White Online

Chapter 290 Unexpected Reunion.

In the living room of Whitelock Residence.

Luna took a satisfying sip from the hot cocoa. Her eyes curved into a delightful look.

When she opened her eyes, she continued watching the talk show, shown on the TV.

The talk show's conversation topic circled around the Colosseum and the matches that were the most interesting ones.

Previously, it showed an clip of Isaac's match. However, Luna missed it while adventuring throughout the mansion.

Madison, Marshall, Mariah, and Sin's mouth's kept moving as more and more words came out. Their talk hadn't ended ever since it started in the kitchen.

However, it didn't seem as important as before when Luna wasn't allowed to hear their conversation.


Madison's ears perked up and she saw the car lights from the windows, ''They have arrived!''

She stood up and walked to the front door.

Marshall and Mariah peeked over the backrest and saw Madison opening the door.

Sin was rather concentrated on the talk show alongside Luna.

Madison watched as the car stopped in front of their residence. From the driver's seat, Malcolm left the vehicle.

He opened the door in the back and grabbed his long hunting rifle and backpack.

Isaac left the car with his backpack hanging from his shoulder. The bag was slightly pushing his shoulder down. He wasn't able to properly carry all the weight. However, he didn't show any signs of struggling.

Even though his blood vessels kept protruding around his arms.

Madison tiptoed and shared a kiss with Malcolm. Once their lips separated, Madison asked.

''How did it go?''

''Very good.'' Malcolm said with a smile, ''Isaac managed to get his first hunt.''

''Eh?'' Madison took a step back out of shock. She wasn't aware that her husband would allow Isaac to hunt, let alone use a gun!

''U-Umm, did anything go wrong?'' Her hands trembled as she asked.

Malcolm opened his mouth, but he knew his wife's supernatural ability to detect lies.

However, Isaac didn't mind the question and answered, ''It was pretty fun. You should have seen Bentley missing a shot, hitting a branch instead, and falling straight on the deer's head, killing it.''

''Hah!'' Malcolm roared in laughter. They had a good laugh after the lucky strike, and even though Bentley was embarrassed, it gave them another memory before they were too old to keep hunting.

Madison covered her mouth and giggled. She didn't notice any lie in Isaac's words, which meant he actually enjoyed the trip.

Without her knowing, Malcolm and Isaac promised on the return trip not to talk anything about the near-death incident.

''Good,'' Madison said and hugged Isaac.

''We have guests.'' She mentioned while hugging.

Malcolm nodded and entered the mansion. He took off his winter clothing and took out his slippers. He slipped his feet inside them and entered the living room.

''Marshall?'' He wasn't shocked to see his long-time friend. He was used to getting him as a visitor.

''Malcolm.'' Marshall stood up and shook hands with his childhood friend.

''Mariah, long time no see.'' Malcolm also noticed the lovely middle-aged woman.

Mariah stood up and hugged the elderly man, who was pretty much her second father, ''Long time…''

Malcolm smiled and saw Sin in the corner of his eyes. However,, he didn't say anything to him and saw someone he hadn't seen before in Brightstar.

''Eh?'' He thought his aged eyes were fooling him. However, when the young lady turned her head, both of them looked surprised.

''Hey!'' Luna's face beamed after meeting once again with the old man, who gave an everlasting impression on her.

''Y-You.'' Malcolm looked with surprise at his wife, who was walking from the front door. She smiled and nodded.

''What a coincidence.'' He patted his grayish hair, ''Small world, eh.''

''Hehe, yup!'' Luna nodded vigorously.

Madison entered the living room, and out of nowhere, a white-haired youth appeared next to her. No one noticed him beforehand, but now it was impossible not to when he was visible.

Marshall's face couldn't describe his shock. Whenever he remembered Maxwell, he thought his son would be a nerdy-looking.

His guess couldn't be further from the truth!

''Oh my.'' Mariah covered her mouth in surprise.

Sin raised his eyebrow, 'Doesn't he look familiar?'

Luna, who turned her gaze back to the TV after her talk with Malcolm, flinched.

Slowly, she turned her head to the sound. At first, she noticed the white hair, her heart pounded. Second, she saw the color of his eyes, her mind showed an image of a person.

Lastly, his face became clear as the sky, and her eyes started watering up.

Isaac nodded at everyone present, and when his eyes went over a black-haired girl, his body froze.


His backpack slid out from his shoulder and landed on the ground.

''Hmm?'' Madison looked at Isaac, whose face described clearly the shock he was in, ''I-Isaac?''

''Luna, are you alright?'' Luna's mother, Mariah, asked with worry after seeing her daughter's teary eyes.

Luna jumped to her two feet and ran past Malcolm, the couch, and Madison.

She spread her arms and wrapped them around Isaac's waist. Her soft body hugged tightly with Isaac's warm and still sweaty body.

Everyone in the living room had their jaw dropped. Mariah's eyeballs almost popped out from the sockets.

Sin's brows jumped up, 'Whaaaaaaat!'

Marshall fell from the couch.

''H-Hey…'' Luna whispered with an almost inaudible sound. Her hot breath tickled Isaac's earlobes, making them redder.

''Hi…'' Isaac replied with unspeakable shock. Before, his mind was filled with thoughts of running upstairs, ignoring the guests. Now, however, he doesn't even remember his previous thoughts.

His cheeks started heating up after noticing all the gazes.

''Can we talk somewhere?'' He whispered, not wanting to be the center of attention a second longer.

''O-Oh, ok!'' She replied shyly and separated from the hug. For a split second, her face showed the disappointment after the warmth disappeared.

She turned and saw her mother's shocked look, ''Mom, I will go talk with Isaac!''

She grabbed his hand and quickly ran to the upstairs.

Isaac, however, slowed her down significantly, ''What about your Winter Illness?''

''It's alright!'' She smiled with pink cheeks.

''Oh…'' Isaac nodded, still trying to calm her down and continue walking at a steadier pace.

The ones who were left in the living room were floored. They looked at each other, and everyone had similar thoughts.

What the hell had happened?

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