White Online

Chapter 87 - Glitched.

''So, where did you want to visit?'' Darth asked while walking up the stairways, which leads to the first floor of the Black Arrow Guild building.

''I was thinking about buying a new weapon,'' Isaac said while remembering one gun which was simply way too expensive for him a few days ago.

Darth nodded, ''You can buy a much better weapon indeed; will you buy new armor as well?''

Isaac shook his head, ''Only weapon, I am more than satisfied with Chain Armor.''

Darth nodded and left the basement area with Isaac.

They went past the lounge area, and Isaac saw there were even more people than previously, making the floor quite crowded.

''Tsk.'' Darth clicked his tongue, ''We really need to buy a bigger building, but they are so expensive.'' With annoyance, he pushed through the players, trying to leave the building.

Isaac followed behind him while dodging the swarm of players.

A few seconds later, and after a lot of uncomfortable moments, they managed to leave the building.

They didn't leave the City Square area because the Weapon Store was located quite near their Guild building.

There are multiple Weapon Store's, and this time they are visiting a different one than Isaac did. But according to Darth, all the weapons are pretty much identical, but every Store has its own Unique Collections.

Soon, they reached a two-floor building with a gun and explosion symbol.

The interior of the building was quite simple, with greyish walls and different weapons hanging. There was one desk with one young woman standing without moving an inch.

''She still gives me chills,'' Darth said while looking outside the window towards the young woman who was standing without blinking.

''Hmm?'' Isaac furrowed his brows and looked towards the young woman, ''Why?''

''She doesn't blink or move. She only speaks with her robotic tone.'' Darth was trembling when remembering the first time he met her.

''There are rumors that are saying that NPC is actually glitched.''

''Really?'' Isaac took another glance at the young woman and felt curious.

Darth opened the door while Isaac followed right behind.

Darth didn't even dare to look at the young woman and walked straight towards the second floor.

But, Isaac walked slightly slower while looking at the young woman with a curious look.

The young woman didn't blink or move.

The NPC usually looks like humans, and even their chests are moving like they are actually breathing.

But, this young woman was stiff as a doll.

It was like she was a mannequin, but could speak.

Isaac turned his gaze away and followed behind Darth, but he didn't notice that the young woman's eye moved slightly in his direction.

He entered the second floor and saw Darth looking at the Flintlock Pistols.

''Are you going to buy Rare Flintlock Pistol?'' Darth asked.

Isaac looked around the floor, and finally, his gaze saw the weapon he was looking for.

He stopped in front of the brown gun and smiled.

[Musket (Rare) - 75,000 White Coins]

It was a much larger gun, resembling a sniper from real life, but it didn't have a scope, instead a very long barrel and a sharp blade at the end of the barrel.

Darth walked next to Isaac and took a deep breath, ''I haven't seen anyone using this weapon yet... But I guess musket is specially made for Marksman class.''

Isaac nodded, ''I want this one.'' He pressed a button in front of him and looked at the information about the gun.

[Musket (Rare): Reload 15 Seconds - 5 Shot Ammo Capacity - Musket Bullets Needed!]

A smile crept on Isaac's face. He grabbed the gun from the wall and touched it tenderly.

''Hmm...'' Darth had a pondering face, ''The information seems great, but this gun might be very difficult to use, are you sure you want this one for Duo Dungeon?''

Isaac nodded, ''I am certain.'' He touched the sharp blade of the musket and was sure that it could be used as a weapon.

Darth and Isaac left the second floor.

Isaac went straight towards the young woman while Darth decided to go outside to wait.

The young woman still looked emotionless.

''Hey, I am buying this.'' Isaac put the gun on the desk and smiled slightly.

''75000 White Coins.'' She said with a robotic-like tone.

Isaac nodded and took a pouch worth of 75000 White Coins from his Interface and put it on the desk.

[You Have Acquired Musket (Rare)]


[Name: Wraith]

[Level: 21]

[HP: 240/240 - Chain Armor Effect!]

[XP: 1285/4500]

[SP: 0]

[White Coins: 52823]

[Title: Adventurer]

[Class: Marksman]

[Legacy: None + Legacy Tournament Contender]

[Legacy Rank: No Legacy]

[STR: 20]

[AGI: 55]

[VIT: 60]

[STA: 25]

[PRE: 100]

[CHA: 20]

[DEX: 41]




[Friend List]


[Log Out]

[Good Precision Lv1: Improves the shot accuracy by 1%]

[Illusionary Shot: You can shoot an illusionary bullet!]


''Thanks for visiting.'' She said again with a robotic tone.

Isaac nodded and put the Musket on the Inventory.

''Thank you,'' Isaac said with a smile and left the Weapon Store.

The young woman's emotionless face slightly crumbled, and some signs of her being excited were seen in her facial features, but she became emotionless only a second later.

Outside the store.

''You bought it?'' Darth asked.

Isaac nodded, ''Yes.''

''I don't know how you could talk with her so casually; so many have stopped going to this Weapon Store because she is simply too creepy.''

''I don't think she was bad.'' Isaac said with a shrug, ''What should we do now?''

''Hmm...'' Darth pondered, ''I think preparations are done; we should try to get a carriage before they are sold out.''

Isaac nodded, but then he remembered one thing.

''Ah!'' He facepalmed.

Darth stopped walking and looked at him with a questioning look, ''What's up?''

''I need to buy the Musket Bullets.'' Isaac turned around and said, ''I will come soon!'' He started running towards the nearby Armory.

Darth shrugged and started walking towards the entrance of the Stronglord.

'Let's see how those arrogant carriage drivers are doing.' Darth's eyes became cold as he remembered their rip-off prices.

Just thinking about it makes him angry, but they need a carriage to arrive there faster than others.

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