Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I'm Going to Sleep

Chapter 124: The First Hero - The End of the Adventure (4)

Chapter 124: The First Hero - The End of the Adventure (4)

The wedding of the hero and the girl proceeded without any major problems.

Before the wedding began, multiple doors appeared on the beach wedding venue I had prepared, and the guests who had received the invitations revealed themselves.

By tearing the tickets attached to the invitations, a door that transcends space was created, and the guests entered through that door.

The guests were shocked by the existence of the door that transcends space, especially the Mages of Procyon.

Of course, the dwarves and elves were also shocked, but the Mages of Procyon, who realized that the door had just been created by magic, were even more shocked than the other guests.

In front of those guests, I greeted them with a small bow and spoke.

"Welcome to the wedding of the hero."

This time, I was also dressed in a fairly decent dress. Thanks to that, I could see the guests' eyes widening, which was quite amusing.

Normally, I only wear loose white clothes! But this time, I made a proper dress and wore it!

Well, in this era where there is only rough leather or coarse cloth, such clothes are quite rare. It's not strange that their eyes are widening.

"Please have a seat. We will start the ceremony shortly."

Let's see, my children in human form are here, and the representatives of the dwarves and elves are here, and there are a few Mages of Procyon... The king and queen of Arcadia, and even the god of beasts are here.

And since the representatives won't be alone, the number of attendants has multiplied several times the number of invitations sent.

And for some reason... there are a few mermaids waving their hands from the beach side.

Apparently, Thetis, who is mixed among the guests, has informed the mermaids, and they have come to celebrate the hero's wedding.

Hmm. The mermaids had slipped my mind. Well, the more guests, the better.

After all the guests were seated and the bride and groom were ready, "We will now begin the wedding ceremony."

And so the wedding of the hero began.

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The girl saw the sea for the first time.

The vast sea emitting a deep blue light, with white flower-like foam blooming and disappearing.

In this scenery, the humans with fish-like lower bodies leaped out of the sea, performing acrobatic feats, and then plunged back into the sea, creating a dreamlike landscape.

For the girl who was born and raised in a small village in the mountains, this sight did not feel like reality.

But this scene was all real.

"Now it's your turn."

Behind the girl was the Dragon's Priestess, her benefactor who had saved her life, and the family of the hero.

The Dragon's Priestess extended her hand to the girl, guiding her. It was now the girl's turn to appear.

The girl looked at her reflection in the mirror prepared in the bride's waiting room, a sight she had never seen before.

A soft and beautiful dress, not stiff or rigid, and a pretty makeup that did not look like her own face. It was as if she had been transformed by magic.

No, it was actually done with magic, so that statement is not wrong.

The girl took a deep breath and stood up from the chair.

The pure white dress made of soft, flowing fabric. The dress fluttered slightly with the girl's steps, creating a beautiful sight.

However, the girl thought that all of this was too much for her.

Marrying the hero she admired, wearing such a beautiful dress, seeing the sea for the first time, and getting married in a place with a view of the sea - all of this felt like too much of a luxury for her.

Why was she being granted such fortune? What had her former self done to deserve such hospitality?

The girl could not understand the blessings that were showered upon her, but in the end, she decided to simply accept them without trying to comprehend it.

Watching the girl, the Dragon's Priestess could only push the girl's back forward.

In her stead... she could only hope that the girl would make the hero happy.

And so the girl opened the door and stepped forward.

Through the wide-open large door, past the many guests, to where the hero in formal attire was.

And so, the hero and the girl lived happily ever after.

- The end of the first hero's adventure.

The wedding ceremony of the hero was following a completely different method from the typical weddings of that time, so there are various speculations about it.

There is a theory that later generations embellished the description, and another theory that the hero's wedding method became widespread and established the current practice.

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In fairy tales, it could have ended with "they lived happily ever after." But reality was not so smooth.

Even though the story has ended, people still have to live on.

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The hero, freed from his duties, put down his sword and chose to live together with the girl.

And I, too, began living in the same village as the hero, to keep my promise to stay with him until he died.

The hero and the girl said it was fine for me to live in the same house, but don't wanna.

Therefore, I built a small cottage near their house and started living there peacefully.

The damage from the monsters has been greatly reduced, so the only thing left for me as the Goddess of Life is to manage the overall situation.

Ah, there was still the task of creating a paradise.

Well, I've already found the clue, so I can take it slowly.

For now, let's just live peacefully in this small rural village. 𝚏𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝚋n𝐨𝘃𝗲l.𝐜𝐨m

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A year after the hero's wedding, a child was born to the hero and his wife.

The child born to the two was a frail baby girl.

Smaller and weaker than a normal newborn, this baby was born about 2 months premature.

And in this era, a baby like this had a hard time surviving.

I carefully cradled the baby who was not breathing.

The hero's wife was passed out from exhaustion, and the hero had lost his composure upon realizing the baby was not breathing.

In this situation, I was the only one who could respond calmly.

"Sis... is it going to be okay...?"

The hero looked at the baby in my arms with a worried expression.

"Don't worry. Have you forgotten who I am?"

The chances of a baby born a few months early surviving in this era were incredibly low.

Well, that's the story of what would have happened if I hadn't been there.

I examined the fading life force within the baby's body.

Hmm. As a newborn, the body was too frail. And the life force was weak, making it difficult to easily strengthen it. If I'm not careful, it could have the opposite effect instead of healing.

But how could I call myself the Goddess of Life if I couldn't save this one small child?

I carefully channeled my magical power, weaving it into the baby's body to reinforce the incomplete physique.

The baby, unable to breathe properly due to being born too early, was gradually completed and stabilized by my magical power.

"Now you don't have to worry anymore."

I could confirm that the baby's breathing had returned to normal.

Hmm. If there had been something like an incubator, it would have been easier, but in this era, there is no such thing. I had no choice but to use this laborious method.

But it's no trouble at all to put in this effort to save this child.

"Th-thank you, sister..."

"Well, since she is your child, she is like family to me as well. This is no trouble at all."

I smiled softly as I watched the newborn baby breathing peacefully.

Now, this child would have no more problems.

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I had thought that before...



"That's right, you little rascal."

I stroked the head of the young child clinging to me.

The newborn baby who had been on the brink of life and death, born much earlier than expected, had now become a mischievous young girl.

"Why is my hair the same silver color as yours, Auntie?"

"I wonder about that too."

The side effect of reconstructing the body of this child with my magical power to save her as a newborn, her physique was becoming increasingly similar to mine, my avatar.

For now, it's just the hair color, but over time, she may become less human.

That outcome would certainly not be good for this child.

Hmm. I should consult the hero about this.

I can't just leave it as is.

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