White Online

Chapter 439 Luna, and Alice

Chapter 439 Luna, and Alice

After half an hour later, Isabella, Malcolm, and Madison went to fetch some food, leaving only Isaac and Maxwell.

As the door closed, Isaac asked immediately, ''What about the Grand Priest robe?''

Maxwell sighed and said, ''Legacy Company visited me and wanted the robe back. Unfortunately, I didn't have it. The police had.

''But then, they visited the police station, somehow got the robes that were part of the evidence, and left shortly afterward.''

''Oh… Sorry.'' Isaac apologized because it was clearly his fault.

''Oh, don't be.'' Maxwell shook his head, ''It never belonged to me anyway…''

As they continued talking, Isabella returned with a tray of food.

After they finished the food, the door creaked open, and another familiar face appeared, with her beautiful crystal eyes shimmering with joy. She was dressed in a beautiful white long coat, long kneesocks, and shoes that perfectly fit her soft, delicate feet.

Luna couldn't help but smile as she saw the familiar gray eyes widening in surprise and joy.

Isabella and Maxwell glanced at the doorway. Then, they stood up and gave one last hug at Isaac before leaving.

While walking past Luna, Isabella smiled and patted her soft hair. They have had the pleasure of meeting with their son's girlfriend quite often, and they quite enjoy her company. She was also as cute as a kitten, making their exhaustion slowly disappear after they saw her.

Luna entered the suite with a smile and hugged Isaac immediately. Her lips stayed tightly closed, and her pounding heart could be felt by Isaac.

Isaac rubbed her soft hair and held her by her waist. After staying quiet for several minutes, they separated from a hug and shared a quick kiss.

Luna sat on the chair and smiled cheerfully, ''How are you doing?''

''Good, as you can see~.'' Isaac moved his limbs around like he wasn't in pain at all.

''Yay!'' Luna giggled and rested her chin on her palm as she sighed, ''Are you fine… for real?''

''Yeah.'' Isaac scratched his head and felt slightly embarrassed at the attention he was receiving. He didn't think he was in bad condition and was shocked that he seemed to be in a coma for nearly three weeks.

He only received a gun wound but was somehow bedridden for so long.

Then, he felt a soft hand wrapping around his bandaged hand. He turned to look at the teary-eyed Luna in surprise. Tiny beads of tears dripped down her soft cheeks. She looked truly pitiful and would attract the protective instincts of everyone.


''I was so scared!'' Her shout came from the depths of her soul. Her voice shook, with the last bits of words being a little bit hard to understand because of her crying.

''I-… I thought you died!'' Luna's grip tightened with her crystal blue eyes trembling.

Isaac wrapped his bandages arms around her slender waist and pulled her into a hug. He bit his trembling lips and ignored the pain on his shoulder.

They hugged for close to ten minutes, with their bodies almost glued to each other. Then, Luna finished crying, her eyes still red but tiny smile on her face.

''Sorry…'' She wiped the tearstains with a face flushed in embarrassment, ''I-It's just that… Everyone was panicking that day like you had died… So… I thought about the worst.''

Isaac facepalmed and was certain that his parents again overreacted, 'Well… I guess everyone would react that way if their children were shot… But, still… Sigh.'

Luna then smiled and opened her tiny mouth, ''I wanted to give you a get-well present… But…''

''Hmm?'' Isaac saw her saddened face and asked, ''What is it?''

Luna glanced at the door—it was closed—then whispered, ''I found it…''

''Found what?'' Isaac leaned closer until his hot breath tickled Luna's neck.

Luna had a half-smile, ''The last two ingredients for Dream Potion.''

''What?!'' Isaac completely ignored his painful shoulder and showed a huge smile, ''Where?!''

Luna was happy to see him smiling, but then she sighed with frustration, ''Stronglord has that Auction House. It has been in construction for some time, and now it's finally finished.

''They are holding the biggest auction in Summer Realm's history, and Root of Dreams and Leaves of Dreams are auctioned there.''

''That's excellent news!'' Isaac didn't understand why she was half-sad about the fact. They were now in the final straight, and soon, Luna would be cured!

''It is, but…'' Luna held his hand and affectionately looked at him, ''There have been rumors circling in player base… Apparently, Dream Potion can increase the strength of a player immensely. That's why everyone has been on the hunt for those ingredients, and that's why the auction is very popular.''

Isaac's grip tightened, and he said with a strong voice, ''I will get them… I will!''

Luna smiled and believed that her boyfriend was able to do anything. But, she still had tiny hope of ever receiving those two ingredients.

The past week has been difficult for him. The news about Isaac had already brought her to the brink of depression. Then there was also the Winter Illness that was growing stronger. She still hadn't told her parents, and yesterday she coughed blood, meaning that she should be already back in the hospital.


The door opened, and Isaac's face had another smile.

Alice, Sophia, and Marvin entered the room with different looks. Isaac's sisters looked relieved, while Marvin was grinning like a child.

''Hehe, did we interrupt something?'' Marvin winked at Isaac while the girls rolled their eyes.

Then, Alice and Sophia turned to look at Luna. The room's atmosphere changed significantly.

Isaac narrowed his eyes while looking at his sisters. If they planned to bother Luna, he wouldn't care about being in a coma only an hour ago. He would still whoop their asses.

However, against all odds, Alice wrapped her arms around Luna, who let out cute 'Kyaa' after getting suddenly hugged.

''Brother, your girlfriend's cheeks are so soft!'' Alice said with a flushed face while rubbing her cheeks at Luna's soft cheeks.

Luna pouted, but her lips slightly curved upward when she was being hugged.

''I have decided!'' Alice smugly smiled at Isaac and playfully said, ''Luna is now mine!''

Isaac raised his eyebrow, 'What the hell?'

''Alice.'' Luna, while pouting, looked at the playful Alice, who grinned as a result and continued hugging tighter.

Marvin sighed and sat next to Isaac, ''Yeah… When they first met, they were like mortal enemies, but now… I honestly think Luna is some kind of witch who managed to bewitch first my brother, and now sister.''

Sophia sighed at the scene and asked, ''Isaac, are you alright?''

Luna and Alice turned to look at Isaac.

''I am,'' Isaac replied while rubbing his painful shoulder. Then, he turned to look at Marvin and asked, ''Did you bring it?''

''Of course!'' Marvin grinned and unzipped his bag.

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