I thought. Guess she was really giving it her all.' Arthur thought reading her message.

Next there were the messages from Rain.

They were all pertaining to the contract that they had come with up and all Arthur had to do now was to read and sign them.

"I guess I can get this done as well." Arthur muttered before opening the contract.

The contract was rather long and had many terms. But Arthur was used to them and had read more than enough in his past life. He had done many jobs for the guilds or other parties and they often involved contracts.

As such he had become used to them.

He knew exactly what to look at and what points to be careful about.

'They were quite through with this for sure.' Arthur thought after finishing the first read.

All the points were just as he had asked them to be.

Arthur would be providing Intel to the Agate E-sports team and their members when requested. And when he obtained new information, he would give them first priority to buy it from him.

Other than that, he could request them to collaborate with him on quests and obtaining more Intel.

There were other finer details too, but all were within the purview of Arthur and he was in agreement with them.

Once Arthur was 100% sure, he clicked on an option at the end of the contract.

>Are you sure you want to Sign the contract as Grey Watcher?<

"Yes." Arthur confirmed.

>Contract between Grey Watcher and the Agate E-sports Team has been official signed under the Cyber Authority laws of the Union and carried out through the platform provided by Hypnotek Industries<

And with that, the first major contract of Arthur's new life was signed.

There were many more to come, and they would only be getting bigger as he went ahead.

"Man that feels surreal even now." Arthur muttered to himself before opening the lid of the Dream pod and getting out.

"HAAH!" Arthur stretched his body as he got out of the Dream pod.

>Player Arthur's hunger is at 30%!<

"Yeah, yeah I know." Arthur waved the notification away. "Oh wait, I'm actually out of stuff for breakfast." He noticed the fridge that was mostly empty.

Only a cups worth of milk, and a couple slices of bread were left.

"Guess I'll just go down for breakfast. Can go on a run directly from there." Arthur reckoned.

He quickly put on a long sleeved shirt and some joggers before going down.


The elevator door opened and Arthur saw someone standing inside.

"Oh! Arthur," it was none other than manager Johan there.

"Good morning," Arthur said before getting in. "Coming from your daily rounds?" he asked.

"I sure am." Manager Johan replied. "Gotta check things personally and keep things in tip top condition after all." He stated.

"That's good. No wonder Wisteria apartments are so good." Arthur praised as he saw the floors going down swiftly.

Within seconds, they were already at the ground floor.


The door opened and the two of them got out of the elevator.

"Going out for a run?" Manager Johan asked.

"After I get some breakfast, yes." Arthur replied.

"Ahh, that's good. A young man like you should be active." Manager Johan nodded. "If you need any tips, you can always ask me. I used to be an athlete back in my university days." The man said with a little chuckle.

Now that Arthur took a second look at the man, he did realize that the man had a good body that seemed to be in shape.

"I'll keep that in mind." Arthur said before something came to his mind. "Actually, on that topic. I do have something to ask." He added.

"Sure ask away." Manager Johan replied.

"Do you know of any nearby Rock climbing places?" Arthur questioned about the thing that he had been considering in the game for the past day.

"Rock Climbing, huh…" From the man's expression, it was clear that Johan didn't expect Arthur to try something like that. "You want to do Rock Climbing? Indoor or Outdoor?" he asked.

"Indoor of course. Outdoor ones would be too far." Arthur replied. "I know for sure there aren't any open hills for a hundred kilometers, Haha." He laughed.

"That's true." Manager Johan nodded. "If you are looking for and indoor Rock Climbing place, you can probably go to the one in the Layla Mall."

"Layla mall… the one six blocks away?" Arthur asked to confirm.

There were many malls in the area and it was best to be sure.

"Yeah, that's the one. They have a tall indoor climbing tower as well as a few more sports too." Manager Johan spoke.

"I see… Guess I'll check it out." Arthur said before nodding. "Thanks for the advise." He said and took his leave.

"Have a good breakfast!" Manager Johan waved him off.

With a new destination in mind, Arthur changed his initial choice for breakfast and directly headed to the mall.

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