White Online

Chapter 202 - Isaac The Hunter

Chapter 202 - Isaac The Hunter.

LotusOfDeath was lying on top of a snow pile, hundred meters away from the entrance of the cave.

Her musket rifle's barrel was peeking through the snow pile, and her body seemed invisible in the night.

Her eyes had a tinge of green, signaling that she was currently using her second skill, Night Vision!

She didn't seem impatient or even worried; instead very calm and composed.


A sound of rumbling came from her stomach, but she had stopped caring by that already.

In one of her hunts, she had to be without eating for twenty hours, only to catch her prey.

She has used to such dire conditions, but it still doesn't mean that she doesn't feel uncomfortable by being without food.

Especially knowing that the young man could be eating the food which she wants desperately.

But, she won't risk her life for food and especially won't make any stupid mistakes because of her hunger.

On the dark night, firing a shot from over a hundred meters away could be an impossible task for many, especially because it needs great skills to do so.

Some Marksmen couldn't make a shot from 30 meters away, and that was in the daytime.

There was a huge skill gap between average Marksmen players and the very best.

It wasn't far-fetched to say that LotusOfDeath has one of the best aims in the game.

Her exposed finger was on the trigger, ready to fire from moment's notice. She had already noticed that the light coming from the cave had disappeared.

'Nice try… But I am not falling for it.' She thought and knew Isaac's plan, which was to lure her inside.

But then, her Night Vision picked something up.

Her head moved, and she saw a glimpse of something on top of the small mountain.

It was like she saw an outline of a person that was glowing in green.

Every person she sees while using Night Vision will be glowing in green, making it easy for her to spot them.

And, she was almost sure that she saw a person, but it could also be an animal.

'Animal… Could it be?' She thought that getting food by stealing from others players wasn't what the game developers had in mind because there would be minimal food supply, and it would run out.

That's why she had a thought that they must have added animals that could be hunted and get food that way.

Her stomach rumbled, which made her concentration slip, but she got a glimpse of the green glow once again.

And then, her eyes widened in shock as she saw the outline of the green glow, which resembled a lot of a human!

The human that was glowing on the green was on top of the mountain, and he was aiming his musket rifle at someone.

At her…

''Shit!'' She screamed and quickly rolled in the ground towards the right.


A bullet flew through the air and destroyed the snow pile, where she was lying only a moment ago.

''How did he know I was here?!'' She thought aloud anxiously and hid behind a tree.

She blamed her hunger that made her from having rational thought, and even though she has used to being hungry, she still made a mistake she thought she wouldn't do.

'I am so stupid…' LotusOfDeath thought to herself and almost lost her life because she only thought about the possibilities of getting food.

She also remembered the person's outline and was sure that he was the person she saw in the cave.

'How did he get out… Was there another way out?' She quickly shook those thoughts out of her mind, 'Impossible… I ensured that there was no way out, so maybe he had a skill that allowed him to do so… Skill of teleportation? No way that would be stupidly overpowered.'

She quickly got rid of those stupid thoughts but still leaned on the possibility of him having a skill that allowed him to leave the cave.

She slightly moved her body and took a glimpse towards the mountain; with the help of her Night Vision, she could see much better than anyone would do in her position.

LotusOfDeath expected to see the green glow, but it had disappeared!

'Where?!' She thought anxiously and looked around the mountain and area but didn't see the green glow anywhere.

'This is bad… He has now upper hand— I will have to do something.' She knew that the winner would be the one who managed to outsmart their opponent.

She had the upper hand so far, but she lost it and was in a very bad position.

LotusOfDeath stood up and was still hiding behind the tree; she took a few glimpses towards the mountain and after she was sure that no one was near…

She turned around and started running deeper inside the dark forest.

Her head moved rapidly as she was on the lookout for anything that glowed in green but didn't see anyone like that.

''Huff…'' Soon, she came to a stop as she had to catch her breathing.

She ran for nearly ten minutes and was sure that she was far enough, but then…


Her eyes widened in utter shock as she did the first thing that came to her mind, jumping to the side.

She could feel clearly as something incredibly fast brushed past her face.


A bullet landed on the tree not far from her, splitting the tree in half.

LotusOfDeath quickly turned around to see where her attacker was, but once again, she saw nothing.

''It seems that running won't help… Fine, you think you are the hunter? That's funny— I am the real hunter!''

She knew where the bullet came from, which allowed her to know the general position of her attacker.

Her gaze landed on the snow hill a hundred meters away from her, and with her perfect eyesight and Night Vision, she could see how the snow seemed uneven, like someone had laid on it not long ago.

''Gotcha…'' A terrifying smirk appeared on her face, which was still obscure underneath her hood.

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