A week's time.

To be honest, I would like to separate his bones and flesh right now, However, if I were to do that, the woman who follows this fool might also end up dying alongside him.

So, I was giving him a last chance.

"Ugh, sister. I was so scared."

"Hmm? Scared?"

"Yes. I've never seen your face so angry before. And the terrifying silver aura you created was so frightening that it would have made anyone faint just by looking at it... Honestly, if I wasn't as strong as I am, I would have passed out immediately."

"Hmm... was it that bad?"

The hero nodded his head slightly and continued.

"Even I, who often stay by your side, felt that way, so those people... especially that woman, must have... Well, no need to explain further."

Considering that, it's amazing that she didn't faint and still stood in my way... Hmm.

Was the fear of that idiot dying more terrifying than the fear of death?

Enough to overcome the instinctive fear?

Tsk. I clicked my tongue briefly.

"What a pity to have such a foolish person by your side."

"Please don't say it like that. He is the benefactor of my life."

"But you don't think so either, do you."

At my words, the hero awkwardly smiled and nodded his head.

"Because he dared to try to mess with you, sister. Honestly, I wanted to beat him to death..."

The hero shook his head slightly.

"For some reason, when I saw that woman, I thought of my daughter."

Hmm. The hero was overlapping that idiot and that woman with himself and his daughter.

Well, it's understandable to see the resemblance. They're around the same age.

That's why he indirectly stopped me from killing that idiot.

"But if that guy really doesn't apologize, will you kill him?"

“Why not?”

I've given him enough chances, and I think I've been patient enough.

But even so, if he acts so foolishly, there's no reason for me to be patient anymore.

I'm getting fed up with it, too.

"And what I said I would do is only to lift the curse."

I didn't mention what I would do to him after lifting the curse.

Once the immortality curse is lifted, I can do whatever I want.

"That's terrifying."

"Well, considering he blasphemed the Goddess of Life, I'm being quite merciful by not annihilating his soul."

I took a sip from the steaming hot cup of tea.

The bitter taste of coffee. The coffee I created with my abilities tasted the same as the coffee I remember.

Hero often asked why I drink such bitter water, but I've strangely missed this taste.

Is it like nostalgia? I'm not sure, but...

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Occasionally, I think of the original world. Even after all these years.

The memories remain vivid and never fade.

Thanks to that, sometimes... I even think about wanting to go back to that world.

"Well, that can't happen, though."

"What can't happen?"

"Oh, nothing."

I shouldn't carelessly talk about the stories of another world.

So I waited for a week, waiting for the fate of that idiot to be decided.

I don't know what choice he will make.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A week later.

"I'm truly sorry..."

Surprisingly, the idiot was bowing his head and apologizing in front of my statue in the Temple of Life.

Is it genuine? Or is it a false apology? I peeked into his heart just in case, but surprisingly, it was a sincere and desperate apology.

No, why is the one who has been wandering the world for decades now apologizing?

What kind of magic did he use? That woman?

The hero and I stared blankly at the sight of the idiot bowing his head and apologizing to me.

"This should be enough, right? Since he apologized sincerely, my uncle doesn't have to die, right?"

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The woman spoke urgently, and I nodded my head slightly.


The woman seemed very relieved at my words. But her complexion was quite pale, and she had bandages wrapped around her here and there.

Did she actually harm herself... or use her own life as a hostage to persuade him?

Even though she risked her life, to change the mind of that idiot who hadn't changed for decades, it means that woman is very important to that idiot.

"Th-Thank goodness... This means my uncle doesn't have to die..."

And then the woman collapsed weakly, as if her legs had given out. Probably because the tension had been released due to her relief.

"You fool! After being so stubborn!"

The idiot quickly embraced the woman and bit his own thumb, letting the blood flow to the woman's mouth.

Gradually, the woman's body started regaining vitality. Not just being filled, but the idiot was actually transferring his own life force to the woman.

Using blood as a medium... so they can exchange life force. Just like a vampire.

"Phew... After being so stubborn..."

"Whose fault do you think that was?"

The idiot sighed softly and spoke.

"I am nothing, what can I say..."

"That's right."

No matter how much of a benefactor he is, this guy is just hopeless. Tsk tsk.

Well, it's because he likes himself, so he won't listen to anyone else's opinion.

"If someone hadn't been so stubbornly useless, she wouldn't have collapsed like that."

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At my grumbling, the idiot opened his mouth as if wanting to say something, but then closed it without saying anything.

Right. Sometimes silence is golden.

Since he's been forgiven, it would be troublesome if he opened his mouth again and got punished.

"Anyway, since you've apologized as promised, I'll lift the immortality curse."


The idiot's expression changed to one of great delight at my words. Tsk. If he had apologized sooner, this wouldn't have happened.

I used magic to erase the traces I had left on the idiot's soul. At the same time, I left behind another trace and also erased the magic that allowed him to freely absorb life force.

Now that he's no longer immortal... let me add a little mischief as the finishing touch.

Well, it's not a particularly grand mischief.

I got an idea from the way that guy was feeding blood to transfer life force earlier.

"Now that you've become a mortal body, but due to your reckless use of life force, your body has become inhuman."

At my words, the idiot's expression turned to one of incomprehension.

"And perhaps because you've incurred the displeasure of various gods, that affliction has become a weakness of your kind that is no longer human. Hmm. This is the first time I've seen a case like this."

Of course, it's a lie. It's not that he's changing on his own, but I've transformed him as I desired.

"What... do you mean...?"

"A race that can absorb or transfer life force through blood. And they are weak to things like sunlight or flowing water. They have many weaknesses, but if they can obtain enough life force, they can extend their lifespan indefinitely."

"Extend... the lifespan...?"

"Yes. And it seems they can also regain their youth with life force, so a new and rather interesting race has been born. I'm not particularly fond of you yourself, but the birth of this new life is something to be celebrated."

At my words, the idiot's expression became complex in various ways, and as if giving up on everything, he only asked one question.

"Can I... face death?"

"Of course. The immortality curse has been lifted, so now death will no longer ignore your soul."

Well, what happens to him in the afterlife is none of my business!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


They are often referred to as bloodsuckers by many, and they are a subrace that refers to themselves as 'undead.'

They absorb life force by drinking blood, and use that life force as their own source.

It is said that their roots date back to the distant past, and they were once mistaken for demons.

The time of the first nameless hero.

The second prince of the kingdom of Arcad, who grew up receiving the king's favor, was an extremely arrogant person who believed that the power of the state was the greatest, and that even the gods should be under the power of the state. 𝘧𝓻ℯ𝑒𝑤𝓮𝒷𝓷𝘰𝑣ℯ𝑙.𝓬𝓸𝓂

Due to this arrogance, the first empire called Arcad collapsed, but this is not the story to tell now, so let's move on.


And so, the immortal prince was finally able to die, but due to his reckless use of the power of life, his body was transformed into a different race, no longer human.

In the background of this story, there is an interpretation that at the time, the national powers had become excessively strong, and they began to challenge the divine authority held by various temples, including the Temple of Life - the temple at the time. Dissatisfied with this, the Goddess of Life used the powerful nation of Arcad as an example to quickly bring about its downfall, firmly establishing the divine authority.

After that, Arcadia, the successor to Arcad, enshrined the beast god as the national god, and generation after generation, the royal family produced the chief shrine maiden, showing respect for the gods.

And so, the temples and the royal family did not encroach on each other's domains.

- Ancient history learned through mythology.

The claims made in this book are not the mainstream position of the academic community.

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