White Online

Chapter 149 - What Are You Wearing?

''Did you see that? Nuts?'' A young man around 19-20s said while carrying a tablet in his right hand. He was wearing an ordinary lab coat with a somewhat unique-looking shirt that had pictures of a cat.

''Yep!'' There was another young man next to him, who had similar brown hair like the first young man. He was also wearing a lab coat with a clipboard in his left hand.

Both of them were watching a tablet, which showed two individuals fighting like their lives depended on it.

They walked past a room that was wide open and had numbers [678]

''Hmm, why is that room open?'' The first young man asked and went to the scanner. He grabbed his card from his pocket and put it on the scanner.

Soon, the wall started closing, and soon, the bright room disappeared once again.

''Alrigh—'' He turned around after he was done closing the room, but his words were cut off as he saw his friend lying on the floor in unconscious state.

''Adam, are you alrigh—'' His shocked words came to a stop after he saw his vision becoming darker, and soon, he lied on the ground in an unconscious state as well.

Behind him, an individual with white hair and a grey-colored outfit appeared.

Isaac quickly took off his camouflage outfit and put it inside Inventory.

He grabbed the lab coat of the unconscious figure and covered his body with it.

Checking out their pockets, he found two cards and room keys. He stuffed them inside his pocket and touched the scanner with the card that he got from Syd.


The wall once again opened, and the bright room appeared. He dragged the two unconscious figures inside the room, and after he was done, he left the room and closed the wall.

''Hmm?'' He patted the lab coats' pockets and felt something inside. He put his hand inside the large pocket and took out the item.

It was black-colored glasses.

''This can come to use...'' Isaac used his thumbs and broke the glass; after that, he put the glasses to cover his eyes.

He broke the glasses because he has perfect eyesight and would be near-blind if he used them.

Now, the glasses covered half of his face, but it gave him a different kind of charm by having the glasses on. He looked smart, but also beautiful at the same time, but his beauty was not as apparent as before, instead... He could be almost classified as handsome instead.

His manly traits have become more apparent recently, even though Isaac hasn't noticed it.

He also grabbed the tablet from one of the unconscious figures and saw it showing a video of two individuals fighting with swords.

Isaac recognized them as players.

''This is... Underground fighting ring?!'' He exclaimed, and his fantasies started going overboard.


He flinched after hearing footsteps behind him, he slowly started walking forwards, trying to hide his face, but then he heard a shout behind him.

''Excuse me!'' His footsteps halted as he slowly moved his head and saw a middle-aged woman with long black hair and a plain-looking outfit. Her face was drenched in sweat as she had ran a lot in pursuit of her lost card.

''Yes?'' Isaac said calmly while trying to hide his facial features with the help of his lab coat.

''Have you seen a card anywhere?'' Syd asked with a rough breath as she tried to calm down her racing heartbeat, ''I-I think I lost mine.''

''Oh.'' Isaac touched a card in his pocket and fidgeted around before revealing the card and asked, ''Is this you? Syd Ellermann?''

''Oh!'' Syd's eyes sparkled as she grabbed the card swiftly and bowed deeply, ''Thank you, kind sir!''

''Oh, no problem, just don't lose it again,'' Isaac said and started slowly walking away, but soon his footsteps again came to a halt after hearing her voice.

''Where did you find this, if I may ask?'' Syd asked curiously and saw the side of Isaac's face, which looked incredibly handsome at this angle, and she is sure that she hasn't seen him before, but she is also new.

''There.'' He pointed at the scanner of room 678, ''It was behind the scanner, stuck.''

''Oh!'' Syd exclaimed and did a silly smile, ''It must have dropped, anyway, thank you!'' She said with gratitude and ran off.

Isaac wiped his sweat and continued his walk in the opposite direction.

He came across a few other individuals, but they were too busy to notice Isaac, which made his journey fairly easy.

After reaching the 1000th room, there was a stairway leading downstairs, Isaac didn't know where it led, but it must be where he will get his answers.

He slowly walked down the stairs, and it didn't take long for him to reach the downstairs, and it also didn't long for him to hear a sound of cheering and fighting.

Isaac entered another corridor after reaching the bottom of the stairs, and at the end of the corridor, he could see figures walking past the corridor.

The corridor was in an empty state, with only him there.

Isaac regained his courage and left the corridor. The scene he saw shocked him to the core.

He saw an arena with a radius of 100 meters where two individuals were fighting. One of the figures was unarmed, with cut wounds all over his body, and the second one had a sword and a knight in his other hand. He wasn't wearing armor; instead, his chest was completely bare without any armory or protection.

The arena was like a pit, with massive concrete walls surrounding the fighting area, and hundreds of windows were on top of the concrete walls, where NPCs and Players alike were watching the matches.

Isaac was surprised to see Players cheering, and some were even betting for the outcome of the match.

The floor where Isaac currently was the watching area, where both NPCs and Players were cheering loudly while watching from the windows.

Around the watching area were also couches, tables, chairs, and even a bar desk, where they could order anything they wanted.

Beautiful women and handsome men were everywhere he looked, making most of the Players almost drool at the sight.

Isaac felt like it would be the best idea to leave, but when he was about to do that, with a corner of his eyes, he saw a timid-looking young man drinking soda while watching the NPCs and Players cheering loudly.

''ToughGuy140?!'' Isaac exclaimed, while the young man flinched and turned his gaze towards Isaac. At first, he didn't recognize the handsome young man, but soon his face had the dawn of realization.

''What are you wearing?!'' ToughGuy140 asked with a frown and scanned Isaac from head to toe.

Isaac was about to answer, but then he heard a voice behind him.

''Wraith, I presume?'' Isaac paled and slowly turned his head and saw the two individuals who were looking for him...

They were looking straight at him and frowned after seeing Isaac's strange outfit.

''What are you wearing?''

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