White Online

Chapter 288 Superhuman Syndrome.


The bear's stomping stopped. In the eye, a sizeable hole was visible, dripping with blood.


The enormous body of the bear fell down lifelessly on the snowy ground. All the previous signs of life disappeared.

''Wha—'' Malcolm and the rest of the elderly gentlemen were utterly shocked. The menacing and terrifyingly powerful bear took its last breaths before entering the afterlife.

''Argh…'' Isaac put the safety on and dropped the gun. He grabbed his shoulder and rubbed the painful spot.

''You know how to shoot?'' Malcolm asked with surprise. He knew better than anyone that taking such a shot wasn't simply possible with beginner's luck.

Beginners would try to hit the largest target, which was obviously the torso area. However, Isaac went straight for the head, and the shot was just beautifully executed.

Isaac wryly smiled and nodded, ''Somewhat… My class in White Online is Marksman… I guess that helped.''

''I see…'' Malcolm wasn't like others who would laugh at that comment. Playing a game would make someone's shooting better? Every normal person would laugh at that.

But not Malcolm or anyone present. All of them have some information about the game itself.

Bentley gave a solid pat on the shoulder, ''Good job! You saved us, old folks.''

Isaac nodded and looked at his trembling hands. Saying he didn't feel fear would be a lie.

He knew the dire consequences of missing his shot. Everyone might have died, including him.

That was the pressure like no other. It wasn't anything like in White Online, but Isaac had a hunch that he became stronger after today's experience.

''How…'' Leonardo opened his mouth, everyone's attention was shifted to him.

''How long have you been practicing your shooting stance?''

''Umm…'' Isaac rubbed the back of his head and had a feeling that no one would believe him, ''None…''

''Eh?'' Malcolm thought he misheard, ''D-Did you say none?''

Leonardo sighed and told what he saw, ''Malcolm… Your grandson is a monster. He copied my stance with only a glance, without any flaws.''

''Ah…'' Malcolm looked at Isaac in a new light. Even though he started looking at him differently, Isaac looked much more like Maxwell.

'Maxwell also used to be… A genius like no other, however, he wasted his talent. He shouldn't have been a businessman, instead something much more…'

Charles sat on top of the tree trunk, a tip of his boots almost touching the fallen bear's head, ''Young one, take your trophy. You have earned it.''

Isaac stood up and saw the fallen body of the bear for the first time.

As Isaac jumped over the tree trunk, everyone stepped to the side and allowed him to walk to the front of the dead bear.

''Which one do you want?'' Malcolm took out his knife and asked.

''Claw…'' Isaac saw the razor-sharp claws and thought it would be cool to have one, ''Claw, please.''

''Alright.'' Malcolm removed the claw as carefully as possible, trying not to harm it in any way.

Soon after, the claw was removed.

''Here.'' Malcolm stretched his hand forward, the sharp claw being right on top of his palm. The sharp claw was around 10cm in length.

Isaac took it with gratitude and touched the sharp edge of the claw, ''Sharp...''

He opened his backpack and stored the claw inside. After taking another glance at his trophy, he zipped the bag and watched as Malcolm started skinning the bear.

Half an hour later, all things had been gathered, and before they continued strolling forward, Leonardo took a camera from his backpack and suggested taking a picture.

Everyone gathered around the massive bear. Isaac was in the middle with the hunting rifle resting on his shoulder, Malcolm was next to him, and Leonardo was on the other side.

Franklin was next to Malcolm, next to Leonardo was Charles, and next to Franklin was Bentley, whose small stature was more than apparent in that lineup.

And lastly, Eugene was grinning widely next to Charles.


The picture was taken, and they continued their journey in the dense forest.

Soon, they came to a small clearing with four wooden benches. The wooden benches were made from the nearby trees, that had been cut down.

''Eh, benches?'' Isaac was confused.

''Ah, we are finally here.'' Malcolm slumped down on the wooden bench and relaxed alongside other elderly gentlemen.

Isaac sat down next to Bentley and asked, ''What is this place?''

Bentley answered, ''This is the crossroad.''

''Crossroad?'' That answer gave more questions than answers.

''Crossroad is the last resting place before we enter an area that is a dream for hunters.''

Isaac raised an eyebrow, ''Dream for any hunters..?''

''Yeah, it is where more hunting chances are provided. However, it is also more dangerous.'' Bentley said and let out a slight chuckle, ''At first, with you here, we wouldn't have dared to go there, but your last showing told us everything we needed.''

''And that is?''

''You don't need protection.'' Bentley said seriously, ''Your looks might fool many as a weak person, but you are strong!''

''I am… Strong?'' Isaac had never heard such words directed at him before.

Bentley pointed at his heart, ''I was born with Superhuman Syndrome. It gives me greater muscle density than ordinary person. It was my curse since I was born.''

''Curse…'' Isaac murmured and continued listening.

''I couldn't even carry my own baby.'' Bentley looked at his rough hands with trembling eyes, ''I could have broken my own son's hand like a twig.''

Isaac became silent, and thought it sounded terrible.

''Being weak isn't always a bad thing.'' Bentley looked at him with great emotion, ''You are the opposite of me. However, you aren't completely weak. You are strong… You can be even stronger!''

''I am strong…'' Bentley once again murmured, ''But also… Weak, my clumsiness… Almost got us killed, that is my weakness, and I have to live with it.''

''Would you… Be weak if you could choose?'' Isaac had to ask a question that was riddling his mind.

''I…'' Bentley opened his mouth, but no words came out. However, an answer came out surprisingly smoothly soon after, ''Wouldn't.''

''You wouldn't?'' Isaac was surprised at the answer. Bentley doesn't seem to like his excessive strength.

''You have no idea how many times my strength has saved us.'' Bentley looked around his friends, ''I might be a muscle brain, but it is what I am, and I don't regret it one bit, even if I complain sometimes.''

''I understand.'' Isaac nodded with newfound respect.

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