Chapter 116: Arcadia (4)

The sight of the God of Beasts, created by beastmen is taking on the form of a small dog, licking the hands of the beastman and playfully licking. It creates a rather peculiar impression.

Even though the beast god is said to have low intelligence... Hmm, well. No, actually, thanks to the rumors I've been spreading, its intelligence has likely improved a bit.

The fact that this beast god possessed the intelligence of a beast was the case before I started spreading those rumors. By constantly spreading rumors during my travels, its intelligence itself has probably increased..."

Could it be...

"Aha, it tickles. It's gotten messy with all the drool, but you shouldn't rub your head against it," the Queen of Makai said with a slightly troubled smile as she continued to pet the beast god.

"But how curious. I've never seen this animal before... Yet, for some reason, it feels incredibly familiar, as if I've lived with it for a long time as family."


Feeling as familiar as seeing family. Interesting.

In all my travels so far, I've met many beastmen, but never one who felt as familiar with the primordial beast god as this.

The beast god climbed up onto the lap of the seated Queen, as if that was its rightful place.

Indeed, could that be the case?

"I've never seen it follow anyone else besides us" the hero next to me whispered. Hmm, so he's never seen the beast god act this way towards others.

It seems to recognize the hero as someone strong enough to defeat it, and to me... When I showed it a bit of sincerity, it quickly hid its fangs and claws, wagging its tail frantically.

As a beast, it submits obsequiously to those stronger than itself, but utterly disdains the weak. Yet, here it is, nestling so docilely on the Queen's lap.

There must be some other reason for this...

I reached out to try and take the beast god from the Queen's lap, but it looked at me with a pitiful expression.

Hmm, is the Queen's lap really that comfortable for it? Enough to refuse being taken away?

It's not like it acts this way towards all beastmen, so this must be... Hmm.

Could it simply be that the Queen appeals to it? Or perhaps there's some kind of affinity between them?

Or could it be... that the Queen is somehow a shrine maiden for the beast god?

"How truly adorable. I can feel its great power, yet it's so cute. How mysterious," the Queen said, gently stroking the beast god, which was reveling in her touch.

Truly, could this Queen be a shrine maiden for the beast god?

Well, since the beast god was born from primitive faith, it wouldn't be strange for there to be something like a shrine maiden.

"Now then, please rest here a while as I go prepare the meal."

The Queen lightly lifted the beast god from her lap and set it aside, then left the tent. The beast god followed after her.

Hmm, it does seem the Queen is some kind of shrine maiden for the beast god. I've never seen it follow anyone else like that, not even me.

"Looks like that one has fallen for the Queen at first sight."

"The Queen must be a special existence to the beast god. Well, as a shrine maiden, she would be sensitive to the power of other deities, so that would make sense."

If the Queen truly is the beast god's shrine maiden, then perhaps the time has come to let the beast god go.

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After some time, the Queen returned with some attendant women, carrying several dishes which they set on a low table.

There was a creamy white stew with milk, vegetables, and meat, some rather rustic-looking bread, and slabs of salted meat.

The dishes the Queen herself brought in were a bit on the rough side.

Hmm, it's similar to the home-cooked meals in other cities, aside from the generous portions of meat.

"The spread may not be much, but please, enjoy the meal."

The Queen smiled slightly as she spoke. The horse-like ears on her head twitched with each word.

Anyway, the beast god... It's still clinging to the Queen. It really doesn't want to let go.

It seems the time has come to part ways.

"That child really seems to like the Queen."

"Hm? Ah, this one. Yes, it keeps following me wherever I go. Isn't it just so cute?"


Since a small puppy keeps clinging to her, how could it not be cute?

But if that's a god... Hmm. It's hard to put the feeling into words.

The sense of the god's dignity being thrown away, so to speak.


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"Since that child wants it so much, how about letting it stay by your side?"

"This one? Well, I do find it cute, but... It's the guest's pet, so I'm not sure if that's alright..."

"Nonsense. That child seems to have finally found what it was looking for, so it no longer needs to accompany us."

It's a bit of a shame that I'll lose the means of transportation I used for my long travels, but the time for the hero's adventure to come to an end is approaching.

I can't keep that child by my side forever, after all.

I can't keep it as a subordinate god like Cloud Whale. It is a god of a tribe, even if it looks like that.


"Although it looks like a cute puppy now, it is actually an incredibly magnificent beast. If you keep it by your side, it will eventually be of help to you."

The Queen looked at the puppy circling at her feet with a slightly puzzled expression. "This one?" her face seemed to say.

Well, it would be hard to believe. How many humans have actually seen a god directly?

"If you give it to me, I will gratefully accept it."

"Goodness, I'm not giving it to you. From now on, you will be the one serving that child."


Role reversal... Un, is that the term used here? 𝚏r𝗲ewe𝚋𝐧𝚘vel.𝚌𝚘m

Anyway, a human cannot be above a god. The god must be above the human.

"If you take care of it sincerely, that child will repay your efforts. Ah, and if you happen to have many children, you should entrust the care of that child to one of them."

"What do you mean by that..."

"Even after you grow old and die, and your children also grow old and die, that child will never age. After a little time passes, you will be able to understand the uniqueness of that child."

The Queen had a somewhat skeptical expression on her face at my words.

Anyway, this milk-based stew is more delicious than I expected.

The ingredients looked quite simple, but the seasoning seems to be a blend of various things, making it mysteriously tasty.

Hmm, this faint sweetness... Is it sugar? No, not sugar... Honey? Is it honey?

To find honey in this barren land is quite remarkable.

No, even in this harsh land, bees can still thrive. They may not be able to farm, but there are still plenty of flowers and trees for them.

How remarkable. How truly remarkable.

And so our meal continued, until the slightly excited-looking King entered the tent.

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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a kind-hearted couple.

They were a poor couple, with hardly any possessions, but they lived happily together.

One day, a wanderer came to their home, accompanied by a small dog.

The couple generously used their meager ingredients to prepare a delicious meal for the wanderer.

The wanderer, moved by the couple's kindness, quickly finished the bountiful meal and said with a satisfied smile,

"In all my travels, I have never been so greatly welcomed and treated before."

"It was just a simple meal."

"No. You did not just serve a single meal. You have treated me with most of what you have."

Indeed, that was the case. The wife was seen pouring out all the ingredients to cook the food, and the husband even lamented that they would go hungry the next day.

Seeing such a couple, the wanderer smiled softly and said,

"Since you have given me everything, I shall give you everything in return. I will give you this child."

The wanderer handed the small dog to the wife.

The couple took the small and cute dog, and tried to speak to the wanderer again, but

the wanderer had disappeared from the spot.

As if the wanderer had never existed from the beginning. Vanished suddenly.

What remained for the couple was only the small dog.

- Classic folktale. The Grateful Dog.

A folktale passed down orally among the beastfolk, which this fairy tale is based on.

The fact that the folktale's root is the first beast god known to the beastfolk is not widely known.

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