4507 Two Extremes
It felt like it had been a long time since Duan Ling Tian was in the Divine Offering Land’s Xia clan in the God Defying World. However, to those in the Xia clan, only a short time had passed. After all, most of them had lived far longer than Duan Ling Tian, and their concept of time was different from Duan Ling Tian who was not even 3,000 years old.

Unsurprisingly, Xia Yu; the Clan Leader of the Xia clan, and Xia Jie; the Third Master of the Xia clan, were shocked by Duan Ling Tian’s sudden return. They were further shocked when they learned from Xia He Chuan that Duan Ling Tian was accompanied by Xiao Mu Bai; a Lord of the God Defying World, and Duan You Wei; a supreme powerhouse comparable to the Lords of the God Defying World. Moreover, Duan You Wei also addressed Duan Ling Tian as ‘younger brother’ and their daughter and niece respectively as ‘sister-in-law’.

In a room in a quiet courtyard.

Duan Ling Tian was alone in the room. He stared silently at the beautiful woman lying on the bed for a moment before he held her hand. His eyes turned red as he said, “Ke’er, I’m back…”

At this time, Duan Ling Tian’s heart, which was usually as hard as iron, seemed to have turned very soft.

Although Ke’er did not move or respond at all, Duan Ling Tian recounted his experience in the Outer Boundary to her. As he spoke, it seemed like he was finally able to vent his pent-up emotions.

When he was in the Outer Boundary, he could only rely on himself. He had many close calls with death before he finally grew as strong as he was now. The main reason he had gone to the Outer Boundary was because of his wife, Ke’er.

After a long time, Duan Ling Tian finally left the room. He walked over to the stone table where Xia He Chuan was entertaining a man and a woman before he said solemnly, “Lord Xiao, Sister Wei, I’ll have to trouble the both of you now.”

Although Xiao Mu Bai and Duan You Wei were level-five supreme powerhouses, imminent World supreme powerhouses, Duan Ling Tian was not confident that they could get rid of the soul imprisonment technique on Ke’er even if they joined forces. He would have been more confident if they were a World supreme powerhouse; otherwise known as Saints in the Outer Boundary.

After spending a period of time in the Outer Boundary, Duan Ling Tian was very aware of the huge gap between imminent World supreme powerhouses and World supreme powerhouses. Alas, with his current strength, he could not seek the help of a World supreme powerhouse.

“Little Tian, don’t worry. Lord Xiao and I will try our best,” Duan You Wei said to Duan Ling Tian with a smile. Then, she turned to Xiao Mu Bai, who was sitting next to her, and said seriously, “Lord Xiao, I’ll owe you a favor if you’re able to help me release my sister-in-law from the soul imprisonment technique.”

Xiao Mu Bai shook his head upon hearing these words and said, “Don’t be ridiculous…” He glanced at Duan Ling Tian before he continued to say, “It’s fate that Duan Ling Tian and I met in the past. If I can help, I naturally won’t hold back…”

At the same time, Xiao Mu Bai sighed inwardly. Although he did not thoroughly investigate the matter of Ke’er, he had briefly heard about it from his subordinate.

According to the report, the soul that merged with the native of the God Defying World, who was not a supreme powerhouse, belonged to a level-two supreme powerhouse from the Soul Imprisonment Clan. If the other party was a level-one supreme powerhouse, Xiao Mu Bai was certain he would be able to get rid of the soul imprisonment technique. However, with the way things were now, he was not 10% sure he could get rid of the soul imprisonment technique. Even if Duan You Wei joined forces with him, the chances of success did not exceed 20%.

Nonetheless, Xiao Mu Bai did not express his thoughts. After all, he did not want to put a damper on Duan Ling Tian and Duan You Wei’s hope.

After Duan Ling Tian led Xiao Mu Bai and Duan You Wei into the room…

Although Duan You Wei had seen many beauties in her life, she could not help but sigh emotionally when she saw the beautiful woman lying on the bed. She said, “My sister-in-law is really beautiful…”

Duan You Wei moved to the head of the bed before she reached out and gently extended her Divine Consciousness that enveloped Ke’er.

Similarly, Xiao Mu Bai cooperated with Duan You Wei and extended his Divine Consciousness as well.

Meanwhile, Duan Ling Tian looked at the duo nervously as they probed Ke’er’s soul energy.

Subsequently, Xiao Mu Bai shook his head silently.

On the other hand, Duan You Wei said with a dour expression on her face, “The person from the Soul Imprisonment Clan who did this must have been a level-two supreme powerhouse at least. Otherwise, after merging with a non-supreme powerhouse, he wouldn’t have been able to cast a technique of this level…”

Duan Ling Tian’s heart sank upon hearing that the person who merged with Yun Qing Yan was a level-two supreme powerhouse at least. In the past, he only knew that the soul that merged with Yun Qing Yan belonged to a supreme powerhouse. However, after learning about the different levels of supreme powerhouses, he wondered more than once which level that supreme powerhouse was at. He naturally hoped that the other party was a level-one supreme powerhouse. After all, he knew it would make the technique easier to solve.

“If that person from the Soul Imprisonment Clan were a level-one supreme powerhouse, his power would’ve been greatly reduced after he merged with a non-supreme powerhouse. If that were the case, with my strength and Lord Xiao’s strength, it would be easy to get rid of the technique…” Duan You Wei said with a sigh. Then, she said apologetically, “Alas, the other party is at least a level-two supreme powerhouse. Little Tian, I’m sorry that I can’t help…”

Duan Ling Tian returned to his senses and quickly shook his head. He could not help but smile sadly as he said, “Sister Wei, there’s no need to apologize. You’ve already done so much by accompanying me here. I knew from the very beginning that there was no guarantee you’d be able to get rid of the technique. It’s just my luck that things didn’t work out…”

Although Duan Ling Tian was disappointed, he knew that there was nothing he could do.


Duan You Wei said, “Although I can’t get rid of the technique, like I said before, I can slow down the deterioration of her soul. With Lord Xiao here, the effect will be even better. We’ll leave some of our soul energies in her body to counter the restraining energy shrouding her soul. This will buy us more time…”
Duan Ling Tian’s eyes brightened slightly upon hearing this. In fact, even if Duan You Wei did not mention this matter, he was going to ask about it. His disappointment vanished, thinking that he would have more time. As long as he had enough time, he was confident he would be able to seek help from a World supreme powerhouse in the future.

In just a brief moment, Duan Ling Tian’s mood quickly shuttled between two extremes.

Duan Ling Tian said seriously, “Thank you, Sister Wei, Lord Xiao. I will never forget your kindness!”

“There’s no need for this. I’ve already said we should treat each other like siblings,” Duan You Wei said as she shook her head and smiled.

Similarly, Xiao Mu Bai shook his head and said, “As the Dark Night Demi Saint said, there’s no need for this. You’re one of the few among the younger generation in the God Defying World that I’m most optimistic about. This is a trivial matter. I’ll naturally help if I can help…”

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