Honestly, at first I thought the king of Arcadia had eaten something wrong.

Even though he doesn't have the right to the throne, to send the prince as a son-in-law is quite something.

A prince of that position would have such high political value that it doesn't need explanation.

To send such a third prince as the hero's son-in-law? At this point, I was curious what the king of Arcadia was thinking.

Perhaps... he was aiming to strengthen his royal power through the blood relationship with the hero? Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent the prince this way.

That's what I thought.

"I-I'm meeting you for the first time... no, I've met you before, but this is the first time I'm being formally introduced... yes, it's the first time I'm meeting you..."

Standing in front of the hero's daughter, his face flushed red and he couldn't even make eye contact, and he disappeared.

"Ah! Could it be! The one I met when I went to visit Arcadia before!"

"Yes, yes. You remember me even though we only met for a day."

"It left a strong impression on me!"

Before Arcadia went to war with the neighboring country, the hero's daughter had wanted to meet the beast god she had adventured with.

At that time, we had traveled in Arcadia for a few days... hmm...

Could it be that the children had met and become friends while the adults were talking?

This is... an unexpected connection.

"It was fun back then! While the adults were talking about things we didn't understand, we were happily playing around!"

"Yes, it was enjoyable."

The connection made during that short trip in childhood is now being revived.

No, is it because that connection existed that this young man is coming as a son-in-law?

I'm not sure, but the conditions are great, so I have no reason to object at all.

The hero's wife also seemed pleased with the tall prince's appearance, as her smile didn't fade.

As for the hero, he kept frowning and muttering things like

"a prince, huh,"

complaining about how he seemed like a parasite, only concerned with appearances and lacking substance, and other grumblings, but then he got slapped on the back by his wife.

Well, the hero is an overprotective father, so he would have reacted that way no matter who his daughter brought home.

Even if it was a king instead of a prince, that guy would have grumbled.

"No, I mean, a prince of all people is coming as a son-in-law? Honestly, even I find it hard to understand, sister."

"Who knows, the connections between people can be surprising, don't you think there might have been a chance encounter?"

"Chance? Rather, that cunning king must have sent the son-in-law to target the hero's bloodline!"

"You, didn't you used to like that king before? Why has your opinion changed?"

"That was then, this is now! When the situation changes, the way of thinking changes too, doesn't it?"

Situation... could it be because of the position of being a father to a beloved daughter? Hmm.

I understand it a little, but... still, if it's for the sake of his daughter, he should let her go. If he keeps stubbornly objecting like this, he'll end up being hated by his own daughter.

I just sighed quietly while watching the hero.

And later on...

"I hate you, Dad!"

My prediction was spot on.

"Why are you always nitpicking that person? Over trivial things!"

"No... my daughter..."

"I don't care! I'll become aunt's daughter from now on!"

Saying that, the hero's daughter clung to me.

Hmm... the girl who's almost in her 20s is acting like a child.

No, is she doing this on purpose? To shake up the hero?

"I'm not a child anymore, you know! I'm at the age where I'm a bit late to get married! Why don't you like him? Tell me a reason I can understand!"

"Th-that is..."

The hero couldn't give a reason. Of course, he was just stubbornly objecting without any real justification.

Seeing the hero in that awkward state, I sighed softly and stepped in. I didn't mind watching further, but I didn't want to see this father-daughter relationship shattered by unnecessary stubbornness.


"That's enough."



I interjected between the two as I had been quietly observing.

"Won't you forgive this fool's foolish behavior?"


"Shut up. You fool. Did you think you could just get away with such stubbornness? You should have at least thought about the possibility of being hated."


"Shut up! You haven't done a single good thing, so just be quiet and behave!"

Even though my daughter is cute, it's not like I can keep her by my side forever! He doesn't even realize that his daughter has her own life!

You fool! This fool!!! While I'm away for a while, I'll slap your back in place of your wife!

"Ow, it hurts! Sister!!"

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"For a foolish person who doesn't recognize his mistakes, a beating is the best medicine!!!"

I continue to slap the flabby back of the man, whose muscular physique from his prime days is long gone.

"You weren't this frustrating before! How did you end up like this? Do you think I raised you this way?"

"Ow! It hurts, Sister!!! Stop!! Stop hitting me!"

"I can't stand how vexing you are! Take one more hit!"

After slapping his back with enough force to leave clear palm prints, I was finally satisfied.

"Now that I've given you a good beating, I hope you've calmed down."

I carelessly tossed the hero, whose back was all battered, onto the bed, and then spoke to the hero's daughter.


"That fool... it seems he couldn't bear to let you go because he treasures you too much. Your life is yours to live. It appears that fool overlooked that... so please forgive him."

At my words, the hero's daughter glanced at the hero sprawled on the bed, then let out a deep sigh and nodded.

"Since you say so, Aunt, I won't hate that foolish father of mine."

"Good. And..."

I looked at the hero's daughter, who had grown, and smiled.

"Congratulations on your marriage."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The wedding of the hero's daughter and the third prince of Arcadia was held in a relatively small ceremony, with only the relevant people in attendance.

Still, there were probably more than fifteen people - the residents of the village where the hero lived, and the immediate family members of the Arcadian royal family.

The newly married couple of the hero's daughter and her son-in-law went through various ups and downs, but they managed to live happily.

They quickly had a child. Thanks to the fact that the hero was able to see his grandchild before turning 70, his aggression towards his son-in-law decreased rapidly.

And fortunately, or perhaps it was only natural, the hero's grandchild was born... normal, unlike the hero's daughter.

The child was not born earlier than the due date, nor was my magic mixed into their body. They were simply a normal human.

Well, since I had sealed the magic, it's only natural. But just to be sure, I checked, and the magic that had been sealed was a part of my own body.

Compared to the hero's daughter, the amount of magic in the grandchild was slightly reduced, but it's uncertain how many generations it will take for it to completely disappear.

"But as long as the child was born healthy, isn't that enough?"

"That's true."

I lifted the grandchild in both hands and chuckled softly, watching the hero, who was fawning over the grandchild.

The sharp-edged hero I used to travel with - where did that version of him go? Now he's just a silly old grandfather.

"Hm? Why are you looking at me like that, Sister?"

"It's nothing. I'm just surprised at how much a person can change, that's all."

I silently gazed at the hero.

The hero's life force is diminishing. He has about 10 years left.

Eighty years old is considered quite a long life in this era, but it still feels so short.



"Was your life... a life of sufficient value?"

At my question, the hero smiled faintly and replied.

"Why are you suddenly asking such a question?"

"I'm just curious."

"How unexpected of you."

Cradling the grandchild in his arms, the hero gently stroked the child's head as he spoke.

"I'm not sure what constitutes a life of value, but there is one thing I can say for certain."

"One thing?"

"Yes. I am satisfied with my life."

The hero continued in a calm voice.

"Because even an orphan with nothing managed to pull out the hero's sword by chance and embark on grand adventures, making a name for himself in the world."

The hero added that he had also obtained a fox-like wife, a rabbit-like child, and even a grandchild like a baby rabbit. After taking a moment to catch his breath, he said,

"If I hadn't pulled out that sword, my life would certainly not have been as good as it is now. In the best case scenario, I might have lived the life of a pilgrim of the Temple of Life."

The life of a pilgrim, traveling the world and preaching about life.

That was certainly not an easy life.

"That's why I am satisfied with my life. It was a very good life."

A very good life, huh.

In that case, I can be a little at ease.

"Well, death doesn't mean the end, but still."


"No, it's nothing."

"That sounded like a very important thing to say. Huh?! Sister?!"

And so I lived quietly with the aging hero.

One day, however, a man appeared in the village where the hero and I lived.

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